
Ceremonial Rites

For the darkness, he knew it so well.

Alvin_Lyons98 · Action
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6 Chs


Sao Paulo, Brazil, 09:00

Passengers started going out of the terminal. Three familiar men who literally look like tourists walked out like it's their first time arriving to the country. Maybe it is their first time. I faked a wide smile and cheerfully approached them. I suppressed a laugh seeing them all wearing Hawaiian shirts. Seriously? How original.

"Welcome to Brazil, Amigos!" They were completely weird out by my warm welcome. Who wouldn't be? We don't even know each other that much.

"Your friends, señor?" Jose clarified beside me.

"Si. Take their luggage, por favor?"

With the help of two personnel, Jose took all of their luggage and put them in the car. I waved at them to join me. I completely forgot each of their names.

"What's your name?" I whispered to the one who's wearing a Ray Ban and a brown shorts.

"Derrick, sir." He whispered back.

I pointed the other two to whisper their names. Jose might start to wonder why I don't even know my friends' names. How can I be so stupid!

"Marco." The medium built guy said. I think he is the captain.

"Newland." The tallest of us added. NBA will not reject him if he joins them. If he has the necessary skills.

"I believed you all know our play?"

They all nodded in unison. Good. I don't want to compromise this. I can save myself if all else fail but having another liabilities will surely be hard to get away. We all settled to a land rover. It's a bit low key and reinforced.

For friends who knew each other from college, we are bit quiet and spaced out. I don't know if it's funny or scary. I pretended to slap the back of the sunglasses guy. If my memory serves me right, he is Derrick.

"So how was the flight, guys?" I gave them the knowing look to play with me. We can't be friends and act like we don't know about each other. Yao Ming faked a laugh.

"It was great! A bit bumpy but tolerable." He chirped. I nodded like I was thrilled.

"So what's the best place you can recommend to us, Alderige?" Derrick asked. Why do they sound like we are bestfriends?

"You're so rude, Vincent! You didn't even introduce us to your colleagues here!" The Marco guy chipped in pointing Diego, my acting assistant and Jose, who is currently our driver.

"Oh, sorry. This is Diego my assistant. Our chauffeur is Jose, my most trusted ally here."

"Nice to meet you, Diego. Is he giving you a hard time?" Marco asked. I almost choked on his question. Diego hesitantly took his hand.

"He's been nice." Diego muttered. A safe answer.

Then they all shook hands pretending to introduce themselves including Jose. They really should try out Hollywood.

"So how long have you known each other?" Diego suddenly became interested. I kicked his seat. He's on shotgun.

"I completely forgot where we started our friendship, really." Derrick started sounding like a legit British.

"Yep. I think freshman year? The park?" Newland a.k.a Yao Ming laughed.

"Yes! That's it!" Marco agreed.

I am having a hard time connecting to this plot.

"Alderige can't even remember it. He was the obnoxious privilege kid back then." Newland mocked. Wow. What a story.

"I can't remember." I dismissed them.

They were looking victorious the entire trip until Jose announced our arrival at the Villa who is own by Don Juan. I signaled them using my eyebrow that the man at the front porch is Don Juan, our target.

A few housemaids carried our things when we got out from the car. Don Juan appeared to be so glad to see us arriving. With wide arms, he received me. I tapped his back and smiled.

"Buenas dias, Vincent!" He happily greeted after our faked hug.

"Hola, Don Juan!"

"Welcome to mi casa!"

He led the way to a vast receiving area. A typical villa.

"Mi amigos!" Then I introduced all of them including Jose. They shook hands with Don Juan.

For some reason, Jose didn't bother to stay for a meal. It was to our advantage so he can start his job. We're settled at a twelve seater dining and we are being serve with Brazillian cuisines. Before we could picked our spoons, Don Juan's most trusted person, Alejandro Vasquez arrived with an urgent call forcing Don Juan to momentarily leave the table.

Diego was about to eat when I saw it. I quickly slapped his hand off. This kid is stupid. What if we are being poisoned right now?

"Don't be stupid." I hissed.

I have a slice of meat and feed a spoonful of food from my plate to a service dog behind Don Juan's chair. The dog cheerfully chew on and stand back to his post. I waited for a moment but nothing happened, so Don Juan still needs us alive. For now.

"Bon appetit?" I started eating.

They hesitantly followed. Don Juan got back after we finished half of our meal. He was explaining something in Spanish to Alejandro who followed him to the table. From my basic knowledge to the language, Don Juan wants something to be done immediately. I wonder what's he's rushing to finish. My nerve started pounding when I remember we have a mass testing which has been terminated by the board considering the lethality.

"My apologies, señor. You know, business always requires most of our time." Don Juan said with a thick accent.

"No worries. I can relate."

He motioned us to continue our meal. We all smiled and nodded at him.

"By the way, señor. What made you visit Brazil? It's not like I don't want you here but given the circumstances." Don Juan carefully inquired.

"I'm very sorry about this sudden site check. I just want to make sure everything is going smoothly given the circumstances." I countered.

