
cgjk OB cr (dropped)

dropping this, my engine is busted, I exhausted my creativity as the last fuel ran out.

djakwpse · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
3 Chs

3. "..."


"AHHK! I...think... I think I broke something. " Joel said his foot is definitely not looking good with how it twist.

"you good? " I said shouldering him on his bad foot.

"no. definitely not. " he said in grim faces as he looked at his left feet.

"ohhh, that's not normal. "I said looking at his left foot, that was definitely not fun.

"yeah no shit sherlock. " he said in frustration, he definitely can't walk in this condition let alone fight.

"come on let's get you on a warm place. " I said, it's snowing this year so if we don't find a cave soon we'll die, fortunately there's cave nearby as the cliff we just fell off are pretty high.

I set him down "hold on I'm setting the fire. " I grabbed my knife and a good rock as I started to build a fire with dead tree branch as the fuel as a regular tree branch won't do the job.

after the fire is done I waited for it to heat up as I threw a log one by one until I felt the fire is hot enough.

"I'm going to search something, I saw a hut nearby. " I said leaving him alone with his gun to fend off monster.

"hey, sorry for being a bother. " he said with a sad expression if any sane people were in my shoes they either died trying to save him or leaving him alone with a sprained ankle or a broken one, he's the one that's good with medical stuff so there's a reason for me to keep him alive.

"no shit sherlock. " I said with my face grinning after one upping him.

"good luck, you'll need it. "

"it's more like you who needed a good luck, I'm leaving you here with a flimsy ass gun and a broken foot. "with that said I left him in the cave and went to the hut I seen down in the ice below.

after finding an way up and down along the cave I went straight into the hut.

I walked inside of the hut it looks bigger on the inside rather than the outside, it has two rooms and there are two doors leading inside two of the room, I tried to open the door only to find it's locked, I look through the small window to find a small bed, a bed made for pet, a small wardrobe, and a trauma kit... one of a kind, I need to get that or else we're fucked.

I'm thinking of breaking the window but it will be too much of a hassle as it would not only make a huge noise it also can stabbed me, I definitely don't want another injury happening very soon.

I smashed the door leaving it hinges breaking, it's better than getting an injury I thought just a tiny bit noisy I reassure myself, then a bark sounded throughout the room, my heart dropped when i saw a man in his late fifty wearing a heavy jacket and gripping a dagger.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE BOY!! " he yelled at me keeping his hand on the manic dog beside him.

"I'm sorry old man, my buddy Joel got his leg fucked up on the cliff. "

"what are you saying about this?! "

"well I see you got a kit over there, I want to trade something for it. "

"get lost. "

"I need it old man! please give it to me. "

"get... lost. "

"my friend out there fucked up his fucking leg! and I don't wan-" a howl sounded at the top of the mountains.

"looks like your friend needed your help there. "

"I swear to god old man give it to me and I'll give everything I owned or... "

"or what? "

"I'll take it by force. "

"get... lost. "

"you're asking for it. " I throws my knife toward his dog.

"betty!! get back!! " his word unfortunately didn't reach the dog's ear as my knife sank to Betty's leg, it whimpered in pain.

I rushed to him with my hand balled into a fist as I punched him only to miss as his knife sank to my shoulder ripping out muscle, tendons and blood.

i grunted in pain as I used my left hand to withdraw my knife from the dog's leg as it's biting my hand.

unfortunately the bite didn't get through my forearm steel armor as I stab the old man sides with my knifes drawing blood and his grunt of pain, he stabbed me in another of my shoulder as the blade land in my right hand shoulder this time making my arm hurts like shit when I tried to use them, the dog betty tried to bite my hand but failed as I withdraw it within its range it's mouth instead hit the old man making him stumble backward.

I stand up and kicked the dog making it stumble and rolled across the ground "betty!! " the old man called as I threw my knife into the dog neck making it breathe it's last air "no more betty for you old man, you asked for this. " I said making him enraged and charged at me, knife in hand he managed to almost stabbed my neck as I redirect it with my forearm guard.

I kicked my foot into the old man's stomach as he reeled backwards from the pain, I used his hand to slowly but surely stabbed his neck making it closer than a couple of inches as it's pierced through his neck making inaudible choking noises as he breathe his own blood through his windpipe.

I almost wanted to rest right there as I remember Joel and the howl of the wolves making me quickly grabbed the kit, and the knife as I ran as fast as I can with my bloodied shoulder leaking blood as my hand hurts so much even from carrying a relatively light medkit.

as I arrived at the cave my heart dropped when I saw bloodied footprint, I readied my knife as I saw one wolves in the middle of two more dead wolves near it, I immediately jumped on it as it's growling in pain, it tried to bite me to no avail as I braced through the pain and stabbed it in its head making it dropped it's body on the ground, with a medkit in my left hand I handed it over to him, as he went to asked what was happening I gestured at him to not talk about this until later, he nodded.

morning comes as I saw his leg is already patched up and my shoulder is covered in bandages.

"don't move yet if you want your shoulder to be good again. " Joel warned me.

"you done patching up your leg? "

"I'm done, it feels better than going to the hospital that's for sure! "

"alright let's get a move on. "

"why? what's the hurry? "

"uh, I think... this is the wolves den. "

"ah, that makes sense. " then Joel packed his things into a bag, this time he's the one who hold it because my shoulder is damaged.

I walked to the South of here unexpectedly finding the hut along the way.

"what's that hut? " he asked smelling the blood from within.

"nothing, let's move the wolves probably smelled that and already in our way. " I said as I saw him walking slowly into the hut.


"i-" he put his hand up in a gestures that I used in the cave.

we didn't talk that day.


side story! (this whole story is a reference) (wink at Lisa:the hopeless) (I got mixed up its Lisa:the pointless) (I woke up midnight while thinking about this)