

wassup fellow man of culture i hope you like my fanfic.

NormalAuthor · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs


when the garage finally stopped the garage doors opened themselves showing a hidden futuristic lab.

Aiki walk calmly by the place showing that this was not the first time he was there, with his usual stoic face Aiki walked to an enormous computer that was located in a corner of the big hall, he sat on the chair and turned on the computer, Aiki started to look through numerous files, in every file, there were different creations or ideas for future creations that Aiki thought were good.

Aiki stopped in a certain file, looking at the information given Aiki couldn't do anything more than a smile.

Aiki took the file from the computer with a USB he then got up from his seat and started walking to a big metal door, the door opened automatically when he saw Aiki showing what was on the other side of the room.

the room was enormous it was almost like the main hall but this one had metal cables sticking out of the ceiling, there were various glass boxes showing different creations going from the failed replica of Truck-kun to a mini spider camera, Aiki ignore all of them and walked to the middle of the room, there Aiki found a syringe with a blue liquid, Aiki inspect it with a happy smile.

Aiki looked at his masterpiece with pride visible in his eyes, this syringe looks like nothing important but Aiki had to make a lot of errors with the formula to found the real answer, this was the biggest work Aiki had ever made, a system.

Aiki knew that to make an OP system he will need to become some type of transcendental being, so Aiki knew that he will not be capable of that but Aiki took inspiration from one of the novels he had read called a warlock in the magus world, the main protagonist didn't have an OP system or something like that, what he had was a chip that recollect analyze and give multiple options to the user making extremely useful for him.

with that idea in mind, Aiki took years to find a form to make the system compatible with his brain and body, this will help him immensely in battles and in his projects making something invaluable in the eyes of Aiki.

Aiki without any fear took the syringe and implant it in his neck, Aiki let loose his muscles because he knew that his body is too strong to let the needle pass so Aiki had to learn how to let loose some parts of his body like his neck.

when the syringe let all of the blue fluid in the insides of his body Aiki felt how it was exploring his body taking examples of his muscles bones and blood, then of the recollection of the information the fluid started to recollect itself and implant itself in the brain of Aiki, this gave an enormous headache to Aiki making him falling unconscious almost immediately, Aiki fell to the floor with a pale face.

hours later Aiki opened his eyes and started looking worriedly at his sides to see his surroundings, seeing that he was still in his laboratory he calmed himself down and started to recollect information about what happened and why he was like that.

but before Aiki could think any further a voice in his head.

[hello user, the system has been successfully implanted]

Aiki looked surprised for a second before his eyes opened in the realization of what happened, following that Aiki smiled like a little kid having a new toy in his hands

Aiki: system, as the first order I want you to make three new files, in the first, I want you to recapitulate every information about the DxD universe you can find, in the second one put the information I have about mechanics, and in the third place the information about my past life and present.

[Yes host]

Following his words now Aiki suddenly the information he had in his mind became clearer to understand, Aiki even if he couldn't see it he could understand everything from how to open or close the files to how to use fluently the system.

the changes Aiki was feeling were exhilarating, the system had multiple uses that even Aiki the creator himself didn't know about.

Aiki: system show my stats.

[Yes, user]

[Beep! Scan complete. Aiki Fujimoto. Strength: 30.2, Agility: 32, Vitality: 35, Magic: 28, Status: Light Headache.]

Aiki: HAHAHA, it works perfectly.

Aiki looking at the blue screen that was appearing on his head was very happy because his biggest invention was finally working without a single flaw.

time passed and Aiki was still playing with the new system, but his phone suddenly started to vibrate showing that Aiki was receiving a call, Aiki a little bit sad that could not play any longer with the chip stopped and answered the call.

Aiki: Hello?

Azazel: Hello Aiki is me Azazel, I need your help with some crows and devils that have given me a headache.

Aiki: how much is the pay?

Azazel: Oh come on man I thought we were friends and fellow men of culture.

Aiki: you are a shameless crow Azazel, but well taking into account that I'll give a 2% discount.

Azazel: HAHA, and you are as stingy as always.

Azazel: fine you win let's talk about the details in my territory.

Aiki: I'm on my way.

Aiki hung up the phone and started walking to the garage elevator when the elevator stopped Aiki walked to his bike, leaving his house riding it.

hours later we can see that Aiki went to Tokyo, this city was very different from Kyoto because of the technology they used to build it, but Aiki didn't have time to enjoy the surroundings because of the speed of the bike and the job, minutes later Aiki parked his bike in front of a big modern mansion.

Aiki walked to the enormous doors and rang the bell.