
Chakra Force

This story will be following our wonderful mc Revan in the land of Chakra Force. In this land you can cultivate all of your chakras and gain immense power. The weak can crush small mountains while the strong can overturn the seas and freeze over entire cities and more. Will Revan fall among the mediocre or will he succeed? A book falls into his hands but at the cost of his parents..... who did this to him, why did they do this..... follow Revan as he encounters both friend and foe.

KingSeshy · Fantasy
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61 Chs

A Plan

The lanky man was the one who usually bullied those he deemed lesser. Now, it was his turn. He looked towards the other scuffle and it was brutal. The lanky man could barely put up a chance with his knife, he did mediocre at best. Now, the middle aged brawny fellow was pounding in the face of that lanky man.


He didn't stop until his skull was caved in. That man died in a pool of his own blood. The middle aged man got up and turned to Revan "I'm done here."

Revan turned back around and noticed that the lanky man already ran away.

"Thank you for helping us sir, my name is Lucas."

Revan nodded, "You fight well. Why don't you join me to increase the combat ability of the other villagers."

Lucas: Well, as you can see my technique isn't the best.... it's mostly my body and large robes figure. My boulder shoulders and deep voice really work to build up a sense of fear after they feel my strength. The fact that I'm bald with a thick black beard and black eyes also helps me out

Revan: I have a plan, would you like to hear it

Lucas was a bit worried, well maybe he's another bandit from The Black Hand used to trick us. No..... why would they go to such lengths, I couldn't have fought off all three of them. "Sir, we have nothing to give you so could we ask for your motive."

Revan felt way more comfortable now, he leaned in a bit. "My motive is that I want to benefit myself. I can also benefit you as well at the same time so I took the opportunity. I want to set up a combat ring, any style is allowed, no weapons. It will let me fight many opponents and develop my own fighting style, unique through hundreds of battles. A martial art should be made to fit you, you shouldn't force yourself, be like water and flow."

Revan was once again working his theatrics in an attempt to captivate the younger kids.

Revan: I won't hit too hard, there will be rules setup and you will be the assistant referee what do you think?

Lucas rubbed his beautiful bald head in confusion..... "Um, referee.... I've never heard of that but I will continue to hear your proposal more inside of the tent. Follow me in, no one else bother us until we come out."

They both entered the tent and were gone for the entire day. The kids waited for 2 hours but after that they let to go tp their tents. By this time it was dark out and then finally the sun came out once more. After that, the two emerged from the tent once more and stretched their bodies in warmth given by the early sun.