
Chain of Times: The Villainess Deaths

Giselle has always been a simple girl who loves life. Growing up sick and ill, she longed for a life in which she could experience it. But death was a soulmate she didn't want to have. In a life in which she wanted to enjoy more she found herself in the hands of death. The darkness and pain enveloping her as she died in the hands of the man she fell in love with. " Im s-" Before she left the world under the moonlight, she heard someone cried for her. In her blurry vision, a young man died alongside with her. Who was he? Why did he cried? What did he say? Waking up in the same estate she grew up with, she notice she turned back back before her death. Realizing she was given a second chance, she lived her life while avoiding death. But that man, who was he? Giselle wanted to meet him and know who he was, yet in another life she searched for nothing. In her searching, she found herself surrounded by mysteries and deaths, betrayals from people she wasn't expecting, the pain of life. In the chain of times, how will she ever break free? Will Giselle find a way to live this life, or will she has to face her death again?

SchtxzaLore · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 7 - Episode 2 - Into The Garden (1)

[ Goldenshield Estate, Knight's castle ]

The morning fog had started to disappear as the sun slowly showed itself, we walked our way towards where we had come from. In the morning hue, the sky delighted with sunrays, we had evaded any guards that could catch us by following the secret path that Caesar knew. The townspeople were starting their day, with a few people slowly opening up their shops and some at the beginning of their routines. In the unsuspecting quiet morning, both of us had remained guarded in secrecy in our cloaks.

There was no trace of our identities in every stride we came closer. Not even a single word was exchanged between us, and intermittently I could feel his gaze behind my shoulders. Those cold grey eyes that I didn't know I was capable of softness wandered in my mind. Although I could feel the tension between us and his intent of wanting to speak to me about a certain matter, yet he did not open his mouth. Not until we entered the vicinity of the Goldenshield Estate, he had offered to take a detour into the western gates where I had sneaked in from last night.

"I suggest that it would be better for you to clean yourself up before entering the castle. I can lend my room in the knight's castle."

That was a surprising offer, considering Caesar and I were not that familiar with each other to the point of offering me his place regardless of the reason. I took a look at my appearance, I looked quite indeed dirty and I was certain that everyone who would see me might gain a heart attack. As I examined the surroundings of the western part of the estate, it seemed that the maids and servants were not busy enough to be roaming this area. That only meant everyone was inside the castle.

" Then, take me"

Caesar did not say anything, the usual response I got from him if I was not pissing him off. Looking at him at this early hour, with all the dirt still on his face and body made me realize how different he could look outside my biased opinion of him.

Despite remembering how often I was enraged with his existence back then, I would never deny that he was a good-looking man. With the young sunlight casually hitting his frame, he looked rather ethereal in spite of all the gritty image in front of me. He already looked quite fine with the darkness under the moonlight, but even in the morning light, he looked defined.

-Such a waste, for a good-looking face to fall into someone who has a terrible personality. Not to mention, a soon to be imperial's nemesis.-

"What a shabby room."

I commented after entering his chambers, thankfully no one had seen us enter the castle. From the noise I was hearing, it appeared that some of the knights were already in the training grounds.

"Well, I apologize for such an unwelcoming place to the lady."

I could feel him rolling his eyes as he sarcastically responded. Although his back was facing me, I knew exactly what his expression was.

-This is what I meant by 'waste', a good-looking face with a terrible personality. A jackass.-

"It's a wonder for me how the son of the late Viscount Bentley is holding on to this small room. You are still a nobleman, Caesar, despite what had happened."

I took a seat at the available seat he had next to his study. I heard him hum in return, the topic did not show any interest on his face. Instead, he was more engrossed with the basin of water he had in his hands.

"You have a more spacious room in the castle, fit for the son of-"

"I am adopted." His gruff voice shut me up for a moment.

He sounded desperate to stop the conversation, but I couldn't stop myself but wonder. I was still wondering how this man became the man I knew, who would destroy all of Celestria.

"You're still family, at least that's what my late mother had always treated you." I whispered looking down at his figure that was once again kneeling in front of me.

There was no response from him, it's not like I was expecting him to. After all such conversation stood unusual between us we never had this kind of conversation, not even the sight of him cleaning my foot with a damp towel and rising water.

Again, those soft touches he had on his fingertips made me feel that uncertainty of his intentions. Yet, there was gentleness in his face that I didn't see that often. His hands carefully tracing over the dirt out of my skin, and every time my skin jumped. Looking at him in this position made me wonder more about this man.

For the 28 times I had met him, the realization came to me that I knew nothing about him. For me, he was just that adopted knight who came into our home begging for another life.

