
cgjk OB cr (dropped)

dropping this, my engine is busted, I exhausted my creativity as the last fuel ran out.

djakwpse · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
3 Chs

1. the boring old day

'waking up early sure is great, but it had a mission to follow. ' I think to myself, it's early dawn as I wake up on a bunk bed, the smell of iron and rust permeates the whole room, the room itself is a blank cold cement wall with a window on a side 'a fake window. ' the terms come to my mind whenever I see that window, being down underground really fucks up some kids so they started to draw a semi-realistic portrait on the wall, making the kids thinking we are outside... it's fake I touched it, the moment the coarse and hard paper is felt in my fingertips I feel like my whole world is a lie... it is I just haven't realized it.

I went to the door, it's rusty hinges and frankly a rusted handle capable of killing a child with tetanus as soon as I come contact with it, I held my clothes and instead of grabbing it with my hand, I grabbed it with my clothes.

the door opens, the hinges creaking with the sound of an old people's laughter, some of the kids wake up... to be expected, I went outside to see some kids already getting out for the day.

then some of the kids ran as fast as they could to the singular hallway laid before them, unfortunately since I was in the furthermost corner of the hallway I had a hard time catching up to the rest of them.

I looked at the banner before me, after arriving at the end of the hallway I stumble upon some banner that is hanged across the cafeteria, it reads [BEEF SOUP CODE:3412] the banner displayed a delicious soup of beef painted very amateurishly, I already see some kids already at the food giver waiting in line for their turn.

thankfully I had already learned how to read, and it seems that most of the kid in line can't read... I hope.

when it was my turn I presses the code for the beef soup, the kid beside me however almost cried when he saw a potato soup instead of the beef one, he misclicked... then a wonderful smell hit my nose like a freight train, other kids looking at me with envy clearly written on their face, the soup is real, the beef soup.

I immediately ate it on the spot drinking every single droplet of the broth making some kid cried on the spot as my beef soup are the last one left.

then I with my audacity filled my empty(almost) bowl of beef soup and filled it with the abomination that is potato soup, the kids look at me like I'm insane... I also ate it on the spot garnering attention, the flavor of the previous soup and the current one feel like heaven and hell, the former is a beautiful and amazingly flavourful rich soup, now the latter it felt like eating a pile of condensed healthy meal, not GOOD healthy which is the same as boringly badly mediocre with no amount of seasoning, spice or any indicator of flavour in them, eating the same kind of boring and unflavored food for the entirety of your life is akin to a living hell.

the reaction are varied some new kids are puking their mouth while some of the kids are treating it like a daily ordeals, some kids looked at me like a ghost, some of them are outright mad, and most importantly Chris reaction which is of pure horror as he say on a table, it's always a good day when Chris almost broke his composure.

then after my mission is complete I returned toward the table I and Chris usually sat at.

"oh my god. " said Chris with his eye enlarged as I sat on a table with him, Larry, and acy.

"cheese and rice Alex! slow down will ya, you're going to make someone puke insides out again. "Larry said his face is laden with worry, I mean who wouldn't if someone was to perform that act that I did they would've died tomorrow, thankfully I'm a resilient little cockroach.

"again?! " acy said holding her mouth with her hand the bulge in her throat is evident of the puke she's holding.

"well the teacher told me to, he said he's going to teach us something called 'swear words' and other stuff I forgot about. "

"swear words? what's that? " acy asked, looks like she won against her gag reflex.

"he said it's going to give us power when we said it. " I said dropping a huge bomb as the group was left aghast.

"power? just saying some words give us power? " Larry said suspicious of my information.

"eh, I don't want to talk about it too much, beside there's ear everywhere. " I said pointing all around me as a few kids freezed up.

"so I guess we can talk this later? " Chris said, he's eager to get stronger as it would mean less chances of being discarded.

"more like never, come on! class gonna start in a couple of hours. "i said standing up.

"wha- hey! where are you going? " acy said after seeing all of us standing up and walking to the countless hallway.

"class, come on! do you want to know the word or what! "i said to acy while in response she ran toward our group in full speed.

after walking for a while Chris finally asked "umm, are we going to the class? " in response to his question I looked around, after noticing there's only a few people stalking us I hastened my pace and said " beep... beep. beep. beep... beep. " everyone except Larry nodded their head and scattered in different direction.

"wait what th- hey! where the hell are you going guys?! " Larry said his voice is completely confused, bewildered, baffled, and bamboozled.

"I knew it, it's like my fate for me to be completely unaware of your guys plan... fuck this shit I'm just gonna go piss. "larry said, then something stuck to him... fuck... that word it's magical, he said it out of reflex as a teacher once accidentally said it to him, once he said that word all of his anger and frustration is immediately snuffed out like a candle, he looked at his hand it's brimming with power, his body is working overtime to contain the power until... it disappeared suddenly from his body, is this a swear words... it's fucking magnificent.

"HAHAHA!! " he started laughing out loud in the hallway his voice reverberate through the air sending chills through somebody who's spying on him, eventually after laughing non stop for 1 minute the spy decided to spent his time to be more productive by chasing the others.

"anyway I'm gonna go piss. " Larry said that word in nonchalant manner it's as if he hadn't laughing like a lunatic for 1 minute straight.

after relieving himself of the bodily functional pee-pee, he went to his bunk bed.

"- as I was saying no words can give you power, I just lied to everybody! ha! "he eventually heard Alex saying some nonsense thing, you can gain power by doing some stuff you just have to believe in it.

Larry busted the door down as I talked my newfound information "hello fucker! " Larry said.


sorry for the delay I just watched emesis blue, it's really good.

also the last one is of insufficient quality so sorry.

this is a remake of the first chapter.