
Blue Pegasus

When Christina landed in front of the Blue Pegasus's building, most of the members who stayed in the building knew that Ichiya had returned.

Bob, who was at the bar, went out to greet Ichiya back and it seemed that Ichiya had succeeded in his job since he had read in the newspaper that Deliora's curse on the Land of Isvan had ended. His mood was very happy mood and deliberately thickened the lipstick on his lips.

The door of Christina was opened, then Ichiya walked out of it with a happy smile.

"Master, I'm back."

"Welcome back, Ichiya-chan." Bob was very happy and congratulated him. "Congrats! You've done well on your job."

"Thank you, Master..." Ichiya nodded and said, "But I couldn't end this job quickly without their help."


Bob then saw a quite tall boy, a girl, and a woman in a wheelchair. He was a bit surprised since the left arm of the boy was made from ice and the woman who had lost one of her legs.

"Who are they?"

"I met them in the Land of Isvan and he was the one who defeated Deliora."

Ichiya introduced both Bourne, Ultear, and Ur.


Bob was surprised since he could see that Bourne was very young. Even though Bourne was around 170 cm, he could see that Bourne was around 12 or 13 years old. It made him a bit doubtful, but he knew that Ichiya wouldn't lie to him.


Ur, Ultear, and Bourne greeted Bob. Their expression was quite normal since after they stayed together with Ichiya for a few hours, they felt that nothing would surprise them anymore. Even though Bob's appearance was similar to a transvestite, they didn't have a prejudice about him since Ichiya was several times worse than Bob.

"Oh my... what is your name?" Bob floated with cute small wings on his back and moved toward them slowly. His smile was very gentle looking at both of them.


"My name is Bourne."

"My name is Ultear."

"You can call me Ur."

"Oh my.. my name is Bob. I'm a master of Blue Pegasus." Bob stood a meter away from Bourne, Ultear, and Ur. He looked at Bourne and Ur before nodded, especially Bourne since Bourne was very handsome. Even though Bourne's contour was a bit young, once Bourne became older he was sure that Bourne would be able to steal the hearts of a lot of girls, though, he knew that Bourne's heart had been stolen by the woman in the wheelchair and the girl beside him. He smiled and didn't expect that this boy would be able to conquer the hearts of two beautiful sisters.

"So both of you are magicians?"

Bob didn't invite them first since he wanted to confirm their identity.

"Yes, I'm her pupil."

"Oh, you're the teacher." Bob looked at Ur in surprise.

Ultear didn't say anything since it was better to keep her identity a secret since she didn't truly believe Bob. She knew that no guild master was a simpleton.

"Well, I'm his teacher."

Ur nodded. She didn't really love to talk after all and if possible she would leave everything to Bourne.

"Then are you going to join our guild?" Bob asked since he could see that both of them were magicians, even though he didn't know how strong they were, but since Ichiya seemed to have confidence in their strength. It wouldn't hurt to invite them first since his guild lacked a strong magician. For Ultear, he wasn't sure, but he decided to invite her anyway since he could see that Ultear was also quite beautiful.

In the outside world, the impression of Blue Pegasus wasn't very good. Even though it was known for their beautiful and handsome magicians, it didn't have strong magicians besides Ichiya and Karen Lilica, who happened to be on a job.

Ur, Ultear, and Bourne looked at each other since they didn't expect an invitation from the master of Blue Pegasus. They would be lying if they weren't moved since Bob didn't even know about them and Bob only knew about them based on Ichiya's introduction.

Bourne smiled and said, "We might be very weak magicians."

"Even if you're weak then it is alright. You can use the facilities in this guild for a few months until your teacher has gotten better." Bob offered them kindly since he knew that they had helped Ichiya and helping them until they got better was something which he needed to do.

"Ur, Tear, what do you think?" Bourne asked.

"I'll follow your decision." Ur fully believed in Bourne and she would follow him since their lives were connected to each other. It didn't mean that she would die without Bourne because of that ritual, but she knew that she loved him so dearly that she didn't want to be separated from him.

"You can decide it for us." Ultear knew that Bourne wasn't stupid and each of his decisions had their own motive. Bourne was also her man and of course, she would believe in him.

Bourne pondered for a while since he didn't have a plan after he came to the western country. He also didn't have much information about this country. He thought that it wouldn't hurt to join an organization before he had made up his mind about what to do in this place. He also thought that he could get a lot of information from Bob since Bob was a guild master of Blue Pegasus. From the building of this guild, he could see either Bob or this guild was very rich, especially when they also owned a Christina which was a very strong aircraft.

But even so... he had made his decision.

Looking at Ichiya and Bob who were smiling gently and warm toward them, Bourne took a deep breath and said, "I'm sorry but we won't join your guild."



Bob and Ichiya were startled. They thought that Bourne and Ur would join their guild and they would welcome them with smile, but suddenly they heard that the invitation had been rejected.

Before Bob said anything, Ichiya moved forward and hugged Boure's leg.

"Why?! Why Bourne?! You should become part of Blue Pegasus! You're very handsome and you'll be very popular with a girl! If you join then you c--"

Ichiya hadn't finished his words, but he was shot down by an ice bazooka which was made by Ur and was slammed by an orb by Ultear.


Ichiya's face was hit and he was blown away. His expression was so handsome even though he was being shot down.


"You can't do that." Ur snorted and made the ice bazooka in her hands disappear.

"If you say something stupid again, then I don't mind..."

Suddenly a lot of dirty vocabulaires came out from Ultear's mouth which made Bourne and Bob shudder, though, Ur nodded in agreement.


"Umm... can I ask why?" Bob was a bit timid, but he decided to ask anyway.

"I'm sorry, Master Bob..." Bourne apologized and said, "We've only arrived at this town and we wanted to take a break from life as magicians."

Bourne didn't really like magicians who joined a guild since they could only do a job by taking quests. Even though he wasn't obligated to do a quest once he had joined a guild, he would feel bad if he didn't take a quest since he had joined the Blue Pegasus. He also didn't like the tattoo tradition when someone joined a guild. If the tattoo was cool then he was okay, but a blue pegasus tattoo wasn't his style.

Hearing Bourne's excuse, Bob nodded and understood since it wasn't uncommon to see someone who was tired with their magician's life. Even in his guild, there were a lot of magicians who also quit the guild and decided to do a normal job. He felt a bit disappointed, but he didn't really mind.

"Is that so? Then I won't force you to join our guild, but is there something that I can you help with?"

"This... won't this trouble you?" Bourne felt a bit bad since he had rejected the guild invitation before, but didn't expect that Bob would help him.

"No, it's alright. Is there something that I can help with?"

Bourne knew that it was rude to reject Bob's kindness. "Then, can you help me with..."