
Impatient 2

It was a month after the incident and Gray was calmer. He integrated quickly with everyone. Even though he had always tried to maintain his gloomy expression, truthfully, he was happy that someone was there beside him. He had also practiced his Ice Make magic, but he also kept asking Ur to teach him stronger magic since he was very impatient to have his revenge on Deliora.

Ur had told Gray to find his own shape on Ice Make magic, but Gray was an idiot and it was hard for him to understand it which made her helpless.

Four of them were in town buying the necessary groceries for life.

Bourne, Lyon, and Gray were sitting on the side waiting for Ur who was talking and buying groceries in her friend's shop. Even though Ur seemed to be a loner, but she had a lot of female friends on the town since in the past, she had also lived in this town before she had decided to move on the snowy mountain.


Ur who was buying groceries being asked by her friend.

"You... have a new pupil?"

"That's not my pupil. I'm only teaching him because my pupil is too talented which makes me free sometimes." Ur sighed while eating an apple.

Ur's friend looked at Bourne, Lyon, and Gray and said, "The three of them are very cute. I'm sure that they'll become hunks in the future." She looked at Bourne and said, "Hey, when they grow up give me Bourne."

"No! I won't give Bourne to you, but if you want those farts, you can have them." Ur pointed at Lyon and Gray.

"Oh my... are you going to wait for Bourne to grow up then marry him?" Ur's friend blushed.

"It's not like that, dammit!"

Ur blushed and felt that it was too immoral when she thought about it. She was an adult, and Bourne was only 7 years old. She knew that she had an interest in him, but at the same time, she knew that it was a bit wrong since he was a child after all.

"Are you sure? I'm sure that someone as charming as Bourne will be very popular in the future and there are a lot of girls who are coming at him. You should be honest with yourself." Ur's friend reminded her.

"Just pack my groceries!"

Ur blushed furiously and couldn't handle being teased by her friend.


Lyon was bored and suddenly asked, "Bourne, where did you learn that strong magic?" He had asked Ur before and knew that Bourne was learning his magic on his own. It wasn't something which was taught by Ur.

Gray also perked his ears and stared at Bourne.

"I'm not sure." Bourne shook his head.

"You're not sure? How can you say that? Just say it if you don't want to tell us the truth!" Even though Gray wasn't the one who asked that question, Gray was the one who became furious.


Bourne was speechless and sometimes he really wanted to throw away this unloveable child on the street. "I have amnesia. I don't remember anything before I met Ur."


Hearing his answer, both Lyon and Gray were quiet and didn't expect such a thing. They didn't expect this seemingly lazy guy to have such a past.

Bourne smiled and said, "So that's why I'm thankful to her that she has found me. If she didn't find me then I might already have a beast feed on the snowy mountain." He looked at Gray and said, "So it wasn't that she didn't want to teach you, but she couldn't teach you."

"Then teach me! As long as you teach me then I'll say goodbye to all of you to have my revenge on Deliora!" Gray shouted, but then he realized a deadpan expression from Bourne and Lyon which made him nervous. "W, what? What's with that eyes?!"

"Gray, your clothes." Bourne sighed.


Gray realized that he had become naked unconsciously and hurriedly wore his clothes. It was because of the magic training that he had picked up a weird habit of undressing himself unconsciously.

"Like what Ur has told you before, there are a lot of strong magicians in western countries. If you want to become stronger faster then you should go to that place rather than staying with us." Bourne didn't really mind if Gray decided to go out by himself.

"Hmph! I'll master Ice Make magic and become stronger than you! Then at that time, I'll defeat Deliora!" Gray vowed. He remembered how strong Bourne's Ice Make magic was and he remembered well how it instilled fear in his mind. He ignored the part where Bourne was trying to shoo him away since he didn't really want to leave in reality.

"Enough about Gray, do you have any tips for me to become stronger? I want to defeat you!"

Lyon looked at Bourne with an innocent smile.


It was his first time being asked by such a weird request, Bourne wasn't sure what to say for a while. "Just use your imagination. Ice Make magic is simply molding magic. As long as you can imagine something powerful using your mind then you can shape that imagination using ice and attack your opponent."

"But that doesn't help me! I want to learn more powerful magic!" Gray complained.

"Gray, don't blame someone for your weakness. I know that you want to have revenge, but what's wrong with waiting for a while? It isn't that Deliora is going away when you've become stronger in the future." Bourne didn't really understand why Gray was in such a hurry.

"But I want to have my revenge now!"

"Then get stronger faster!"

"Then teach me stronger magic!"

"With Ice Make magic, Ur can become the strongest magician in this town or even this country. Don't underestimate this magic!"

Lyon's eyes shone brightly when he thought that he would master this Ice Make magic. He closed his eyes and imagined his life when Bourne would be his underling following his order to buy a lot of things. "Yeah, I'll master this magic!"


Gray was silent since he also knew how powerful Ice Make magic was, but he wasn't satisfied with his progress. He wanted to become stronger faster and avenge his parents as soon as possible.

"Let's go back."

Ur came while bringing groceries in her arms. She noticed that they seemed to be in the middle of talking which made her smile since she was happy to see Bourne having a friend of his age. It seemed that her decision to bring both Lyon and Gray was right.

"Gray, you've underessed your clothes again." Bourne recalled.



Gray hurriedly wore his clothes and wondered why he was the only one who had such a bad habit even though both Lyon and Bourne also often were also naked during the training. He was about to wear his clothes, but then he heard a conversation.

"Oh yeah, did you hear about Deliora?"

"I heard it moved to the Northern continent. It's somewhere around Burago."

"For real? Does that mean the Land of Isvan is at peace once again?!"

Bourne, Ur, and Lyon didn't hear the conversation of those people, but Gray's expression turned fierce.
