
Chakra Force

This story will be following our wonderful mc Revan in the land of Chakra Force. In this land you can cultivate all of your chakras and gain immense power. The weak can crush small mountains while the strong can overturn the seas and freeze over entire cities and more. Will Revan fall among the mediocre or will he succeed? A book falls into his hands but at the cost of his parents..... who did this to him, why did they do this..... follow Revan as he encounters both friend and foe.

KingSeshy · Fantasy
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61 Chs

Giving Up

Revan was continuing his jog along the pathway. He kept his breathing steady.... this amount of exertion wasn't much to him but he started to visibly slow down until he almost came to a stop. There were a handful of blurry figures in the distance.

Revan: Stopping already? If you can't jog just walk until you catch your breath... After that start jogging again and repeat it until you come out of the other side, or quit if you want.

The kids sounded a bit sad and hopeless. "We don't have what it takes, even if we could jog without stopping, we wouldn't have the energy to the do the rest of the workout."

Revan knelt down and rested his hands on one of their shoulders. "It's fine if you can't do it all without taking long breaks but as long as you work your heart out you'll be fine. Even if you take one more step or perform one more rep.... that's still improvement. This is what I live bye and this is what keeps me going."

Revan pointed to his right temple. "It's all in here. My goal in life is to be better..... a better man than I was the day before. Well..... enough of that, I should get caught up with the rest of the group, remember to try, that is all." After speaking with the group, Revan quickened his pace in order to catch up with the rest of them.

His legs stomped the ground as he pushed himself forwards. Sweat began to drip from his forehead. "Ahh, the sweat is getting into my eyes it's just like back on Earth, I guess there's just some things you can't escape." Revan wiped his eyes with the sleeve of his black and gold robes as he continued to jog. Revan jogged and jogged until he ran past other kids who either slowed down incredibly or just stopped walking entirely. As Revan was passing them he also shouted a few words of encouragement to each of the groups.

"Don't give up just yet." and other things along those lines.

Revan was surprised at all the people who stopped running. Revan was almost near the end of the mile and he finally caught up with the rest of the group almost. "If I had to guess, at least more than half of them stopped running at least once. Not too bad for the first day if I do say so myself." Revan raised his voice so the rest of the group could hear him. You all know your groups, I'll be supervising now but I'll also be doing reps with you guys as well. Remember to focus on yourself, if you don't focus on yourself you won't improve optimally. SO GO, GO, GO!"

Week 1 of Hell Month

1 mile jog

60 pull-ups

150 squats

100 pushups

for more info just ask.

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