
CEO He : Please Don't Love Me

"Heart wants to love but fears the fate of being left alone." ------- He Jian I loved you more than anything in my whole life. To the point that it became poison for me. Now in this life, I loved myself. I sealed my heart for you. Then why are you not leaving me alone? Why are you constantly pulling me into your life.? Why do your eyes have something else other than disgust for me? Did you not hate me? What has changed? You or Me? -------- Excerpt A gentle kiss fell on her lips and a shiver ran down her spine. “I love you.” Her heart pounded fiercely inside her chest. These words. Oh, how she wished to hear them in her last life. She might have fainted from happiness if she had heard them at that time. But now, they didn’t bring that happiness to her heart. They only brought fear, confusion and anger, and so many questions. “How can you…” She whispered more to herself. How can he love her? He heard her and stroked her cheek. The touch was so gentle that it made her feel as if she was a precious treasure. It made her feel loved. She raised her head to look at him. The usual ice-cold-blue eyes were filled with smiles as he asked her. “Why can’t I?” She swallowed realizing how those eyes still affected her, realizing how weak she was. Tears surfaced through her eyes and she saw him panicking. He tried to wipe them gently as she whispered. “You can’t……..you just can’t." ~*~*~**~*~*~ Mo Roulan spent her whole life chasing after the man she loved with her whole heart. At the time of her death, when she didn't see even an ounce of sorrow in his eyes, her heart was filled with sorrow. She was reborn. This time she vowed to make different choices and change her destiny. Hiding the past in her heart, this time she chose her family. But what will she do when the same past is back pounding on the doors of her heart, ready to break the walls she had surrounded her heart with. Will she give it a chance or will she continue to hide those feelings inside her heart? Read on to find out what wins. Her fear or His love? ------------------ Warning - The story has side couples who are homosexual and hence has the LGBT tag. The story will also concentrate on those couples as well as the main couple. If you don't like to read BL and GL then please leave it but don't leave disgusting comments about homosexuality. ------------ [This is an original story.] Cover Credit- Anoralily Updates- 1-2 chapters/ day Want to support me? Buy me a Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/ada_5253 My other book on Webnovel - His Rui(Ongoing)

Ada_5253 · Urban
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666 Chs

She Wants To Hide

"Take deep breaths, calm down. You can do it."

Standing outside the restaurant that was now the last name on her list, Lin Qianru prepared herself to go inside.

Finally, after fifteen minutes of pacing outside the door when she couldn't bear the weird gazes of people around herself anymore, she stepped inside.

A woman was sitting at the front desk. Lin Qianru went towards the desk with a polite smile and asked

"Hello, I read in the newspaper that this restaurant needs a chef. I'm here"

The receptionist interrupted her halfway and told her.

"Ma'am the new chef has already been recruited. I'm sorry."

Lin Qianru couldn't speak anything after that.

Now, what will she do? She can't build her own restaurant in this city. She can't afford that much money. Her savings were about to end in one or two months.

She wants to buy everything for Mo Roulan that Shen Youlin has so that no one will bully her daughter again. But without a stable job, how will she do that?

In a daze, she turned around to walk to the doors. The receptionist must have seen her lost look as she stopped her and said

"Ma'am we need a waiter. If you want.."


It was afternoon. Mo Roulan and Shen Youlin were leaving the college when someone told Mo Roulan that she was called to the Principal office. So she had to go to the Principal office first.

Shen Youlin was worried that Principal Lin will scold Mo Roulan and wanted to accompany her but Mo Roulan stopped her.

What was the guarantee that Shen Youlin will not start a fight with the Principal if something really happened?

Remembering the old man's face, Mo Roulan shivered. It was simply putting Principal Lin in danger.

So she went alone and Shen Youlin waited for her outside the college.

Shen Youlin was watching something on her phone when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned around and when she saw the person her eyes became cold.

"Youlin, you didn't go home yesterday. I went there and the maid told me that you have not been home for two days. Where were you?"

Wang Weimin asked her.

