
CEO Prisoner

Everything that happens has a reason. That's what happened to Hanna Silvan. But unfortunately, she is already trapped in a place where there were a lot of voices crying from the girls because of her stupidity. How stupid the girl she was, she trusted a man she just met, but who would have thought she had been framed. Hanna felt that she was the only one who understand everything. Turns out, she was wrong. The man never had any feeling. She regrets, but what can have happened and now just waiting for his turn. After the man was satisfied, he would kick her. No one asked the girls to believe in Edgar Odilio, someone who made a breakthrough to make it easier to have a lover. Over time, what Edgar Odilio did turned out to be just to trap girls to be employed in his club, but Edgar Odilio suddenly jumped right in when he saw one of the girls. He was sure that the girl would be of great benefit to him. Will Edgar Odilio get caught up in his plans or will Hanna Silvan die and destroy at the hands of Edgar Odilio?

noviaaryani · Urban
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22 Chs

Bussiness Plan

Hanna and Victor laughed at each other while talking until their break time will over.

"Victor, I have to say goodbye to you. We'll talk later, I have to back to my work," said Hanna.

"I'll take you to the cafe, where do you work?" Victor offered.

"It's close, you'll be scolded by your boss if you're late," Hanna replied.

"No problem. I'll take you back to your working place," said Victor.

"Yes, if you insist," replied Hanna.

"Okay. Slow down, Hanna. Let's go now," said Victor.

They walk together to the car. When they were in the car, Victor immediately drove at a moderate speed to the cafe where Hanna worked.

"I'm so troublesome for you. You already paid for my food and delivered me to my workplace," said Hanna chuckling.

"It's okay, consider today your lucky day, Hanna," Victor replied.

"Yes, I'm a lucky girl today, thank you," said Hanna.

"Good girl, your welcome," said Victor.

The car Hanna was riding in did not take long to arrive in front of the cafe. Hanna got out of the car and waved her hand at Victor. She entered the cafe with a happy face making Adel intend to tease.

"Who drove you?" Adel asked.

"Just friend, Adel. You just startled me,"

Hanna replied.

"Just now you were surprised," replied Adel.

"I'll have to continue to work, okay?" said Hanna.

"Okay," replied Adel, shaking her head when she saw Hanna who looked shy.


In the afternoon, it was time for Hanna to go home. She went home with Adel by train. Arriving at the intersection, Adel got off first because the Adel house was on a different road from Hanna's.

Hanna's cell phone rang several times. She saw a lot of calls from Victor on his cell phone and immediately call Victor.

"Are you home from work yet?" asked Victor.

Hanna smiled as she listen to Victor's voice. She like that man.

"Already on the train. I'll let you know when I get home. Are you home?" Hannah asked.

Hanna's smile was etched as Victor quickly replied to her question.

"I'll be home in a minute," said Victor.

"Be careful and take care," Hanna replied.


At the Odilio residence, Odilio's family and friends from Edgar had already arrived. They are currently chatting in the living room while waiting for dinner to be ready.

"So you guys are doing your new business? Please explain how about the plan," said Oscar.

"Yes, I'll explain," replied Edgar.

"Yes, please explain. I want to hear so you don't make a mistake and make a loss," said Oscar.

"Yes. I have thought carefully that we will create a new application for single girl or men who are looking for a life partner. Nowadays, many people are still single," replied Edgar.

"You're included too. You want to use that app to find a partner?" asked Oscar laughingly making Edgar's friends laugh.

Edgar glared at his friends until they were all silent because Edgar's face would look cold and scary if he did not like it.

"Okay go on," said Oscar.

"Dad, this application if we want to meet up must be safe because we will arrange where they can meet. Like we will offer our club in addition to the restaurants, hotels and cafes that are ours. Apart from the benefits of the application, we can get from all the entertainment venues that we have. Especially our clubs will get more demand," replied Edgar.

Oscar smiled mysteriously at Edgar's words. He knew there was a big plan that would give them an advantage.

"It's been our dinner. Let's eat first, don't talk about business," said Agatha.

"Okay," replied Edgar's friends.

They walked into the dining room. When they arrived, they resumed the conversation that had been delayed.

"So your brother is also invited to form this business?" asked Oscar.

"Of course, Max will make the application software," replied Edgar.

"Very Good," said Oscar.

"Let's eat the food. I'm already tired of cooking," said Agatha, smiling gently at Edgar's friends.

They ate the food that looked very delicious in front of them while chatting.

"What's the name of the app?" Frank asked.

"How about Love Apps?" asked Edgar.

"I agree. It's funny, so it's easy to remember," Frank replied.

"How about Cimi?" Leo asked.

"What's that?" Frank asked.

"Cimi means skilled, tenacious, and competent. Isn't that a good name?" Leo asked.

"That's fine. It's already funny, the meaning of the name is okay too," Frank replied.

"You agree? I do," said Edgar.

"I follow you guys. I don't understand strange names like that," Oscar replied.

"You are not understand a slang," said Agatha.

Oscar put his arm around his wife. "What do you know about that name and the contents of the application?" asked Oscar giggling.

Agatha says that she doesn't care about their business and asks them all not to do anything weird. She was afraid that something bad would happen to their family one day.

"We're not going to do anything weird and you just leave it to our child," said Oscar.

"Okay. I hope everything you do is a good thing, not a bad thing," replied Agatha.

"I'm jealous to see your parents intimacy. I want to take my girlfriend with me," said Frank.

"Why weren't you invited?" asked Agatha.

"Later, I have a meeting with my girlfriend. If you are invited, it's complicated. It's better to just jump to conclusions," Frank answered.

"You guys have to involve your lover," said Agatha.

"You don't want to go with it," Oscar replied.

"You told me and I will listen to what you wanted to make," said Agatha.

"You don't have to think about that. You just need to think about me," Oscar replied, holding Agatha's arm.

"My single soul is struggling," Max said.

"My children are handsome, no one has a lover. You better look for it from now on," replied Agatha with a chuckle.

"Honey, they will picked the best," said Oscar.

"Mom, I'm waiting for my brother to get a girlfriend first," said Max.

"It's better to be busy with work and find a partner later. They'll also come on their own," replied Edgar.

"We will inform Jacob later in the group chat. He is taking care of his mother at the hospital. Usually, his mother's ulcer is recurring," said Leo.

"She likes drinking coffee, even though she already knows she has stomach problems," Frank replied.

"Women are like that. Hard to advise, except for my wife," said Oscar.

"You always praise me," replied Agatha.

"So it's agreed to run it starting tomorrow?" asked Edgar.

"Yeah," replied Edgar's friends.

"We'll make all of this later in the other mansion. So it's easier to do it. If you have a meeting or whatever, stay in the office," said Edgar.

"Okay," replied Edgar's friends.

"I support you and wish you all the best. Remember my message, that you don't mix personal with business. If you get an opportunity, don't waste it. If you need to use cunning, use it. I will support you," said Oscar.

"Okay. Thanks," Frank replied.

"Yes, we need your support," Leo said.

"Dad, I will also update the continuation of our project," said Max.

"Everyone agreed? asked Edgar.

"Yes," they all replied.

"Honey, I don't agree if you play dirty," said Agatha.

"Honey, it's a business. It has to be hit if there's any chance," Oscar replied.

"Anyway, it has to be the right way," said Agatha.

"These kids are all grown up, they know what's best," Oscar replied.