
The young couples story continues

William was frozen in place. 'Come on, come on, Will what the fuck are you doing ,' William thought while he takes out hi gun with a shaking hand. 'I need to kill them before they kill me.'

The men are still searching through still shop and William gathers his courage. He slides from the edges of the wall and shoots with the gun one of the 3 men. The shot man collapses and the other two turn around to William. Through the knock back of the shot William stumbles back, loses the grip on his gun and lets it fall down.

"Oh SHITTTT, " William picks up the gun and runs away. The two men run behind him. He runs out of the gas station bumps into a zombie and drops the gun again. He picks up his spear to kill the zombie but doesn't do it.

William pushes the zombie into the entrance of the gas station and takes his spear. The two man run into the zombie and fall down to the ground atop of the zombie. The man who bumped and is practically lying on the zombie gets bitten in the neck by it.

"Whragggghgghghghgh-," the man cry's out, after a couple of seconds his crying formed into a weird form of gurgle his on blood in his throat. The other man tried to stand from his suffocating partner, but gets William's pierced through his face and dies.

William plobs down to the floor and pukes onto the floor not realizing that a zombie is still near. 'What ,' William thought. 'What have I done ?' William stands up and picks his spear and pierces the zombies head.

William walks to the office trying to open the door, but its locked again. "Who is there ," is hearable from the inside. "It's Me. William," William said with a crack in his voice. Emily Opens the door and jumps to William to embrace him.

William's skin is pale and lifeless like his eyes. They both look lifeless. "It's ok to cry Will," Emily said whilst embracing William stronger. Tears start falling down from William's face. He starts sobbing to.

"I just killed three men Emi, " William said scared of what Emily would think about him the ruthless serial killer. "It's ok Will, it's ok I won't judge you. I will never judge you, " Emily said embracing William even stronger. Emily stands on her tiptoes to give William a loving kiss.

William passes out and only awakes several hours later in the bed of the office. He is under blankets and it seems to be midday. William searches for Emily and finds her after going out of the office in to the main hall.

William and talk a lot how much they have changed in this small amount of time and how much the world has changed. Times passes by quickly and out of summer it turns into near winter.

"Christmas is coming Will, " Emily said wearing a jacket and looking the snow fall down to the outside of the gas station. William wearing a bigger jacket comes out of the gas station, holding a box with supplies like canned food, water bottles and condoms. He sniffs his nose.

"It should still take at least a month or two to reach Christmas but yeah its coming faster then I thought it would come." William walks toward a car they found on the highway while searching for supplies. William puts the supplies into the car.

"You drive Emi, I will drive the night. If everything works we should be there in about two to three days," William said. William's and Emily's supplies have almost run out so they want to drive to the next smaller town following the road.

William and Emily decided to not go into their hometown, because it would be to big and many people would probably survive and post danger. William was firstly against it, but was convinced by Emily in the end.

William and Emily started driving to the next town. The journey took about four and a half days before they arrived. They arrived much later, because of many obstacles and many detours.

"Look there, there is a pharmacy maybe we should look there after some supplies ?"

William and Emily went to the pharmacy, but found nothing of use only sleeping pills and some unusable stuff.

"We should look for a grocery store or something like that," William suggested and they eventually found one with several canned of food that had a letter on it, but William couldn't read it, because Emily put the letter into the trash.

"I need to get something from the pharmacy real quick be right back," Emily said and went to the pharmacy coming back with a pack of baby pills and tampongs. "Sorry I wanted to try it raw," she boldly exclaimed while winking to William, who in turn hugged her and kissed her lovingly.

"I think we should stay near to-," William sneezed and cut of his sentence. Apparently William had cough a cold while he drove in the night and it got worse right now. "Near to the pharmacy and look there for a apartment to live," William finished his sentence and wiped his nose.

"Good idea Will, we will do that," Emily confirmed and they went into a apartment house near to the pharmacy and wiped it of the zombies. They took the biggest apartment and sat in there. William lied down onto a bed and was getting a fever.

William sometimes saw weird images of Emily where she looked like the devil or a demon, but that was only a fever dream. Emily brought William some tea and then went out of the room again. Quickly after William took the tea he was asleep and dreaming his usual nightmare.

William awoke at the next morning feeling worse and having shivering fit. He tries to stand up but can't.'Where is Emily ,' William thought while leaving his room with a blanket around his body.

William couldn't find Emily or the supplies either. Apparently Emily was gone. Forever gone. 'But she wouldn't take all the supplies when it was not on purpose.....,' William thought and started crying and agonizing himself in self-loathe, because he realized all the time with Emily even before the zombie apocalypse was only a facade of her.

William noticed so many things that were wrong that should have made him suspicious or at least question himself why Emily the prettiest girl of the school, the "Snow Queen" how she was called by some students, would go out of her way for him a dude with bad grades.

William's Emotion and rage got worse with his condition and he eventually passed out on a couch in the living room. He would die if his condition gets worse. And this is the end of the story of a unlucky 17 almost 18 year old boy.