
Chakra Force

This story will be following our wonderful mc Revan in the land of Chakra Force. In this land you can cultivate all of your chakras and gain immense power. The weak can crush small mountains while the strong can overturn the seas and freeze over entire cities and more. Will Revan fall among the mediocre or will he succeed? A book falls into his hands but at the cost of his parents..... who did this to him, why did they do this..... follow Revan as he encounters both friend and foe.

KingSeshy · Fantasy
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61 Chs

Halfway Through

Kai had a more laid back voice and Rei was slightly more anxious and to the point.

Kai: So where do you think we should build the other fighting rings? We should have enough materials for 4 more fighting rings and if I check my village's materials we should have enough for more than 10.

Rei: We should make them all around the main fighting ring. If we keep the rings close together.... it will be easier to supervise over the fights

The two took their time helping each other build the other rings and eventually they were finished. The fights started commencing and Lucas watched over them. Revan finished meditating but stayed in his seated position and watched over the fighters. He didn't have many good impressions yet but it was still the first day. Revan watched and focused.

The days went past and the sparring continued. It was only a few days in but Revan was already growing a feel for his fighters. "Rei, rei rei. This boy is something special I can already tell. What was the blue haired kids name again? Kai? I should also focus on Kai a bit, although he hasn't sparred much so far.... I can see a nonchalant aura around him, not physically but just an air of dominance. It's turning out better than I thought, let's keep watching and see how it turns out by the end of the week."

Revan was a bit confused as well because he started with around 80 students but now there were around 200 or 300 of them. "I need to head back to my house, I'll bring more food just like every other morning. Remember to get your fill so you have the energy to fight. I'm glad more of you came... I'll head back and bring extra materials so we can make more fighting rings that are also of higher quality. We'll need at least 20 of them. Also, leave these fighting rings in the ground where they are. They will simulate actual combat on the ground which is uneven in some places."

Revan signalled to the right, "From now on, we will make all of the other fighting rings on concrete so we can have a flat stage to do combat. This will help to minimize any mishaps and it will help you focus on technique and skill because you can't blame the environment beneath you for your mishaps."

Revan got up and turned away from the crowd. "That's all for me, I'll be back tomorrow, get rest and be ready to work."

The kids were mostly exhausted and dripping with sweat, a few were even heaving on the ground. It wasn't clear if it was due to a lack of breath or a surplus of injuries, most likely the former... hopefully.

i had 11 draft chapters and they were all deleted randomly, i am very drained.

KingSeshycreators' thoughts