
CHAPTER 1 He couldn't get her off his mind

Alexander couldn't concentrate on anything at that moment, he felt depressed and angry which made everyone surprised.

Well if u want to know, Alexander is the son of a successful business man in a city called Yellow city. He was handsome and well breed he was every woman's dream in yellow city, and he was the dark type he didn't care what any body say about him but him feeling depressed made everyone suprised including his mom.

Alexander was dating Ariana the daughter of Hings. The Hings family were also wealthy but they were nothing compared to Alexander's, the Hings family wanted a growing relationship with the Macdonald's family which is Alexander's family and they were happy to learn that their daughter was dating Alexander which meant well cause that would make the bound stronger and they thought that the Macdonald's company would make them their business partner.

Alexander actually met Ariana at the house warming party of the Hings family, at that time the Hings family just came to Yellow city and they were making names to themselves which Macdonald the father of Alexander felt very impressed with. They invited the Macdonald's family and other families to their house warming party which was very interesting and Alexander and Ariana falling in love also added spice to the occasion.

Alexander actually didn't do women, he was actually focused on his job wanting to make a name for himself. He had few female friends and he mostly goes out with his guys which are prominent men like him. He felt women were distraction he wanted to make enough money first before he thinks about woman which his mom is vehemently against, but she doesn't know how to deal with till the invitation to the house warming party came.

When Alexander heard about his he was well against him going but his mom wouldn't hear of it, trust her she really pressured him and his dad also pressured him so he just had to go. He knew what his mom had in mind, she wanted him to go then see those girls and then maybe he'll fall in love with one of them. Thinking about this made his crack up but he just swallowed the laughter coming out of his mouth and started thinking of how the party will be like.

Well because of his mom they went their a little bit early cause his mom wont hear of them going late, they were recieved and welcomed happily by the Hing's family, Alexander just smirked he knew they wanted favour cause why invite someone u barely know to your house warming party. They showed them the sitting room and they served them wine, Macdonald and Hing was talking when Ariana walked down from the stairs. When Alexander saw her he couldn't take his eyes off her she was like perfect, that vibe around her, the blue eyes, long lashes, full lips and every thing was just perfect. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, well he had seen a lot of women of cause being the most handsome man and also a very rich young batchelor isn't easy, you will have lot of women stalking you.

And well you already know like they said the rest is history, they fell in love, he asked her out, she agreed and then they started dating.

Back to present

When he taught about all this things he just gave up on love, he felt so depressed physically and emotionally. He couldn't imagine Ariana the girl he dated for 2 years just dumped him for a modelling guy, that just came to Yellow city. He couldn't contact her or even get to see her, it was hard to let go cause she really made him see what love meant and she was the first girl he had really fell in love with.

He couldn't figure out what to do

" Well if is this how love works, a girl comes to your life claims she loves you and you and also give her your attention and then she ditches you. Well guess I'm not gonna put my heart in loving someone again. I'm gonna be the Alexander everyone knows that guy that don't have time for women, I cant be ditched twice" he said this and walked inside the house, a new energy building inside of him.