
Chainsaw Man: Playing With The Devils

Reincarnated into the world of devils, a young man finds himself in a survival situation with nothing but a game-like system at his disposal.

blazuki · Anime & Comics
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67 Chs

Chapter 40

Entering the new society of criminals, Sam had to prove himself and see if there was any broker interested in hiring him. He thought that some jobs would involve hunting devils since their organs were precious.

After making a name for himself, it should be easy to access resources that would allow him to find out who tried to kill him. He would have a list of suspects and filter it until one is left.

If no one was left, then he'd have to admit that he wasn't that smart, which is fine. There is no point in living smart. smart people think too much about their troubles, life and future. Humans suffer in their imagination more than they really suffer in reality.

"What are you thinking, you little piece of shit?" A muscular man, standing at 2 meters tall, was arm wrestling Sam for money.

"I'm thinking about which jobs I should take," Sam said, "the most rewarding ones."

"With rewards come risks and compromises of your principles. Kidnapping, assassination, hunting a devil, or protecting a drug dealer."

"Shit. I guess I can't sell something I don't own in the first place."

Sam moved his hand and won the arm wrestling match, doubling his 20,000 Yen to 40,000. It was like making more than a hundred dollars.

Now, he needed to do this a few more times, and he would make up his money.

"You won," the man who lost said as he stood up. "Good luck catching me off guard."

"Yeah, yeah. I was lucky," Sam raised his hand with the banknotes and announced, "Is there anyone who wants this easy money?"

Mercenaries had money, so even though he was betting a little, he would attract bored people to play. And once he would get higher money, more people would be interested.

Sam started playing over and over, challenging big guys, small guys, muscular and skinny. You couldn't judge anyone's strength here by their appearance.

They started coming from the weakest to the strongest. With each challenge, Sam couldn't believe the strength some humans possessed. But again, rare breeds existed. Even back in his world, there was a man who could take a cannonball to his stomach. In a world where devils existed since ancient civilization, the strongest were more likely to pass on their genes.

"15 million Yen," Sam said as he pushed a man's hand down. He barely won, but he did win in the end.

"You have a devil contract on you or something."

"No? You."

"Don't lie," the mercenary squeezed his fist, turning it into iron. "You can't beat iron like that."

"I didn't bend metal, just your wrist. It's about technique, not power," Sam shrugged as he took the money from the table and walked to the counter, leaving his defeated foe dumbfounded. 'Shit. Every time I mention power, I remember Power. Hope she's doing fine without me.'

"What do you want?"

"Strawberry ice cream and keep serving me drinks," Sam ordered.

Was there a rush for him to get back to his previous life?


He could always use some space. He had forgotten what it was like not to do chores for someone else.

Sam was served, and he started eating the ice cream and drinking.

A short man with an eye patch sat down. "So young man, you don't look heartbroken, yet you're drinking in the morning."

"You've got to enjoy the life of an unemployed man," Sam replied.


"Jobs are short."

"That's bullshit. Maybe your broker sucks," the man complained.

"I know," Sam replied. "That's why I came to Kyoto."

"My name is Enzo," the so-called Enzo pulled a card out of his pocket. "Call me if you need a job."

"You're a broker?" Sam asked as he took Enzo's card and put it in his pocket.

"Yes," Enzo said, "What are you capable of?"

"Hunting devils, protection, stealing, and more. I'm overqualified," Sam put the ice cream down.

"If you're overqualified, everyone would have heard about you," Enzo laughed.

"They will," Sam started sipping alcohol.

Enzo laughed more. "I like you, kid. There's a mission in Thailand. Protection. I'm tasked to gather a team."

"The payment?"

"Because I've seen you arm wrestling. 20,000 dollars, and you get half of that in advance," Enzo replied. "You just have to do a good job and protect your client."

Sam didn't change his expression, but he wanted to open his eyes widely.

"So, 10k in advance," Sam said.

"Just don't run. You know the rules, don't you?"

"The alcohol is playing with my mind. So please, tell me again."

"If a broker or an employee were caught cheating in business, they would be condemned as enemies of the higher council, the one that organizes all of this. No devil or angel can save you from them."

"I get you," Sam replied. So it was like John Wick.

"By the way, I didn't catch your name," Enzo said.

"Call me Tony," Sam didn't reveal his true name.

"Hope you're still alive in business, Tony," Enzo said. "I'm a talent scouter, and I sense that you have a bright future."


Thailand. Sam found himself surrounded by bodies. They belonged to his side and the side that tried to kill his employer, which happened to be another gang. They had a devil, and Sam managed to take it down. But the mercenaries on his side were dead.

The drug dealer, Musafa, was hiding behind a truck full of stuff.

Sam was standing with his sword unsheathed, looking at three men aiming their guns at him.

They shot him.

[-20 HP] [-33 HP] [-50 HP]

Because he had massive health points of 400 and his strength points increased his durability, meaning less damage was taken because of his physical state. Sam found that he could take bullets and the damage wasn't consistent. He didn't want to see if he could take a head shot, though.

Before the other gang could unload their guns, he appeared behind them, sheathing his sword. They fell as slashes appeared on their chests.

"What are you?" Musafa asked while crawling behind the truck. "You are not a human to take all of that."

"I'm wearing a protective vest," Sam hit his chest.