"I was at my friend's house." Shen Youlin replied casually.

Wang Weimin sighed seeing her like this and said

"Youlin, your mother was wrong. Don't take it on your heart, okay? Dad will talk to her tonight."

He didn't hear her say anything so he continued.

"I bought a few gifts for you. I couldn't give you it on your birthday. You know a huge pink teddy bear that you were asking for last time."

Shen Youlin remembered. She had asked her mother to buy her that thing but she laughed

"That was years ago. I don't like those toys anymore."

Wang Weimin had not expected this.

"Oh… I didn't know."

At his words, Shen Youlin smiled and said looking at him

"Of course you don't know. After all, you're not my real father."

Wang Weimin went silent at her words. Shen Youlin left him standing there and walked away.


Mo Roulan opened the door of the Principal office and saw Principal Lin sitting behind the table. He was talking to someone but she couldn't see that person as his back was facing him.

Principal Lin saw her and called her inside

" Student Mo Roulan, Come Inside."

Closing the door, Mo Roulan went further inside and stood near the table. All of her attention was on Principal Lin, curious as to why he had called her.

"Student Mo Roulan, Vice Principal Cong told me everything. You don't need to worry the college will not wrong you."

"Thank you, Sir."

Mo Roulan thanked Principal Lin politely. Although she doesn't have any hope as she knew that Gu Xiaotong was not from a normal family. But it doesn't matter anymore, she didn't lose anything and had already vented her anger by beating her and her friends.

When Principal Lin didn't say anything else, she felt a little awkward.

Was she called here only for this?

Someone cleared her throat and Principal Lin's face had an expression of sudden realization so he started to speak

"Ah… Student Mo Roulan, I almost forget. I came to know that you have filled some forms for a part-time job?"

M Roulan nodded as she has filled some forms through the College also.

Principal Lin smiled widely and said

"Then I have found a very good opportunity for you."

Mo Roulan turned to look where Principal Lin was pointing and her gaze finally fell on the other person inside the office.

She had not expected to meet him so soon again.

But when had something happened within her expectations? She had also not expected to see him in the morning, right?

Feeling her eyes on him, he also looked at her. She was strangely calm this time. So when he nodded his head looking in her direction, she also did the same.

Strangers. That's what they are. She said again and again in her heart.

Principal Lin continued

"Mr. He wants to recruit a Secretary and he wants someone from this college for this job. I couldn't find anyone else better than you who can do this job. So why don't you.."

Mo Roulan didn't let Principle Li complete and said

"Sir, I am sorry. I have to refuse your good intention. I have already found a good job."

Principle Lin frowned and insisted

"Student Mo Roulan, which job can be better than working in He Corporation. You're are young and inexperienced. That's why you are still unknown to some things."

But Mo Roulan didn't change her decision.

"Sir, I don't find myself suitable for this job. Mr. He should find someone else more capable than me."

"What if I think that Miss Mo is suitable for this job?"

He Jian's deep voice fell in her ears. When she looked in his direction, she found that he was also looking at her. His face was void of any emotion.

"I have been told that Miss Mo passed the College Entrance Examination

"I apologize but I still have to refuse because I don't have any confidence in myself that I can do this."

"Student Mo Roulan…"

He Jian's cold voice stopped Principal Lin from saying anything else.

"Leave it. "

And so Principal Lin immediately shut up.


After that, Mo Roulan left the Principal office. Shen Youlin was waiting for her inside the car. When she sat inside, she asked her many questions about why Principal Lin called her and she told her everything.

When Shen Youlin felt that everything was alright, she started the car.

Unnoticed by them, the car was followed all the way till it reached the building where Mo Roulan lived.

Sitting inside the car, He Jian saw Mo Roulan going inside the elevator with Shen Youlin. Only after, she could not be seen he removed his gaze.

"Buy the nearest apartment to her in this building as soon as possible."

Chu Feng was surprised but said immediately.

"Yes, Boss."

'Since she wants to hide, he will play this game with her until she can't hide anymore.'

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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