
Chakra Force

This story will be following our wonderful mc Revan in the land of Chakra Force. In this land you can cultivate all of your chakras and gain immense power. The weak can crush small mountains while the strong can overturn the seas and freeze over entire cities and more. Will Revan fall among the mediocre or will he succeed? A book falls into his hands but at the cost of his parents..... who did this to him, why did they do this..... follow Revan as he encounters both friend and foe.

KingSeshy · Fantasy
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61 Chs

Blue Lotus Tea

Revan stopped by the entrance of Tao Tai's residence, he was also staying within the main villa of House Lazos. He had a sliding wooden door and Revan knocked on the other side of it.


Revan: Tao Tai I'd like to have a word with you if possible....

Tao Tai's shadowy figure could be seen on the other side of the door.

Tao Tai: Come in, come in

Tao Tai gestured towards the two seats he had laid out. "Take a seat Revan, I had some tea brewing as well, would you like a cup?"

Revan was pleasantly surprised, "Yeah, I'd love a cup."

Tao Tai brushed his beard, "Oh, so when did you like drinking tea? When you were younger you said tea was for old men and women who don't have energy..."

Revan didn't even know what Tao Tai was talking about but he had to bluff. "I was blinded by youth and inexperience. I had the pleasure of trying the different teas we had at the banquet hall and now sipping on tea is a very calming activity for me."

Tao Tai was interested but wanted to see if the boy was bluffing. "Oh... so what's your favourite tea? If you tried so many there's bound to be a favourite or maybe a few."

Revan got more relaxed now. Tea was something he would indulge in on Earth every now and then. He only cut down on it because he didn't want to consume any unnecessary sugars. "Honestly..... I really enjoy Orange Pekoe Tea. I usually have 1 part milk, 1 part cream and 2 parts sugar."

Tao Tai reached for the tea cups and poured the tea for each of them. "Yes, peculiar choice indeed, not many choose it as their favourite but it is very good. I brewed up some Blue Lotus Tea. It looks quite different from your Orange Pekoe Tea. This Blue Lotus Tea is a deep blue colour as you can tell. I plucked a few extra petals of the Blue Lotus and added them to the bottom of the cups before I poured the tea over it. I like my tea a bit stronger so I always add extra petals. Before you take a sip I suggest you take a deep sniff and get all the scent into your nose."

Revan brought the cup up to his nose and after the first sniff, he could already feel the calming properties. He took a sip and swirled it around his mouth. He wanted to engrain this new flavour into his mind. "Exquisite tea. It is a cold tea and it goes down extremely smooth. It tastes like sweet flowers, I can't really put the flavour into good terms. It has a slight raspberry after taste and a hint of blueberry upon entry. However, I know for certain that it is something I would happily drink again."

Tao Tai swirled his tea in his cup while watching it form a miniature whirlpool. "Good answer, your appreciation for tea really outpaces your age. Normally kids don't like drinking these types of things but I guess you really are special. But enough about that..... so what did you come to ask me?"