
Chakra Force

This story will be following our wonderful mc Revan in the land of Chakra Force. In this land you can cultivate all of your chakras and gain immense power. The weak can crush small mountains while the strong can overturn the seas and freeze over entire cities and more. Will Revan fall among the mediocre or will he succeed? A book falls into his hands but at the cost of his parents..... who did this to him, why did they do this..... follow Revan as he encounters both friend and foe.

KingSeshy · Fantasy
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61 Chs

Handling Emotions

Revan made his way over to the fighting ring and dropped the basket on the floor. Rei was still in the ring with a bloodied Tonka at this point.

Revan: Rei what are you waiting for, I saw some of your moves earlier, if you want more power you'll need to eat more and gain some weight on your frame

Rei: Sir, you're back already, I knew that I promised to keep the injuries to a minimum I'm sorry

Revan: No need.... I didn't just watch the fight but I heard what was happening as well. You did just fine and you did even better than I thought you would. You over there... what was your name again? Oh, Tonka. Open up your ears for me, there will always be someone stronger, no one is the strongest forever. Learn to respect your peers and work together with them instead of tearing them down to make yourself superior. It's pretty pathetic

2 kids were dragging the delirious Tonka away but before he left their sight he had a few words for Revan. Maybe they came from his heightened emotions due to the recent loss or maybe his head was beaten to the point where he lost brain cells but he didn't have any kind words.

Tonka: Are you the mysterious man who took out The Black Hand? Bullshit, I won't believe it..... not with a body like yours, you're probably a toothpick under those robes

Rei: Why didn't you do anything against him when he disrespected you?

Revan: I'm not like other people, I'm just built different. I'll elaborate, maybe other people would fight back whenever someone says something disrespectful but that shows how much others control your own emotions. Remember this always, you are in control. I choose to keep a calm and peaceful mind because there's no reason to be angry all the time. When you really think about it their anger is most of the time pointless or just stupid

Revan: Say you get angry any time someone calls you a bitch.... if ants could speak.... would you still be angry at an ant that called you a bitch? No.... I wouldn't because I don't have the time to ruin my own mood on something that could be endless and on someone so insignificant. I see these pathetic fools just as they are, mere ants in front of me. Their words don't affect me at all, they can say whatever they want but if they try to physically do anything I will shut them down because then it becomes significant

Rei: With your strength of course you can ignore many people but sometimes my emotions are too unbearable

Revan: And that is fine as well. Use your emotions as a weapon, if you are angry over something, figure out why you were angry, maybe it was because you couldn't stop something or surpass something, why weren't you able to do it, because you were too weak or unskilled, once you figure this out you're done the hard part because now you know the root of the problem, if you are weak you just need to gain strength and that comes with time. Work towards what you want and never lose your emotions because without them I don't see what makes us human, the immortals in the stories may have foresight but they lack compassion, empathy and sympathy

Rei's eyes were sparkling as he looked at Revan speak. It was like he was looking at a remarkable scholar but also a genius fighter at once. "I won't forget a word!"