
Chapter 16: I am sorry

Charles also went to bed and asked are you sleeping? when he saw there was no response he gently hugged her from the back and pulling her to him. I don't know how you found out but I am very sorry I didn't know it will hurt you and you would find out but that was my plan at the beginning but I started getting attracted to you little by little, and I don't know what use to come over me sometime because normally I don't lose my emotions but of it is concerning you I don't know how to control it Charles whispered softly into Deborah ear not knowing Deborah was pretending to be asleep and heard everything he said. She decided to hug him to sleep

Where are you rushing to Charles asked Deborah who had gotten up immediately it was 4am. I am going to the hospital she said wearing her ID card on her neck. Why are you going to the hospital are you sick Charles asked in a worried tone. No I need to operate on a child today ahe has brain tumor so she needs operation Deborah said arranging her bag. Then let someone else operate on her must it be you. Yes it must be me I am the best doctor in the hospital and they have a special card that requires me to do the operation. Okay I will pick you up when you are trough. Thank you but there is no need I am going to my fathers place today and I am sleeping over Deborah said. As Charles wanted to talk Deborah quickly shut him down. Don't worry I prepared a mint insence it calms the brain so all you have to do is to light it and you will sleep well Bye

Why are you the one picking me you just came back from China Deborah said as she hugged Rose. I miss you so much Rose said I miss you too Deborah replied. we would catch up later let us go or you would be late for the operation.

Thank you so much doctor. The man went on his knees to thank her. There is no need I am just doing my job Deborah smiled and went back to her office .

So what happened when I was not around Ruth asked putting her leg on the table. I found out that Charles only wanted to marry me because of my natural body scent Deborah replied in a nom chalant way . Oh after I confronted him I almost ecpose myself because I was like I will make him the scent and I have been using fragrance lately. but l don't think he will suspect me now so we must do fast so I will divorce him early but I need a solid evidence so I can use it against him and divorce him also I need to cure his headache fast but I don't think that one will take up to one month Deborah said trying to plan everything.

So what is the next step now Rose asked with curiosity. Since you have stabilized the company over there in China . we have to wait and flow with the situation first so it won't be hard for us.

Oh i forgot to tell you your lover is back Deborah said in a teasing way. Which one Rose replied . The one that has been pursuing you for the past four years Richard Deborah replied . What is he doing here and how did you meet him Rose questioned with annoyance . There is no way I can avoid him for you because he is my brother in law Deborah said finally dropping the bomb for Rose, Surprise !!!Deborah said laughing nervously. What!!!! he is your brother in law Rose exclaimed with shock. I know right Deborah as she started explaining what had happened when she was not around except what Charles said in jersey ear when she was sleeping


My babies I miss you Mr Solomon cried out when he saw Rose and Deborah running towards him to hug him.

So dad are you sure you miss us because you face is looking better than before Deborah asked with a suspicious voice. Yes why would you say that I habe missed you people Mr Solomon replied trying to convince them. Dad....... Rose called his name raising one eyebrow up .

I have missed you people why don't you believe me. Because you had always wanted us to move out of your house so you can have your peace Deborah said looking at Mr Solomon face suspiciously and you always send us on vacation anytime we have a short break or holiday Rose added . Mr Solomon started laughing nervously okay you guys have caught me but at least I do remember you guys sometimes Mr Solomon said trying to justify himself. The sometimes is when you are graving for iur food or ginger bread right Rose said smiling . Yes, but at least I used something to remember you Mr Solomon said still trying to justify himself . Anyway we are going to stay here for sometime Deborah said as she and Rose stood up to go to their room. When would you people go Mr Solomon shouted. We don't know yet Rose replied .

Mr Solomon the food is ready come downstairs before it get cold Deborah shouted. I am coming Mr Solomon replied who was halfway on the stairs. This is why I missed you guys now I can eat happily Mr Solomon said .

Rose I want to sleep in your room with you today Deborah said as she entered with her laptop . I have an idea about a new product so this is the plan Deborah opened the laptop and showed it to Rose

You want to make perfume with lilies Rose asked reding the plan and Deborah nodded her head yes . This is really good we can gain much profit and the best thing is that we produce our own materials ourselves .

let us go to the Lab and start working on it as they turned Rose mirror to the order side and hug each other while putting their finger print