
Chakra Force

This story will be following our wonderful mc Revan in the land of Chakra Force. In this land you can cultivate all of your chakras and gain immense power. The weak can crush small mountains while the strong can overturn the seas and freeze over entire cities and more. Will Revan fall among the mediocre or will he succeed? A book falls into his hands but at the cost of his parents..... who did this to him, why did they do this..... follow Revan as he encounters both friend and foe.

KingSeshy · Fantasy
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61 Chs

Fighting Rules

Revan: Alright, Rei.... for your first job do you know what you have to do?

Rei was a bit confused. "What is it?"

Revan: Today we won't train too hard, it should be a day to rejoice and plan for the future. Rei, I want you to tell everyone who can and wants to fight to come to the fighting ring. I see other tents further in the distance, I want you to go with Lucas and bring as many potential fighters as you can. Try your best and get to most if not all of the villagers that are scattered around... we have to band together if we want to stand against the bandits.

Revan walked around and pondered a bit before turning to Lucas and Rei. "Before you go and tell them about my plan, I have a few more things to tell you. For starters, I will give you some basic rules when you're fighting. I want you guys to be safe but also grow as best as you can. Lucas, as the referee you must uphold these rules and also tell the fighters the rules as well. 1, only two fighters are allowed in the ring at once, plus the referee to intervene if anything goes wrong. With Lucas being the strongest among the villagers..... you should all be safe for the most part."

Revan was throwing his fingers up as he went along the list. "2, this rule is for the fighters. DO NOT THROW TO INFLICT SERIOUS HARM. You can throw to do a bit of damage but you should try your best to control your strength, the fellow villagers are not your enemies but your partners, don't harm them severely. 3, the match will end when one side gives up or if Lucas determines that there is no need to continue the fight, Lucas I trust that you will make the right decisions."

Lucas: Of course, I'll try my best

Revan: I will give you one more rule for today. 4, if you break any of the rules of the fighting ring, you will be punished by none other than me, so choose wisely.

After Revan finished speaking, Rei was the first to speak next.

Rei: Dad we should get going before it's too dark. We can get most of the nearby villages by tonight and the outer villages can be finished by the end of the week. The Wastelands is a very large piece of land but it's mostly barren, a lot of the villagers are spread apart from each other. If we were all together in the first place.... I doubt those bandits would be able to do anything

Revan: Alright, I should go head back to 3 Peaks now. I'll bring you all a nice meal in the morning, Rei, you guys should use the ring until I come back. Remember a 5th rule for me and tell everyone. No weapons, all matches will be hand to hand and no style is required. I want you guys to fight however you think you should and I'll come back tomorrow and help you work on your techniques

As Revan finished speaking he turned and left, he walked and walked until his figure disappeared from the villagers vision. He finally made it back home, "Ahhhh, what a long day I really need to catch some sleep, maybe 12 hours..... uh, yeah, that sounds good.

Remember to get enough sleep

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