"But that should take you down."

"Do drug dealers complain about the good stuff?" Sam asked with a mocking tone. Technically, he was the last bodyguard available, so he decided to take advantage.

"No," Musafa begged. "Let's go back to the seaport."

"My mission was only to protect you while you are delivering, after that I take my payment and go home on my own. Basically, I'm not working for you."

"I'll pay you half a million..." Said Musafa. "And you'll own me a favor."

"That's what I wanted to hear." Sam sheathed his sword. He started to gain a reputation, and thus Power.


For the next two months, Sam did many gigs, which only increased in difficulty. Yet that earned him a huge boost in reputation. Many brokers were trying to approach him now and then for a mission. Sometimes he would accept, and sometimes he wouldn't. For example, he wouldn't simply assassinate a teenager or kidnap someone's son. But mostly, he would hunt devils, protect someone important, and steal things from high-security locations.

Sam was eating his strawberry ice cream while looking at the TV.

Not only did he gain a good amount of money, but he also gained a good amount of experience. Most of his skills leveled up by one or two levels. As for his new skills, Mirage Sword, Swords of Judgment, and Air Vortex, they were up to level 3.

"Hey, Tony. You're available next Monday?" someone called Sam by his fake name.

"No," Sam shook his head. "I'm on vacation."

"Really? How long will it take?"

"Until my money runs out," he replied.

"That's so bad," he sighed. "Guess I'll find someone else then."

After each successful mission, Tony became more famous. Each time, Sam had access to more people in power. They owed him favors, and many of them were alive thanks to him. If they wanted his favors, which was like a life assurance policy, they needed to be on his good side. Sam had already tried to ask some of them for favors. Whoever turned him down wouldn't get his services. He even now got a new ID, totally legal, under the name of Tony Redgrave.

Now that he had a good network, Sam could start investigating who was after him.

"And now, we are going to interview the author of the year, Power."

Sam stopped eating strawberries when he heard the TV. He looked at the bartender and said, "Increase the volume." He then looked at the TV.

Power was wearing glasses as she sat down.

"So tell us, Power. You're not only a devil hunter, but you also managed to write the most successful self-help book. Many reported it was motivating."

As much as he missed her, his lips were shaking at what he was hearing.

"Yes," Power nodded. "I've always wanted to help people and teach them that there is nothing out of their reach as long as they believe in themselves."

Those words were from the book project he was working on.

"And how did you get the inspiration?"

"I used to have this friend, Sam, who is not with us now. He was a total loser. Every time he challenged me, he'd lose. But one day, he won and stopped. He never focused on how many times he lost, but he kept going down. This is how life is. Nobody believes in you, you lose again and again... It's not over until I win."

The TV audience was clapping for her. Some even teared up at his supposed story. Some mercenaries were nodding.

As for Sam, he opened his mouth widely, not believing what he was hearing.

"So, this is the story of Devil Hunter Sam," said the interviewer on TV. "He's inspired by you."

"Yes, because he listened to me and believed in himself," Power replied. "It shows that you can grow from a failure coward to an outstanding devil hunter, only if you have a dream, never give up. You can find more details if you buy my book."

"No wonder your book is the most selling," said the interviewer.

Sam looked at the roof. Tears fell from his eyes, yet his lips stretched into a smile. "Hahaha..."

'That little shit. She stole my book and now she's scamming people. Dunno if I should be proud or sad... But I know I should feel depressed.'

"Tony," Enzo came and sat next to Sam. "Why are you crying?"

"Sam's story is really inspiring," Sam, who was known as Tony now, turned to Enzo and smiled. "He's so motivating."

"Too bad he died. Good riddance," Enzo replied. "Still, I don't believe that bullshit. He's a legend."

Sam's eyelids rose. "Too bad, good riddance? Who is he? A legend? Who did he piss off?"

Enzo lowered his voice. "You know... I have a few contacts with mercenaries out. He's wanted, alive! A very powerful devil adores him so much. And that devil is feared by nations. Many have aimed to kidnap him. Do you believe mercenaries from all over Asia, America, Europe have booked flights here to get to him? Most of them were hired by their government."

"A devil that adores him." If that's true, then it would be Makima.

"Hush... very few know about that devil. It works for the government. You know something you shouldn't know. You die. So lower your voice," Enzo hushed. "Anyway. If I die while making that devil blush, I'd die as a legend."

"Interesting. Why are you telling me this now?"

"'Cause you are considered elite now."

"And why is it good he died?"

"Are you for real asking this question? If Japan is full of more criminals, we'd have to lower our prices. You know, the less the price, the less the commission, which is my payment."

"Good grief," Sam sighed as he joined his hands together.

He started thinking with the new leads he got.

'So, even China wants me alive to put political pressure on my government. In that case, I should shrink the list of suspects to the government and to people who have a personal grudge on me.'

'Thanks to them, I lost my dream.' He looked at Power on the TV. She was on her way to making an unlimited fortune. 'That could have been me, famous, rich, and popular. But no. I'm a mercenary, living at a bar in the morning and doing missions at night.'

He looked at his hands that started shaking. His gaze got sharper.

"Don't wait for me, Enzo. If anyone asks, say I'm on vacation." He stood up and walked to the door.

"Where are you going?" Enzo asked.

"None of your business," Sam replied and got out of the bar.