
Ceremonial Rites

For the darkness, he knew it so well.

Alvin_Lyons98 · Action
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6 Chs


Alderige Estate, Washington D.C.

I'm not really good at describing a situation but all I can say is this is stupid. My eyebrow reacted to the man in front me who is currently unable to prepare my outfit for today's engagement. How incompetent.

"Please, Mr. Smith. I'm sure we have all day." I can't help but be sarcastic. The middle age man glanced apologetically and continue what he is doing.

"I'm very sorry, master Alderige. I have everything prepared last night but the housekeeper seems to move it from where I left it." He explained and still warily scanning everything.

"Find me a decent one, if you may. I can't afford to be late for today's meeting. The board always wants me dead." I totally surrendered with him because if I wait for another minute and he has to iron that suit. I'm going insane.

"Very well then, sir. I really do----"

I cut him off before he starts to mumble incoherent apologies which seems to take a lifetime to finish. He's been working with the family for years and he's the only person reliable in terms of personal belongings inside this old rusty house.

After Mr. Smith found a suit for me, I quickly grabbed it from him. As much as I want to feel more aristocratic by letting him wear it to me, I will be wasting few more minutes. Time is precious. Time is money. I waved the old man goodbye immediately. Don't want to prolong his agony. Why is he even still working here?

A man I recognized as my secretary approached me in an alarming velocity. Something tells me that he carries a valuable message. Or an investor decided to pull out. I gave him a warning look.

"Pentagon on the line, sir."

"Who in particular?"

"General McGregor, sir."

I took the phone and dismissed him. This will be a vital conversation. Someone from a meter length will surely hear it. I'm not really fond of talking in silent. After I sighed in utter disappointment, I answered the phone.


"Mr. Alderige?" From the authoritative tone, this is the general.


"Senator Rivas request your presence at the emergency meeting, sir." He deadpanned. He sounded like I don't have a choice. That hit a nerve.

"May I have the privilege of knowing why am I needed?"

"The matter is not to be discussed in an unsecured line, sir." He defended. Again, he sounded irritated by my question. The audacity though.

"I'll tell you if I have a bathroom break, general. You see my hands are full this week."

"You will leave in 1300. I will send some personnel to fetch you, Mr. Aldridge." Then the line was cut.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance. 1300 hours? What? I'm not even in the US army for Christ sake. That piece of shit. I, heir to the Alderige family, had to follow their certain demands. Right, I work for them.

Unfortunately, I'm a scientist working on a very valuable product as of the moment. My company was involved in an international research which, again, unfortunately, spearheaded by yours truly. Our informants filled us the wrong details making us negotiating with a huge drug cartel in Mexico. The entire US government decided to meddle with the problem which they always do in most of the world resulting to a dispute with the Mexican government.

I saw my secretary who is visibly annoyed because I kept him waiting. His smile is not that convincing. I have to tell him one of these days. Our car moved instantly when I settled inside. My phone beep again and it's Senator Rivas this time. The red icon was very attracting that's why I clicked it. Too bad senator. Can't risk the conversation.

Everyone started going to the conference room when I arrived. Considering the recent events, they surely want to know what happens next. Especially our biggest drug cartel association. My secretary already reviewed everything from the car so I kinda have a head's up to what will happen.

"No need for the pleasantries, people. We need to discuss something." I declared the moment they started getting up.

"Very well then, Vincent. I think you heard the incident between the FBI and the Mexican government." Mr. Connelly immediately spoken.

"Yes, I have heard of it. It was all over the news."

"Don Juan moved the lab to Brazil." Another one spoken. The information quirked my eyebrow.

"I understand that we are a little bit compromised but that will surely means expenses, which?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Will be covered by the company since it is indeed our research." Connelly continued. I nodded in agreement.

"Correct." I confirmed in disappointment.

"We need to fully control the production or we will go down with them. The company should not be involved in such, infidelity." Mrs. Morris cut in.

Good lord. Infidelity is such an interesting word for our involvement to the drug infestations. I assured them because that's what they are expecting, assurance, that we will not be convicted in doing business with a drug lord. The dispute between the FBI and Mexican government have hit our ecenomic stand. Business dealings have started to be in doubt since our name was dragged down with the incident. The damage control have costs us a bit. Money can silence the media these days.

