
Chainsaw and Darkness

Dreaming of a better life, Dandji's mind quiets down, and his soul flies away to paradise after being killed by the hands of the Zombie Demon... However, Porchita didn't want to lose his friend and, at the cost of his own existence, becomes his heart. Everything seemed to be going according to plan, but who knew that instead of the boy's soul, another soul had penetrated his body... A soul that even attracted the Demon of Darkness himself. From this moment on, the new Dandji will fulfill his dreams, possessing power and authority! The power of a hellish hero and primal fear will unite, creating a new demon... And who knows what destruction he will bring in his wake... ------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: The fanfic is written by someone who has just started learning English and uses a translator in some moments. I know the language myself, but the rules... Who needs them anyway? If there are mistakes, try to gently hint at them. I'll try to correct them! Enjoy your reading! Oh! And I have Patreon, which chapters will be published earlier. Enjoy your reading! Thank you for your attention!

LectorFic · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 4 - Tokyo Chainsaw

Standing in front of our boss, who was Makima, the emo guy and I waited quietly for her to start speaking.

— I see you've met each other, — she smiled, crossing her fingers and glancing at both of us.

Though she often looked in my direction, which was unsettling. Brrr… Kind of nice, kind of gives me the shivers, this woman.

— Can't say the same, — I shrugged. — Someone completely ignores me when I try to ask questions.

And it's true. Not only did he not say my name, he didn't even greet me or try to find out my name. His attitude annoys me.

— Oh well, Aki doesn't mean anything by it, — she interjected, stepping closer to us. — Meet Denji. This is Aki Hayakawa, he's been here for 3 years already, so I can fully trust you with him.

— So... I'll be working with him? - I asked, a fairly easy question to answer.

— Yeah. He's your colleague.

— For a long period? - I asked as I put on the jacket I had been carrying around, showing doubt about our communication.

— It depends on you, Denji-kun. Remember, we have a contract. I'll do my part, and you do yours, so don't die prematurely and try to blend in with our cheerful team, — she smiled at me and tapped my nose.

The contract…

Well… It's good that I was able to negotiate favorable conditions for my safety.

Our agreement with her was established only this morning. Therefore, it's logical to assume that my conditions haven't been fully met yet.

I agreed to work for them, but not to be their hunting dog. Also, they had the right to punish me, but not to kill me. They would only kill me if I violated two conditions: if I killed one of the hunters or threatened the lives of civilians.

In turn, I only asked for accommodation, money, and a little more freedom, as well as freedom from surveillance. If they breach the contract, I can confidently leave public safety and live as I please… Until the end of five years. Immunity for 1825 days, and after that, that's it. "Off with my head" is guaranteed… If I don't run away.

There were also other nuances, but we haven't fully agreed on them yet.

— Haha… Anyway, I'm hungry.


— Oh… My stomach is hinting that I haven't eaten practically forever, — I hinted to Makima that it's time for us to eat.

— Of course, — she nodded. — Aki, this isn't just a patrol, it's more like a tour of the city. Show Denji around and then get him some weapons at the armory.

— Okay, Miss Makima, — Aki replied, then looked at me. — Let's go, rookie.

— Yeah.

Then I followed him to the exit.

— See you, Makima, — I waved goodbye to her and closed the door behind me.

The whole day, I spent on the street, exploring the new city for myself. Tokyo is quite large, although a bit older compared to how I remember it. I haven't been to Tokyo from my world, but I've definitely heard of it. Their technology was more advanced than here… However strange it may sound, but this is definitely not my world, but something like an alternate universe. It's 1998 now… From memories of my past life, I know a lot, but I don't know anything about myself, or the people I know, or even where I was born and at what time.

How do I know Japanese? Maybe thanks to Denji, but it's not the only language I know… I also knew Russian, English, and Chinese, albeit with mistakes. Silly Denji could barely learn to write and speak his native language, let alone others. 

Anyway, by calling Denji silly, I'm practically calling myself stupid. So, I think I should just accept the fact that I am him, and he is me. We both died… Maybe… And now we have one body with two parts of personality. But judging by everything, I fully control the body and soul.

