
Develop Magic

Gray opened his eyes and felt that the sun was quite bright.

"Where is this?"

Gray was a bit confused then suddenly remembered that he had followed Bourne, Ur, and Lyon. He looked out the window and saw the sun had risen into the sky. He knew that he had woken up quite late, but his spirit wasn't good since he had just lost his parents. He didn't see Lyon who was sleeping with him, and thought to sleep again, but suddenly he heard a loud noise from outside.

"Ice Make: Butterfly!"

"Good, it seems that you're very good at making dynamic types of ice make."

"Bourne! Let's fight again! This time, I've mastered this Ice Make: Butterfly!"

"If you can make it 100 times bigger than I'll face you."

".....I'll wipe that smug face of yours in the future!"

"Alright, alright, continue to train. Don't continue to fight each other."



Gray frowned then walked toward the window. He saw Ur, Bourne, and Lyon, but what made him strange was Bourne and Lyon were on their undergarments in this snowy mountain which made him speechless, but what attracted him was the thing which came out from Lyon's hand.

"Look, look, I can make my butterfly twice as big!"

"That's good..."


Gray was attracted and felt a bit curious about what they were doing.


Lyon looked at Ur and asked, "Ur, what is the shape of your Ice Make magic?" He knew that Bourne usually made either weapons or marine life, but he was a bit curious about Ur's Ice Make magic shape since she usually didn't show her magic that much.

"Ice Make magic is part of molding magic." Ur looked at Lyon and said, "And molding magic is the "unrestained" magic. Everyone creates a different shape with it. It's also magic that shows the caster's personality. Like Bourne who usually creates marine life or weapons, I also have my own shape." She gathered her hands together and said, "Ice Make: Rose!" Her hands shone brightly and suddenly a large ice rose appeared in front of her. This rose seemed to be very beautiful, but at the same time, its thorns were very dangerous.

"Flower?" Lyon looked at Ur's ice rose curiously.

Ur nodded and said, "You shouldn't copy both me and Bourne. You should find your own shape in the future."

"My own shape..." Lyon thought about animal, beast, and magical beasts which he had seen a lot of times in this snowy mountain. He thought that it was the most suitable shape for him or rather he wanted his Ice Make to have that kind of shape since he knew how dangerous those animal, beast, or that magical beasts to be.

While Lyon was thinking about the shape of his magic, Bourne was thinking about his "Water" magic. He wanted to learn to develop more magic with it. He had learned three shapes of water from solid, liquid, and gas. If he learned more, he was sure that he could make those magics stronger such as lowering the temperature of the ice, or increasing the temperature of steam or adding an acid effect on his steam, but he could do that later since he felt that there was something which was more important.

Bourne was born with "Water" magic so he was very good at using this magic then he thought to separate the components of water itself.

Water is made of two hydrogen atoms bonded to an oxygen atom. Bourne was able to manipulate water using his "Water" magic so in theory, he should be able to manipulate both hydrogen and oxygen since it was the component which created a water.

"Bourne, what are you thinking?" Ur asked.

"I'm thinking about water."


"Yes, Ur... Ice is created from water, right?" Bourne looked at Ur.

Ur nodded and said, "Yes, ice is created from water."

"Then what is water made from?" Bourne asked.


Ur wanted to say something, but she wasn't sure. She knew that fog, steam, ice, etc were made from water, but she didn't know what water was made from. She only knew that water had appeared in her life from rivers, lakes, snow, ice, etc. There were a lot of things in this life which were created from water and even her own blood might be water itself too. But she never questioned, what was water made from? She thought for a while, but she didn't have an idea. She looked at Bourne and asked, "So have you found the answer?"

"I've thought about the theory, but well, I need to check it first later so...." Bourne looked at Ur and said, "Can you reduce my training?"


Ur was speechless, but when she pondered for a while before agreeing since she was also curious what water was made from. Bourne was a talented water magician since he was born with his "Water" magic and she was sure that he would be able to develop an idea. Though, at the same time, she was wondering whether it was his trick to skip training, but in the end, she was so soft at him.

"Then do it. I want to see what kind of magic that you can develop."

"Thank you."

Bourne was very happy when he heard it. The only problem for him to develop magic to manipulate hydrogen and oxygen was their invisibility. He couldn't see both hydrogen and oxygen with his eyes, but well, he should be able to feel it using his magic. He sat down cross legged and started to practice to develop his magic.

Looking at Bourne, Lyon sighed and trained even harder since he didn't want to lose to him. He was sure that if he trained at the same time as Bourne then he should be able to develop further using his Ice Make magic.

"Ice Make magic is invincible!"

Lyon shouted and kept training.

Looking at Lyon, Ur smiled and nodded. Even though Lyon wasn't as good as Bourne, Lyon was very hard working. She turned and noticed that Gray was peeking at them through the window. She smiled and shouted, "Gray, I've prepared food in the living room! You should eat it first." She continued to check on both Bourne and Lyon.


Hearing Ur's words, Gray felt hungry, but he didn't go out to eat rather he kept staring at them. He didn't expect them to be magicians, which surprised him.

'If I have that power...'

Thinking about Deliora, Gray thought that it was his chance to have revenge. He clenched his hand tightly and had made up his mind.


After a few hours of meditation, Bourne somehow could perceive the existence of the gases in this world. It was still hard to distinguish each of them since he couldn't differentiate them, but he felt that if he could develop such magic then it was possible for him to be one of the strongest magicians in this world. There were a lot of things which could be developed by manipulating oxygen and hydrogen, such as oxygen toxicity, manipulating oxygen to make an explosion bigger, hydrogen bomb, etc.

"Let's have lunch first." Ur reminded of both Lyon and Bourne.

Bourne and Lyon nodded and returned to Ur's house. Though, when they returned, they saw Gray stood up in front of the entrance and seemed to be waiting for them.

Bourne somehow had a feeling of what this boy wanted to do.

"Teach me magic!"

Gray stared at Ur with his gloomy expression.