
Chakra Force

This story will be following our wonderful mc Revan in the land of Chakra Force. In this land you can cultivate all of your chakras and gain immense power. The weak can crush small mountains while the strong can overturn the seas and freeze over entire cities and more. Will Revan fall among the mediocre or will he succeed? A book falls into his hands but at the cost of his parents..... who did this to him, why did they do this..... follow Revan as he encounters both friend and foe.

KingSeshy · Fantasy
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61 Chs

Martial Plan

Revan left the room and followed Penelope's directions to the letter. He didn't miss a turn and eventually got to another room. This door was quite large, it was mostly a dark black but was outlined with fine gold corners. If you looked closely you could see designs of dragons on the gold. "magnificent" Revan thought.

Finally, he got into his room. It was a nice room, not too extravagant but it was fit for a prince. He lounged over the desk in his room and found a notebook. He flipped through the pages, it was a... diary? Revan read through the book and learned things about his past that maybe even Penelope wouldn't know. So, I'm 16, second son and martial genius. I trained with our royal guards from a young age and was very perceptive, adapting and copying their moves. Penelope is 14... Revan shut the book.

"I need to get moving, I have to work on my martial arts or else everyone will notice that something isn't right." Revan was pacing back and forth throughout the room, if someone else viewed him it would look like he was restless or stressed but Revan couldn't be anymore calm. He kept walking till he was met with his own reflection... "Hmmmm, so this is how I look? I'm quite the sexy beast if I do say so myself." I have smooth white skin that's without a blemish. My body is fit and toned from the extensive martial arts training, I have a nice V shape to my upper body because of it. I have smooth sleek black hair that is tied up and is less than half my back in length. Not too long, good enough for efficient combat. My robes fit me very well and my eyes look a bit hazy..... kind of like they're filled with mystery, not naive like Penelope's. My eyes are also quite unique, unlike Penelope's, my eyes are a deep and dreamy purple. They're quite captivating to say the least and my nose, eyebrows and jaw are sharp, in a good way. Well, that's enough about my appearance I need to develop my martial arts."

He left the mirror and sat on his bed while looking at the floor. "Growing my martial arts.... Back on Earth I did do some mixed martial arts training for a few years but I only trained in muay thai, boxing, kickboxing, jiu jitsu, and Brazilian jiu jitsu. It's not like I was an elite athlete at them either, I didn't have that time."

Revan walked over to his bookshelf and scanned the columns until he came across a dusty red book, "Lazos Family Martial Arts". Revan looked over the contents of the book and decided not to pursue it further. "Way too many holes in this martial art. They have powers on this planet but their hand to hand combat is not as technically sound as on Earth. There's only one thing to do. I'll use real combat and experience to train myself but I'll need some rest first."

It was getting a bit dark out, his talk with Penelope was quite lengthy and he was awfully tired trying to wing almost everything for an entire day.