"Well, that's even better… But from this thinking, my head is starting to hurt," I said, holding my head as I continued to walk with Aki through the crowd in a bustling area.

This guy isn't much of a talker. Haha… I didn't do anything to offend him, so it's all strange.

Even during meals, he didn't say anything to me. Just sat, drank coffee, then went out and smoked. And he smokes a lot… Well, what's there to hide. I even paid for our lunch myself, thanks to the yakuza money and rings that I managed to exchange for a good amount.

He only spoke when it was necessary to show this or that place, about the rules of being a hunter, as well as about demons and where they can often be encountered.

— Hey, Aki. Maybe you'll tell me already, what you don't like about me? - I decided to find out our relationship with this emo guy.

I wouldn't want to get a knife in the back from someone like him. Well, I won't die, but my feelings will be hurt.

He ignored my question until we reached a turn leading to an empty alley, filled with trash bins and rats.

Looks like I understood where all this is leading.

— Let's step aside, — Aki said, entering the alley.

It wasn't a question, but a direct order. Not arrogant, but still authoritative. Wow, quite the business demeanor. Well… Let's dance to your tune.

— Okay, — I shrugged as I entered.

Darkness and stench, seems familiar, yet unfamiliar.

— So, what are we h— 

Before I could finish, I was hit with a jab to the nose. I admit, the blow was strong, it even knocked me into a pile of garbage bags filled with junk.

— Ugh… - lying in that heap and raising my head, I stared at the sky.

It was getting dark… And I was already bleeding… Well, not too much, but there was an unpleasant sensation in my nose.

Next, that bastard pressed hard on my stomach, which had recently been filled with food. Suppressing the urge to vomit, I only groaned and grabbed the pressure point.

"I'll forgive the punch to the nose, but I won't forgive the stomach blow!"

Taking a cigarette and a Zippo lighter out of his pocket, he lit it. Starting to smoke, he looked at me as if I were trash. Ironically… And yet, I was lying on it right now.

— It's better if you just leave. If you show up at work again tomorrow, I'll deal with you again, — taking a drag, he said to me straight away.

Still staring at the sky, I said nothing and just sighed.

— It's for your own good. Hunters like you, who don't have strong reasons, die quickly, — taking another drag of his cigarette, he pointed at me. — Guys who came for the money are no longer on this earth.

— Really?... Are you worried about me or… - I smirked and looked at him. - ...are you jealous that Makima paid more attention to me than to you? - I asked him, seeing a hint of anger in Aki's eyes.

Externally, it didn't show, but he broke the cigarette and threw it away.

— Did I guess right? - standing up from the pile of trash and licking the blood from my lip, I grinned, showing my sharp teeth. - You know, Aki. You and I are going to become friends.

Approaching him, I anticipated his actions. Lunging at me with a hot head, he made a mistake.

Repeating my jab, but this time with my left hand, I managed to dodge. He's fast, but not that fast. I saw his punch as if in slow motion.

Before that, I also felt a light breeze coming from behind, and also a sharp, but light pain when he hit me the first time.

Tilting my head to the right, I grabbed Aki's tie and pulled tight, throwing him over me, making a sweep.

Falling with a crash on his back, with such force that he immediately began to exhale all the air from his lungs, I didn't let him get up, and instead firmly pressed my feet on his biceps and caught him by the collar, sitting on top of him.

— Haha-haha... - he began to breathe deeply and exhale.

— Thank me for not throwing you with all my strength. You would've definitely gotten a concussion hitting the ground like that.

Smirking, I pulled my hand back.

— I forgive you for the punch to the face. But for hitting me in the stomach… - I punched him straight in the face, hard enough to hear the crunch of a broken nose. - ...I won't forgive you, you bastard.

He winced, but still looked at me with anger as blood flowed from his nose, just like mine recently.

— You think one punch will settle it? - I snarled. - I treated you to coffee, didn't keep to myself, and behaved quietly, but... - extending my hand again, I punched him once more. - ...even a demon's patience can snap.

And so… On the first day at my new job, I beat up my senpai until he lost consciousness. Hope Makima forgives her new Tokyo chainsaw, huh?

To be continued…


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