
Destroyed Town

In the early morning, Ur rode the motorcycle toward the destroyed town. Bourne and Lyon sat in the sidecar while talking about which was stronger between Deliora and Ice Make magic.

"It depends on the user." Bourne yawned.

"Depending on the user?" Lyon asked.

"Well, for example, when the Ice Make magic is being used by Ur then it is going to create a great and powerful magic, but when it is used by you." Bourned looked at Lyon and said, "The result is weak."

"You...!?" Lyon really wanted to strangle Bourne at that moment.

Ur laughed hearing their conversation.

"Don't be full of yourself, Bourne! You can keep lazy around and sleep all day! Then I'll overtake you one day!" Lyon swore.

"I'm waiting." Bourne yawned and didn't take Lyon's words seriously.

"You...!?" Lyon was angry, but he was helpless since this guy who was two years younger than him was stronger than himself. He tried to chase after him, but he knew the training gap between them was too long. He had been training with Ur for a few months, but Bourne had been training for a year. The intensity of their training was also different even though he wanted to train harder, but his stamina and magic power wasn't enough to support him.

"Well, Lyon. You need to work harder." What could Ur say in this situation? She could only encourage Lyon, but in her mind, she felt that it would be difficult for Lyon to reach Bourne's level unless Bourne stopped training and kept lazing around. But at the same time, she felt quite comfortable with Bourne's personality since Bourne didn't blindly chase after power. Even though his progress was very fast, his foundation was very solid, especially his body. Even though Bourne's body was small, it had a lot of strength.

Ur had a bad memory about her dead daughter. Her daughter had immense magic power, but her body was very weak. It was also the reason why she had forced him to train his body harder. Though, she did this unconsciously.

Bourne had never complained about his training and had always done the portion of his training since his body was very durable. Though, he lacked the motivation to do it.

But one thing for sure, Ur and Bourne knew that the physical training which had always been done by him would become a great asset for him in the future.

The journey was quite novel since the scenery in the surrounding area was very beautiful. Bourne could see an aurora in the sky and the snow which covered the mountain was similar to a soft cloud which coddled his eyes. Lyon was also in the same state and he really enjoyed this moment. Thought the happiest should be Ur since it was great to have someone beside her and she really loved this vehicle. She wondered whether Bourne would create a custom magical vehicle company in the future. If so, then she wouldn't hesitate to help him.

Though their happy mood stopped when they saw the scene in front of them. After a few hours of journey they happened to arrive at the town which had just been destroyed by Deliora. They could see flames and smoke appearing around the town.


Lyon was dumbstruck when he saw this destroyed town since it was worse than his imagination. He didn't think that this could be done by a human, rather it was a monster. He felt a horror at the power of Deliora and felt a bit frightened by Deliora.

Bourne looked at his surrounding area and sighed. He felt sorry for this town, but he was grateful that Deliora didn't appear in his town.

The once beautiful town had turned into a ruin. It had been ravaged by Deliora and it had lost that beauty.

Ur's expression also turned ugly. She stopped the motorcycle and said, "Let's check whether there's a survivor in this town."

Bourne and Lyon agreed.

"Let's stay together. Don't stay far away from me."

Even though Ur knew that it was faster to search for survivors by splitting themselves, but she was afraid if there was a danger. From the rumor, Deliora was a very big monster, but there might be a chance that its size wasn't that large and similar to a human's. since no one had checked it clearly. She didn't want to bet the life of both Bourne and Lyon and decided to make them stay with her together.

"Isn't it faster if we split up?" Lyon asked. Even though he was a bit frightened, he knew that it was important to search for the survivor since they might be wounded or buried by a ruin of the building. His heart was very kind and thought that those people would be in a lot of pain because of Deliora.

"There is a lot of danger here. It is better to be careful than sorry." Bourne didn't agree with Lyon's proposal.

Ur nodded and said, "We don't know anything about this town. It is better to stick together."

Lyon didn't say anything anymore and decided to stick together since he also felt a bit afraid to stay alone. Even though he knew that Bourne could use a telephaty magic, it would be troublesome if he met something dangerous by chance since he also knew that he wasn't that strong.

It isn't shameful to admit that you're weak; what is troublesome is that you're so arrogant that you don't realize how weak you're and also bring a danger to your surroundings.

Lyon had heard those sentences from Bourne and knew that he couldn't be arrogant even though he had learned Ice Make magic, especially when he gaped between himself and Bourne was so big that Bourne had never used his magic to defeat him which made him frustrated.

As long as Bourne held his axe, he was invincible. It was Lyon's image of Bourne after having a spar with him for a long time.

They walked together and observed the surrounding area. The result of Deliora's attack was so horrible that they could see a lot of corpses along the way. Lyon puked and his expression pale when he saw a lot of people dead. Bourne also felt uncomfortable, but he forced himself.

Ur proposed to rest for a while, but Bourne and Lyon disagreed and told her to continue. She sighed, but she didn't force them again and continued. Her expression was also ugly to see this destruction.

Walking together, they couldn't hear the voice of someone as if this town had turned into a town of death. The only thing which they could hear was the sound of crackling burning. If they heard that sound on the fireplace then it was comfortable, but they heard it on this destroyed town.

Bourne thought that he needed to develop a magic which would develop his perception since it was so difficult to search for a survivor in this place.

They walked for a few hours, before they heard a sob noise.

"There's a noise!" Lyon was startled.


They tried to search the source of this voice before Bourne walked in some direction and found a boy who was hiding below a ruined wall.

Ur and Lyon also followed him and they saw a boy below the ruined wall.

The boy was crying, but his face was showing hatred.

"Deliora.... I won't forgive you!"