The four gentlemen with me noticed the shade and gave me, 'what are you doing?', look. Don Juan did not seem to notice the umbrella above him and nodded. If he happens to be pretending then he is indeed doing good. Then let's make sure the spotlight on him is stolen.

"Don Juan, if I may ask, the site in Mexico was moved without the consent of the council. It is an imperative that you inform us about your engagements."

Don Juan swallowed first and took a sip on his wine, wipe his mouth and faced me. I can see from where I am sitting that he was not impressed by my question but nor was I in his latest activities.

"Señor, it was an act of preservation of our production. We did inform the council about our movement after the mishaps that happened."

"I was the only one who has the knowledge of these events." I said in a warning tone.

"You are the council, señor."

I don't know if he is playing with me but that made me grin. He's good.

"Good point." I agreed.

The rest of the meal was about my Oxford visitors. I actually had to give it to them. They managed to convince Don Juan that they are interested about that annual festival at Rio de Janeiro. Don Juan offered some transportations and a personal guide to them. How fascinating.

Don Juan didn't force us to stay because he also has some business to be attended. Before he could leave us, I told him that I am visiting the Sao Paulo site within this day. He didn't seem to expect that from me since he was taken aback, but he smiled.

Jose arrived few minutes. We quickly took route seven leading to our newest main laboratory. I was surprised to see a steel gate at the junction. That's interesting.

"Technicals, 10 o'clock." Derrick spoke to our mouthpiece quietly.

We all slowly turned our heads towards the position. Unnoticeable at first but when you comprehend it for too long, the tube, whatever it's called was the only thing peeking under a large pile of  grasses.

"What's this place? A garrison?" Jose mumbled nervously when he saw a group of men at an outpost beside the gate.

The nerd guy at the passenger seat was clearly terrified. Although the US army has a whole building of firearms but it's still frightening to see an enemy holding a gun. Not to mention high powered guns.

Steel walls and reinforced glass windows welcome all of us when we reached the site. Unlike the front gate, this place crawls with unfamiliar scientists. I was the only person allowed inside so I told them to establish perimeter.

Although he has the expression of uncertainty, the only security of the building at the front door handed me a PPE. I showed him my ID. There was another door when I got inside after the one behind me shut.

"Standby for decontamination process."

There were few personnel inside. They all look foreign to me. One was instructing something to the other and from his thick accent, he is French. And I don't remember hiring him for this. I was hoping to see a familiar face but somebody snatched me out of the hallway.

"Dr. Vincent."

"Dr. Nirvana!"

I literally hugged him in surprised. So Don Juan spared him from that onslaught.

"You shouldn't have come here." He warned.

"I know, but the US government's been probing me in to this mess. How did you survive? Don Juan murdered our team!"

"United States as always. I was the only one who knew about formula to the ThioA B, because they can't drag you here." Me and Rod Nirvana formulated ThioA that's why Don Juan can't get rid of us that easily.

"What's happening, here? He added some arm men outside!"

"I know! Don Juan is selling our product to the middle east. ISIS is the only buyer I can identify."

If I had to destroy this bloody site to stop this madness, I will. Actually I can. All of this is ensured and has a twin facility at Finland ready to accept full responsibility when all of this fail. This will have to fail. I held his arm firmly.

"I'm giving you three days to leave the site. I'm wiping this out once and for all."

"Are you mad?! All of this? This is our hardwork, Vincent!" I can understand his frustration but our name has been dragged down long enough.

"I got the ThioA B sample. Get the ThioA Alpha. I'll meet you at Rio de Janeiro at the festival."

"It's not that easy! Don Juan has been guarding my every movement here. We can't just walk out from this!"

"We will and we can. I'll handle your security. Bring the other sample, is that understood?"


A Russian looking female scientist entered Nirvana's office and we have to act like nothing has been in a serious discussion.

"Doctor. We finished the weaponizing two hundred samples."

I almost choke on that information. Two hundred samples? Converted as a weapon. Good God. I smiled at the woman even though my face is not visible enough.

"You must be?" I asked.

The woman faced me suspiciously. She glanced at Nirvana then to me.

"Doctor Edith. Bioweapon specialist." She proudly said. Cocky.

"Doctor Vincent Alderige. President and CEO of Alderige International. The person behind all of these." I introduced myself leveling the cockiness.

Nirvana snorted from his table. It is satisfying seeing the mixture of nervousness and defeated look of the woman in front of me. She can try but she will never win against me.

"Now that the pleasantries are out of the way, Doctor, I'll see you at the lab." Nirvana cut in.

"It's nice meeting you in person, doctor." Edith spoke. She sounded sincere enough.

"Believe me  the pleasure is mine, doctor."

I gave her my hand and she took it. I kissed her smooth hand which startled her a bit from the stiffness of her arm.

"I'll see you around."

She hesitantly left the room glancing at me. Nirvana can't hold his laughter. He shot me with a crampled paper while holding the door.

"You should leave. I'll keep the bargain."

"I'm counting on you, Nirvana."

Author's Note:

