
It has been a while

Bourne, Ikaruga, Juvia, and Sorano were playing a game and talking to each other while they were on their journey.

Bourne understood after he was reincarnated how boring it was without the game, novel, tv show, etc in this world, but at the same time, he also realized why there were a lot of historical things mostly talking about love.

People in the past didn't have much entertainment and they had a lot of free time, that's why they fell in love!

They fell in love with as many people as they could to spend their free time.

Luckily, he had two lovers at home, but he wasn't blind enough to ignore the feelings of the three women in front of him.

It might be because they were free inside the aircraft and there wasn't either Ur or Ultear here so they could be brave and gather around him.

Sorano and Ikagura sat beside him which caused Juvia to frown.

"Juvia also wants to sit beside Bourne-sama!"

Sorano and Ikaruga snorted, but didn't care much and kept sitting beside him.

Juvia was furious, but then she realized that Bourne's lap was empty. She wanted to sit on his lap, but she was too embrassed to do it.

"Bourne-sama...." Ikaruga leaned to the side, pressing her breasts at his arm.

Sorano didn't say much, but also did the same thing. "Bourne, let's play another game!" Unlike in the past, she became even more cheerful after staying with him for a few years.

"Ikaruga, Sorano, you're too close," Bourne said.

"Don't you like it, Bourne-sama?" Ikaruga asked with a smile.

"Don't you think that we're beautiful?" Sorano asked.

"Stop!" Bourne stood up and said, "Like I've said before that I...."


The four of them stopped then quickly looked at the man who fled in their direction.

"This is...?" Bourne raised his eyebrow when he saw a half naked man flying toward his aircraft while holding a scythe. He didn't need to guess and he could tell the intention of this man wasn't good from how this guy appeared before them.

"This is Erigor." Ikaruga looked at Bourne and said, "Bourne-sama, do you want me to handle this?"

"Let me handle it myself," Bourne said.

Ikaruga, Juvia, and Sorano nodded and thought that Erigor was unfortunate at this moment.

Bourne's body and clothes suddenly turned into water before he disappeared into water vapor and vanished from their eyes.

It wasn't their first time seeing Bourne's magic, however, they realized that the degree of mastery of his "water" magic was really scary.


Erigor was about to hijack the aircraft in front of him. He didn't know who owned this aircraft, but he could tell that it was a very expensive aircraft from the appearance alone. He didn't know who was inside the aircraft, but as long as he threatened the owner, then he could get a lot of money and he could also get a ransom too.

Erigor thought that he was genius, but then suddenly someone appeared right in front of him in an instant.

"Hey," Bourne said.

Erigor started, but then his reaction was very fast. He quickly swung his scythe and he wasn't sure why since he felt dreaded and felt that he needed to kill this man as soon as possible or else he would be killed!

Bourne smiled and didn't dodge this attack.

Scythe sliced Bourne apart which caused Erigor to smile, but suddenly his face was being knocked down by a knee. His nose broke and even deformed before he fell toward the land at a very fast speed.



Erigor landed on the ground and coughed blood. He stared at Bourne who was floating in the air with an unwilling expression and asked, "...Who are you?" He thought that he had met an easy prey, but didn't expect that he would meet a tough meat which made him depressed and a bit regretful.

Bourne moved toward him and asked, "You don't know whose aircraft it is?"


Erigor frowned, but then he realized the prominent "WB" symbol on the aircraft which surprised him.

"This...?" Erigor was in shock.

"You realize whose aircraft it is, right?" Bourne asked.

Of course, Erigor realized whose symbol it was and what kind of trouble that he had brought since he knew this aircraft was being owned by the richest man on the continent. He didn't know the face of that man, but as long as that man said something a Dark Guild or even Light Guild could be destroyed by his whim.

Erigor was in awe since he also had a dream to work under him since it meant he wouldn't have to worry about his living and he quickly became jealous of the young man in front of him.

"Hmph! You're just a watchdog after all, what are you proud about?!"

Erigor thought that Bourne was a bodyguard who was hired by the richest man on this continent.

"Being a watchdog is better than a stray dog, who can't even buy his own clothes, right? Half-naked Erigor?"


Erigor was full of anger after being looked down upon. "Let me kill you here and now so I can get into Mr. Walter's good side later."


Bourne felt weird by this sentence, but didn't say too much. "You're talking too much." He dashed toward Erigor, but he slowed his speed a bit.

Erigor quickly got up and fled since he knew that it was dangerous to fight against Bourn from a close distance. He needed to keep his distance from Bourne!

Erigor's speed was very fast, especially when he mastered wind magic.

"Deceleration Zone!"

Then a magic circle appeared in front of Bourne and slowed down the movement of Erigor. This magic was something that he developed from his ice magic. By using this magic, he could slow down motions and vibrations of objects within a certain area. The extent of this magic even slowed down gas and molecules.

Then by forcibly decelerating the movement speed of air molecules in a region the pressure fell, and the resulting pressure gradient caused air from the surrounding space to move in. Rapidly and forcefully.

It might be late, but this magic was being developed from ice magic.

Erigor suddenly realized something and felt that he was being sucked by something.


Erigor frowned and asked, "You're also a wind magician?!" His question wasn't without basis since he felt that his body was being sucked by the wind.

"I'm a fire magician," Bourne said with a smile, standing calmly while folding his arms, watching Erigor who was being sucked into the territory of "Deceleration Zone".

"Don't look down on me, bastard?!"

Erigor hated Bourne's face who was making fun of him!

Erigor engulfed himself with wind, then he placed his two index and middle fingers in an X-shape in front of himself. He didn't show mercy and used his strongest magic!

"Emera Baram!"

Then a magic circle appeared on Erigor's chest before he fired a concentrated blast of wind blades!

With this magic, no one had ever stayed alive and it was the magic that he had always been proud of since it could tear his opponent apart. Watching the aircraft hovering on the top of him, he smiled and thought about his bright future, but then....

Erigor felt tremendous pressure in front of him before he saw a very huge magic circle appear under Bourne.

"Ice Make: Tenken!"

(Tenken: Sajin Komamura's Bankai).

Bourne brought forth the entire giant of living armor that was made with ice. Standing at about a hundred meters tall, the giant resembles an armored samurai. It wielded a huge blade along with a different blade and a string hanging from the hilt.


The giant of ice was so huge and heavy that it caused the land to sink.


Not only Erigor, but Sorano, Juvia, and Ikaruga also stared at the giant ice with disbelief.

The giant of ice swung its blade and destroyed Erigor's magic easily before it stared at Erigor.


"Wait!" Erigor raised his hands and wanted to cry at this moment. "Wait a moment! I....." He wanted to say something, but he was too scared, especially when this giant of ice swung its blade once again toward him.

'...I'm going to die...'

It was what Erigor thought at that moment.


The entire earth from a hundred meters radius was torn apart and the beautiful scenery turned into a catastrophe in an instant.

Advanced Chapters can be found here->


akikan40creators' thoughts