
CEO stoles my first kiss

Everyone loves Stella, a young woman who works in her father's grocery store. However, her family warns her that if she can't find a job, she will get married. To postpone getting married, Stella starts working at an advertising agency. But she has no idea what her new position will entail. Ferit is his company's CEO, and he is a charming, wise, and polished man. Ferit notices Stella's predicament because she constantly manages to get into difficulties, and a wonderful love tale begins.

Khadija_Mayo · Urban
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45 Chs

Will Julia now oversee her father's grocery shop?

Ryan was sitting in his car on the way from which Stella used to come to the office and was waiting for her to pass.

After a while, Ryan looked at Stella from the windows of his mirror.

Ryan immediately got out of the car and stopped her by calling her name and said,

"Good morning, Stella"

As soon as Stella turned her face back, she immediately took off her spectacles from her eyes and looked at him nervously, and asked, "Mr. Ryan, I am sorry. I messed up, I know...am I fired? Are you waiting to tell me I am fired? Mr. Ryan, I have to repay you. I can't afford to lose my job, Can you please give me a second chance?"

Ryan looked at her face and said, "Stella, you're not fired, but you need to do what I tell you, Okay?"

She happily said, "Okay, I ''l do whatever you want."

Ryan looked at her and said, "Ferit is working on a campaign. When he's finished, bring it to me."

She nervously asked, "You can get it from him yourself, can't you?"

He smiled and angrily said, "You're not in a position to talk back, understand? Ferit is working on a campaign and I want to know what he's doing."

and she nodded her head and said, "I'll have to go now."

As soon as she went a little further, she immediately stopped back and stopped Ryan with a voice and took out the ring from her pocket and gave it to him and said, "Oh, Mr. Ryan, I swore I slept nothing last night. It's a very pricey ring. Millions must be invested in it. Kindly take it."

He looked at the ring and said, "Stella, put it on your finger so that people can see it."

She anxiously replied, "Please, I don't want to. I told you I couldn't sleep last night and Ferit even asked me about it. I told him it was my engagement ring. Don't you have a replica?... Let's just tell the truth."

He furiously asked, "What will you say, exactly? that the engagement ring isn't yours and that you lied to him? How will you justify entering our home?"

She replied, "The answer is for me to step down. But I can't resign since I owe you a lot of money. You must fire me, but you cannot also do that. why not I owe you money, that's why. How ought I to handle this ring?"

He replied, "Come on...go to work. I'll be there soon."

She secretly said, "I'll put it on, but only when I see Mr. Ferit."

And she put the ring back in her pocket and left.

Stella's Dad was cleaning his grocery shop. Julia came to his shop and said, "Good Morning!"

Her father turned his face back and smiley looked at her and said, "Good morning, my sweet daughter" and kissed her daughter.

He asked her, "Are you going to the office?"

Julia replied, "No, they haven't called me yet."

He looked at her dress and asked, "Then, why are you dressed up?"

Julia replied, "They might call me at any moment. So I want to be ready."

and she sat on the chairs in front of her father's shop, her father looked at her worriedly and asked, "Julia, is your mother still in the same mood?"

She tiredly said, "She refuses to speak. Her sulking continues. I don't have a job and my mom won't talk to me. It's awful."

Her father lovingly looked at her and said, "Oh, Julia. I am here for you. Your dad is here for you."

and hugged her and again said, "I love my child so much. I have a suggestion, Let's have a cup of tea."

She immediately stand and said, "How about it? I'll make us some, Dad."

Her father stopped her and said, "Don't worry...I'll make it."

And her father goes inside the shop to make tea.

Julia, sitting on a chair outside the shop, draws her phone from her bag and starts looking at her phone.

After a while, Molly comes to her and starts looking at her up and down and she speaks taunting her, "You're a very fancy grocer, aren't you? Look at you sitting on your throne. It suits you...The queen groceries."

Julia immediately said, "Vey funny. I just came to visit my dad, And what are you doing? Up to no good?"

She was pointing at her head and said, "When I am up to no good, I think a lot. It works like a charm. My brain runs at a thousand miles an hour."

Julia's father brings tea for her and looking at Molly, said, "Good morning Molly, Tea is ready and gives his tea to Molly."

Molly immediately said, "No thanks...I'm fine. I had tea with breakfast."

Molly looked at Julia's father and said, "Uncle, I wonder...Since Julia is currently unemployed...That means she's not working. Since she says she's a good businesswoman."

Julia's father smiled and said, "Yes, She's a good businesswoman."

Molly points to the shop and said to her father, "I thought instead of sitting around, she could do marketing for the business."

Her father looked at Julia and said, "I think it's a brilliant idea."

and said to Molly, "Bravo, Molly"

Her father again looked at her daughter and said, "How about it, Julia? Maybe you'll bring me luck. What do you think? You said you were bored. If you like, you can stay here and we can work together"

Julia was looking angrily at Molly and then smilingly looked at her father and said, "Alright, Dad."

Molly immediately said, "Super! That's great, but I have to go now."

And she again looks at Julia and speaks tauntingly, "good luck with your work, Have fun, Julia the advertiser" and left.

Julia's father stood up and said, "Let me explain how things work around here."

She smiled and said, "Dad, Let's finish our tea first."

Molly turned back her face to Julia and said, teasing her, "You have to work."

Julia stood up from her place and looked at Molly angrily and said, "Go away, Molly."

Molly pointed at her watch and spoke to her mockingly, "Come on, come on! It's getting late!"

Julia looked at her angrily and said, "Get lost" and went inside the shop.





Stella entered the company and looked at Vera, who was wearing an Air hostess uniform

Stella happily looked her up and down and asked, "Why are you dressed like this?"

Vera started walking along with her and said excitedly, "I am playing the role of an air hostess in a new advertising campaign."

Stella nervously asked, "Oh, you mean the ad for the airline?"

Vera excitedly said, "Yes"

After a while, Ryan comes there and looked at them, and said, "Good morning."

Ryan looks at Stella and points and leaves.

Stella looks at Vera worried and asks her, "So, what do you have to do?"

She excitedly said, "I don't know. Nothing has been explained yet."

Vera looked at her knee and asked, "Hey, what's up with your knee?"

Stella immediately said, "Oh, it's nothing. I just fell."

Vera was fixing her hat when Stella immediately took out a list from her pocket and gave it to her and said,

"Vera, I want to ask you something. I have...a list...of all the guests who were at the 40th celebration. Will you tick the men with beards? I only want the bachelor."

Vera happily replied, "I'll mark them for you if you give me a good reason."

She nervously looked at her and said, "Because...I met someone that night, but I could not see him; He's maybe the most romantic guy in the world. I only know he has a beard, that's it."

Vera smiled and said, "You're a weird girl."

Vera opens the list with a smile and ticks people with beards in front of their names.

After that, Vera asked Stella, "Will you take a photo of me?"

Stella takes out her phone from her pocket and said, "with pleasure"

Suddenly Vera came to her and said, "Wait...let's take a selfie."

Stella smiled and said, "Okay"

as soon as they both start taking their selfie, Ferit also comes into their selfie from behind and said, "Cheese"

Stella looks back shyly and Ferit points to the office and said, "Stella, comes to my office

She nervously replied, "Alright..." and Ferit left.

Stella held her bag to Vera and said, "Vera, please put this in my cabinet." and she left.