The migraine causing meeting was adjourned and I cant help but to massage my head. These problems are going to kill me. I can't even find a proper date. Piles of work everyday.

I took the rest of the day off with my excuse that I will handle the problem myself. Nothing is more effective than dealing the problem with your own hands. I cannot fogive the pilot for blaring at the estate ruining my supposedly afternoon nap. God those people.

The butler announced the arrival of my entourage. Two uniform men approached me immediately when I got out the back porch. The wind from the propeller is starting to hit my last nerve. They motioned me to get inside.

"What is going on exactly?" I shouted at one of them.

"I don't know sir. Your security clearance is higher than us." The man shouted back. I rolled my eyes. Of course why am I even asking. These were just the chauffer and the bell boys.

I wore the headphones and looked at the two stiff men in front of them. Their composure is quite remarkable. The New York Society will be impressed.

"What exactly you guys know?"

They handed me a folder which has a very large watermark, confidential. I wonder if they read this. I found my picture at the first page. This looks like a mug shot. I read the words on it. Project Sao Paulo. Interesting.

We arrived at the pentagon faster than I thought. After I descended from my high ground, I was received by another pair of men. I bet they have higher security clearance than those from the chopper. We went to sublevel 4. The conference room was lit. Literally lit. There were snickering from both sides of the table, arguing to a certain solution. What the fuck?

"Mr. Alderige." The general announce and the noise started to subside.

"We were all anticipating your arrival." A middle age man said in all smile. I faked mine.

"I noticed."

The general guided me to my seat. He then cleard his throat and looked at us.

"As you can see, Mr. Alderige. We have a bit of a situation here."

"I noticed." I said it again.

"The real problem here is that your company is involve to a biohazard weapon system. The entire lab has your company logo. In which we want you to shut it down for us. Another problem is?" He raised an eyebrow to me.

"I cannot do that." I finished.

"Indeed. That's where we jump in. You, Mr. Alderige has the full control of the laboratories. We want you to get a few samples from your lab."

"I'm sorry?" He want me to what?

"You will get samples of your biohazard chemicals in your laboratories." He repeated.

"You can't make me do that, general. I may have the full control but Don Juan has the other military control. That's suicide." How am I supposed to sneak out a sample? The area is full of armed men.

"Our men will escort you to Brazil, Mr. Alderige. If you will refuse to this offer, your company, which stood for generations will be charged for conspiring with drug cartels in Mexico."

"You will watch your tone, General McGregor." I warned him. No one dares threaten our family. Atleast not in our face and get away with it.

The general stood his ground but from the looks of it, I still hold the line here. We have connections inside the Capitol and I will not let this incident ruin us, not even a self made general.

"I'm sure you already felt the gravity of our situation, Mr. Alderige." The general added.

The wide monitor in front of us suddenly turned on revealing the face of Senator Rivas. What more could ruin my very wonderful monday? The senator smiled when he saw me.

"I see you have collected Mr. Alderige already." He chirped.

"I believed you are already on the same pace as us, Mr. Alderige? I just had a word with the president and he wants this weapon---"

"Research, senator. If I may correct it." I cut in. People have been slapping us with our weapons when in fact this is just our research breakthrough.

"Research then. Still he wants to get rid of it. It's a national security threat level if we fail to stop it. We want you Mr. Alderige to check the status of your laboratories and bring samples. We will test its probability of being a biohazard weapon."

"And if I refused? I can send one of my men to fetch what you needed without me involving it." I suggested.

"A good idea. But will Don Juan hand a sample let alone allow your choosen men to step inside the laboratory?" The senator quirked. A nice point.


"I thought so. Don't worry, Mr. Alderige. A military escort will be provided to you as protection but in most discreet entourage."

I almost laugh at his statement. The only thing that will make me secure is if the entire army will be with me when I go to Brazil. A handful of men is still a suicide mission.

"I will have this proposition under evaluation, senator."

"But you won't have that long, Mr. Alderige."

The monitor went out and I sighed in frustration. This will definitely be a very difficult choice. The general faced me expectantly. Not again. I stood up and went to the door without even saying goodbye. It's not like they can court martial me or something.

"We'll keep in touch, Mr. Alderige."