It was exactly ten years ago when the house of Bentley fell, the family's crime of corruption was exposed and by the power of the emperor, with just one single order they fell. However, upon the majesty's mercy the children of the viscount were not given the same punishment. Instead, they found themselves in much more different circumstances. The three sons were sent to different houses as a knight or a servant, and one of these sons was the adopted Caesar Bentley.

I had no recollections from my past that would explain how he was adopted or why, not even a single piece of information about his real family and home. All that I knew that came from my mother's story was that he was found in the gutter of the county, eating the most vile soiled foods in the dumps. Having taken an interest in the viscount, Caesar was named Bentley. That was all I knew, and nothing else.

And when the family fell, Caesar came running to my mother begging to be taken in. My father and mother whom I remember as kind and loving people did not hesitate to take him into the Goldenshield. He was treated the same as me, a noble person. Although he came in as a knight, he was treated like one of the masters in the house, and I hated him for that.

Not because it felt as if a threat to my own standings in my own family and house, but it was because of how indifferent he was.

Caesar never showed any interest in anything aside from being a knight. Although he received a well and luxurious life in our home, he refused and insisted on living in the knight's castle. He was given a choice to be one of the Goldshields and enjoy the wealth that came along with it yet he refused. And I hated how that reminded me of myself and my hatred of people's living.

I had everything I could demand, yet I wanted more about life. And he, who was being offered the luxurious life wanted nothing about it. As if that simple life was enough.

That was mostly what I thought of him.

But having experienced life for many times, I understood some part of him that wanted nothing but a simple life. After all, what comes with it is peace. So it really did bother me, that a man like him whom I remember as indifferent and cold was capable of showing such softness and care as he continued to clean me up.

Just the way his actions didn't seem to come from a knight who was known as rough and hard was showing this side in front of me. If he was so much capable of showing such an action so far from his reputation, then how did he become the villain I had learned from my past?

Caesar, what could have happened for you to destroy the whole empire?

"That's enough." I stopped him midway when his hands started to reach out to my face.

I understood that my face was full of dirt and needed to be cleaned, but I could also see something in his eyes once we locked gazes.

"You don't have to act like this just because I saw what happened last night." I rolled my eyes, grabbing his wrist and pulled the clean towel out of his grasp.

"Contrary from what you might be expecting, I won't abuse my power by using you or what I witnessed last night Caesar, so don't fret." I turned away.

"Your actions put me in an uncomfortable position. I know I might have said things from last night that might get you under the impression that I will be using that against you, but I harbor no plans. But I'll be asking you only one thing."

I am lying, of course.

The truth was, no matter how I felt so guilty over Fedrick's death last night my mind was always set to fulfilling my plan. And that was to survive this timeline, and I had to keep Caesar by my side as always until that eventful day.

I was indeed manipulating him by making him think that I wasn't.

"We should return to our usual selves. Keep hating me and I will do the same, you don't have to do anything as strange as caring for me. All I want is for you to not leave my side."

"Do I look insincere?"

"No, and that's the problem."

We stared at each other for a moment, I could see him searching something in my face. The glint of curiosity sparked in those eyes, and for a second I found myself looking at my own reflection inside his eyes.

"You really did changed. No matter how spiteful you were with me, you would never look me in the eyes." He chuckled, that rough and deep voice rang in my ears.

Caesar laughed, and even if it was not that loud or long but it was the first time I had heard him laugh.

"Your father is expecting guests with your brother, you must hurry up. It's only natural for the eldest daughter to be there to greet such an honorable guest."

The atmosphere of the room changed as he forced what was between us to shift. He took off his garments without giving a warning. My eyes which followed his moves did not even care what they were seeing. Such a scene would no longer have an impact on me. I was far more concerned about this guest he was speaking of.

I remembered Anna had mentioned about such an individual coming for a visit, and evidently at how hard the staff had been with maintaining the whole estate for a week now, that person must be someone very important.


He gave me a glance, catching me staring at his naked upper body. There was awkwardness in his stance when he realized I was not affected in any other way. His actions concealed his feelings by trying to find a garment to wear.

"Someone from the Luminis duchy. The young duke, perhaps."

I stopped breathing.

" As I mentioned earlier, the Luminis knights are to take over the investigation and persecution of Fedrick so they send a letter prior their visit. But I think that would be irrelevant now, Fedrick is on the ground."


" The young Archduke is said to be very interested with the case, considering what we  have done, I am certain sever punishments will be followed if we can't control the situation."

" Oh."

-Him. -

"Are you alright Giselle? Did the seriousness of your schemes finally came to the fruit of realizations?"

I can't even make out the words he was saying, what just rendered me speechless is the fact that in this life I have to meet him again.

" The Archduke." I whispered, as if that was a dangerous secret.

"Do you know him?"


But I do know who he is from all my timelines. The young duke of Luminis, Alexander Astralton and the empire's traitor and Caesar's enemy.