
CFO Element: Monarch of the Night

Every Man, Woman, Child, Living organism that roam the plains of Hilderia has heard of the legend of the Majestic being that hunts the night. Uleen Virgo the mysterious King of the night, now forced to live as the ultimate predator, seeks for nothing but to break Itself from the curse that afflicted it and took away its freedom. Aaliyah Walters, the lowest of all the humans, suffering the most amongst all of the humans. Even in the time of prosperity for humans she was bound by a contract to serve the higher ups as a lowly slave. She was later accused of a crime by the king she loved and admired so much, fearing for her life; she flees into the comfort of the King of the night Uleen Virgo. Uleen Virgo then makes it a priority to become the god of Hildera and unite all the races under one rule to protect them all from the incoming attack. A being after the rumor and curses layed on it by all, decided to sacrifice Itself to save all it swore to protect.

Francis_Oks · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Lore of the Dragons

Often worshipped by the humans and most others as gods, known for their size, Raw power, magics, and utter destructive capabilities.

The Dragon race, the armies of Armageddon. 

Most of these creatures were long since captured by the slayer of the Vestr and manipulated into being members of the army of the night.

Unlike the Giants, all of Dragon-kind answered once answered to one authority, Longwang. That was till he vanished millennia ago. Rumors had it that he was hunted and slain by Uleen Virgo because of their closeness in power, leaving It as the undisputed champion of Hilderia.

He was a mighty dragon with azure blue outlines of bladed strands throughout his body. His power was said to be nearly equal to the slayer of the Vestr Itself.

Longwang was the leveler of Hilderia, his size was that of his choosing. This was a power that came to all of dragon-kind after reaching a mastery over their biology and arts along with the ability to shift into a human-like form.

The cryptids of Hilderia.

After the disappearance of Longwang four new dragons took his place dividing his territory into the four cardinals namely: Higashi territory of the east, Nishi territory of the west, Kita territory of the North, Nanpo territory of the South, and Chuo of the center (not a main branch).

The leaders of each territory came to be worshipped by humans as deities of the seasons.

The Higashi led by Quinglong, all in all, were the most loyal to Longwang. Their way of life was done in his honor.

Quinglong, the purest of all the dragons. She was the celestial azure dragon of the sky having mastery over the elements of wood, water, and wind. Breath of flames, naturally hard scales, and powerful wings that once when she was flying over the Undeened sea, she split it into two. The sea of Dead and the sea of Probability. What resided in these places to give them such a name?

Known to humans as the deity of the springtime even though dragons were that of the cryptids - Not knowing if they were real or not, no one has seen them. 

Human form - Overall thick, endearingly beautiful - no pupils just pure blue glowing eyes, on her hair were magically grown blue roses with pure essence and beautifully strong aroma, average height, voice of flowers, with light blue hair lit with azure flames, and heavy amour adoring her body. White and blue dragon scales on both her biceps and a cloud of blue flames covered her like a robe. The color blue seemed to be the overall color that she went with. 

Goddess of the wind, rains, growth, birth, and renewal

The spring was the season of promise. Represented by the blue roses of that only bloomed in the springtime.

Kind and merciful to the human race. 

Secretly helping with the vegetation and frequently answering their prayers. 

Truly majestic she was.

Suzaku, the leader of the Nanpo tribe was portrayed as an elemental dragon of fire. Elemental dragons are a rare class of dragons consisting of pure energy in that which they embody, there is usually one of each kind alive at the same time.

The Nanpo were the smallest of the dragon race consisting of only elemental dragons.

She was a rebel, hot-headed, and loyal defender of her people.

Suzaku was known by the humans as the deity of the summer and complete cycles.

She could burn almost all with her flames... nothing could get in her way 

Human form - slim build, Beautiful all through; had long red hair, black eyes. With mastery over her biology, she could wield her flames however she wanted. It got hotter depending on her emotions

Adorned with red flames on her biceps, a crown of hot red glowing flames, and beautiful red and white non-armored attire with dual swords sheathed at each waist side.

These swords gave her vast and creative ways to utilize her heat in combat.

Suzaku was the goddess of the sun, rebirth, the summertime, and ironically good Virtue.

She was sweet but no one knew that because of the tough front she put up, even the humans only prayed to her that she dimmed her overbearing heat in the summertime. 

All she wanted was to free Uleen - her former lover from his curse so that both of them could be happy and together. She hadn't seen him in millennia that being the reason she took a cold and hot-headed personality.

Baihu 'The white tiger' of the Nishi was the most resilient of the dragon god.

Possessed the toughest of scales out of all known dragons in history (unbreakable)

Baihu was the leader of the Nishi, he created a governing democracy that decided the action of the Nishi as a whole. His wisdom was as vast as his justness.

All Nishi members were capable of shifting into humans.

In dragon form, he is a metal dragon.

Human form - Lean build White hair, blue eyes, he possessed beauty truly deserving of a god. Metal-like scales on his biceps. Complete mastery over his biology, the elements of lightning and metal, and Wing Chun martial arts. Nothing really special about his attire, it was a white kimono with a hint of blue and red stains as its design.

The god of autumn, justice (unjustly accused), metal, and Lightning(electricity). By internally conducting the metal in his subconscious, he can reverse polarity creating electricity on a large scale.

The Fall as a season represented the end of the year as a whole, what happened has happened and cannot be changed.

He dispenses judgment by hurling lightning at the accused (if found guilty) in any race and does not discriminate.

Once a friend to the King of the night, this fact made him unable to pass judgment on It.

He feels nothing but pity for Uleen. 

The last and final of the main branch of the dragon race is The Kita with Xuan Wu the Black Tortoise as their leader.

Often referred to as the god of death, Xuan Wu is the final of finals (not to confuse with Baihu the last of the seasons)

Dragon form is a pitch-black wingless serpent-like dragon. Often thought of as a dragon with the head of snake and the body of a fully mature Tortoise

He was Uleen's favorite Dragon-god because of his concept as the god of death.

Human form - Devilishly handsome, dark-skinned, knee-length black hair (locks) wore deep black eyewear. He had mastery over his biology, able to shift into what could keep the diseased mind at ease until he collected their spirit and they passed on and had mastery over any element pertaining to Cold winds and water. Didn't wear any clothes on his top half revealing his lean and muscular physique and purple thorn rose tattoo drawn in a spiral from his neck downward to his entire upper half, he wore pure gold pants on his lower half.

The purple thorn rose signifies death.

Those who saw his pitch-black eyes were ready to pass on the other side, Xian Wu was not deeply involved in dragon-kind affairs for His job was tasking.

Emotionless and cold, was the god of emotions, wisdom, and longevity and the Winter.

Ironically called the black Tortoise because of his speed as the fastest of the dragons (the Hare vs the Turtle). His consciousness resides in the rest of the Kita, making them his satellite ' The Angels of Death'.

No one prays to Xian Wu for anything but longevity because they believed that anything else will encore the domain of death upon the land.

His attribute for wisdom was given to Quinglong. 

Which was utterly disrespectful.

The dragons all had their roles in Hilderia and helped to maintain balance. 

They possessed all they needed to justly or unjustly rule over all lives in Hilderia, no one could stop those in places of power after all.

The Dragonarchy

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