

"I'll show you the ropes of how to build a company from scratch. Soon we will stand at the top." Lisa Zafira Y. Summers lived a lucrative life as the CEO of Summers Holdings Incorporated in District 2. Yet, in an unfortunate circumstance, her luxurious life ended at the age of 24. She was assassinated! Her sudden death activated a mysterious system that claimed to have a connection with her maternal ancestors - the Ye Clan. This allowed her soul to randomly transmigrate into the body of a teenager who spent her life playing some online mobile game. Lisa was set to experience a new life with her previous instincts in business combined with a new identity full of gaming knowledge. Stockholders were replaced with squad members... taking investment risks became launch attack signals... planning new company ventures turned into joining tournaments. Soon enough, she found herself leading her friends on the path towards the business world. This is now the life of Sofia Blanca D. Su aka CEO UNRIVALED. * Vol.1 Simply emerge "For with the root of progress shall bloom prosperity in such unknown places." Vol. 2 Hands so capable "Every ticking second, there is an opportunity of success. Anywhere and everywhere." Vol. 3 "One 's success is everyone's progress."

inflict · Teen
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447 Chs

Jing Jing

Jing Jing quickly dialed his boyfriend's number. She brushed her hair neatly and took a few steps towards her drawer. Instead of picking the red dress she bought for the date, her fingers grabbed the company uniform instead.

She was a career-driven woman in her mid-late twenties. Although she felt bad for canceling their date, it was also important scope for her company. Such opportunity cannot be neglected.

In just the second ring, the man answered her call...

"Dear Jing Jing, Happy Valentine's Day!!! I can't wait to meet you later!" the man greeted. His enthusiastic voice quickly stirred some guilt from the lady.

Jing Jing took a deep breath and closed her eyes. The guilt was eating her. She collected her composure and bite her lips. A manner she always practiced when she felt uneasy.

"Drake, Happy Valentines Day also! Listen, something big has happened and I need to cover it for the press. I hate to cancel our date but I must do this. I hope you will understand." Jing Jing said in a straightforward tone.

"AHH, what is it that is so important than our date? Is there a celebrity couple going to your place? Of course, I will always understand you, dear! Don't worry about it. We can reschedule when the two of us are not busy." Drake told her gently on the other side of the phone. He also had the same thought as Jing Jing about a celebrity couple creating a stunt for their publicity.

"It's about the District Online Tournament, the netizens had been talking about this on the forum crazily. Boss Wang just called for me to make a coverage of the event." Jing Jing answered reluctantly.

"The district tournament? Such a small event for it to cause a hype," Drake muttered. To him, it was just a local tournament of online gamers, it should not cause so much hype on social media. The timing could not be right as well since it is Valentine's Day!

"AHH! It is also unbelievable. At first, I thought it was not real. But as I checked at the forums, it is really on rank 1 and rank 2. The posts are almost reaching millions of reactions from the public! So, I must get this a coverage." Jing Jing stated calmly.

"Rank 1 and rank 2? That is indeed rare. Then, I will have to take a look at that event as well. See you in the venue dear." the man spoke gently.

"Yes, see you, Drake. I will end the call now. Bye! See you later!" the lady rambled her words and hang up the call.

"Ahh this girl is so heartless!" the man could only shake his head and heaved a sigh after he found out that the phone call was already disconnected by her girlfriend. He also opened his social media account to look at the information that Jing Jing had told him.

As he scrolled up, he really saw the top1 and top 2 viral posts. The top 1 was about the Chronos squad. There were plenty of photos starting from the first blood of the Chronos assassin. There were also short video clips that were uploaded.

The second post was about the 40-Player Map of the tournament. Most of the people had expressed their opinions of how it should be open for public instead of using it in the tournaments only.

One post was full of admiration while the other was an ongoing debate!

When the man looked at the primary person who made the post that went viral, he was slightly shocked. It was from the official account of the Lee Gaming Squad!

He knew that this team was one of the respected squad and known for being wealthy in the entire district 7. The man quickly vied the content of the post. There were only a few words of tags on it.

It says, "#SatisfyingFirstBlood #ChronosSquad".

There were no pictures or video clips on the initial post. It was plain and somehow confusing to another person especially for non-gamers. However, the number of comments and reactions from the gaming community was extremely high.

The keyboard warriors can never be underestimated. One person had even commented more than 20 times to express opinions both of the squad and of the game. There were no long posts. Only a few lines of comments, then the person would add a new one!

"This is indeed big!" the man nodded his head before he signed out his account. A wicked smile slowly appeared on his face as he scrolled down his contact logs.

After a while, the man contacted another person. "Hey, there is a scope in the public gymnasium. The online tournament is a good article to publish. Get on it." he stated casually.

Although Jing Jing and Drake are in a relationship for months, the lady was not really paying attention to her boyfriend's affairs. Drake was also passive and supportive of her decisions.

Jing Jing found it convenient to have an understanding boyfriend but in reality, the man just plainly did not care about her. He had his own agenda!

They met up at some press conference and she felt a connection with him. Perhaps the lady simply poured too much trust in the people in her life or she was plainly naïve.

There were red flags of their relationship but she never noticed them. She was too caught up with her career that she did not bother to know about the identity of the man she was having a relationship with.

All she knew and care is that the man was single and that she would not be destroying an existing relationship.

On the other hand, Drake indeed appeared to be a perfect boyfriend. But he was also a son of another rival press company. He was just using Jing Jing to get on the latest possible event that his company could take a scope since the lady was working on the leading press company of the district.

"That is perfect, Drake! The crew will be passing in the public gymnasium. You have a great timing! I will call them so that they can make a U-Turn and get coverage of the events there!" the person on the other line responded.

"Alright. Be quick so that there would be no competitors yet on the site before you arrived." Drake said and hung up. He then texted Jing Jing that he was on his way.