
CEO He : Please Don't Love Me

"Heart wants to love but fears the fate of being left alone." ------- He Jian I loved you more than anything in my whole life. To the point that it became poison for me. Now in this life, I loved myself. I sealed my heart for you. Then why are you not leaving me alone? Why are you constantly pulling me into your life.? Why do your eyes have something else other than disgust for me? Did you not hate me? What has changed? You or Me? -------- Excerpt A gentle kiss fell on her lips and a shiver ran down her spine. “I love you.” Her heart pounded fiercely inside her chest. These words. Oh, how she wished to hear them in her last life. She might have fainted from happiness if she had heard them at that time. But now, they didn’t bring that happiness to her heart. They only brought fear, confusion and anger, and so many questions. “How can you…” She whispered more to herself. How can he love her? He heard her and stroked her cheek. The touch was so gentle that it made her feel as if she was a precious treasure. It made her feel loved. She raised her head to look at him. The usual ice-cold-blue eyes were filled with smiles as he asked her. “Why can’t I?” She swallowed realizing how those eyes still affected her, realizing how weak she was. Tears surfaced through her eyes and she saw him panicking. He tried to wipe them gently as she whispered. “You can’t……..you just can’t." ~*~*~**~*~*~ Mo Roulan spent her whole life chasing after the man she loved with her whole heart. At the time of her death, when she didn't see even an ounce of sorrow in his eyes, her heart was filled with sorrow. She was reborn. This time she vowed to make different choices and change her destiny. Hiding the past in her heart, this time she chose her family. But what will she do when the same past is back pounding on the doors of her heart, ready to break the walls she had surrounded her heart with. Will she give it a chance or will she continue to hide those feelings inside her heart? Read on to find out what wins. Her fear or His love? ------------------ Warning - The story has side couples who are homosexual and hence has the LGBT tag. The story will also concentrate on those couples as well as the main couple. If you don't like to read BL and GL then please leave it but don't leave disgusting comments about homosexuality. ------------ [This is an original story.] Cover Credit- Anoralily Updates- 1-2 chapters/ day Want to support me? Buy me a Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/ada_5253 My other book on Webnovel - His Rui(Ongoing)

Ada_5253 · Urban
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Grandfather He's Grandson Is A Shy Man

"Yiling just needs to go and attend the interview. It is my responsibility to got her selected."

Sitting in front of Grandfather Shen, Grandfather He whispered.

Grandfather Shen who had to lean forward to hear his words frowned and said irritatingly.

"I got it. But why are you whispering as if we are doing something wrong?"

Grandfather He laughed nervously and said

"What are you saying? What is wrong in it? It is not like Yiling is illiterate and I am bribing someone to make her a junior secretary. That company is mine before those two bastards."

Butler Zhang who was standing behind Grandfather He stifled his laugh looking at his nervous master. He wondered how exactly the old man will help this Shen girl in getting the job.

Sitting beside her grandfather, Shen Yiling seemed to feel that the words were a little off but could not point out anything weird.

Grandfather He also felt that his words were giving away something that he wanted to hide so he elaborated.

"I mean Yiling will easily get selected because of her qualifications. I just have to call them just to be a bit safe."

Shen Yiling smiled at this and said shyly

"Grandpa He, thank you so much. I promise you that I will take care of Brother Jian."

Grandfather He laughed and said 'good' three times. But his laugh suddenly stopped when he remembered that the girl was talking about his grandson who was no different from a monk.

So he carefully chose his next words and said

"Grandpa knows that Yiling is very sensible. You see…my dear baby grandson is a bit shy."

Cough Cough Cough

Grandfather He turned to glare at his butler but Butler Zhang didn't feel afraid and try to make him understand that now it was getting too much.

"Why don't you drink some water to moisten your throat?"

Saying this, the old man didn't even wait for his butler's response and picked the glass of water and forcefully pressed it on his butler's lips till the whole glass was not empty.

Then ignoring his butler's glares, Grandfather He turned to Shen Yiling who was still trying to believe Grandfather He's words.

Then she heard Grandfather He saying

"So I was saying my grandson is a man with traditional thoughts. So if he doesn't pay attention to you, don't feel disheartened."

Although Grandfather Shen felt awkward hearing these kind of words, but he felt satisfied also.

'It is good to have a stable mind for men.'

While Shen Yiling thought that this must be the reason that He Jian didn't look at her that night. Now she regretted wearing a strapless dress.

She nodded her head approving her own thoughts said

"I understand Grandpa He."


Shen Youlin started at the doors of Shen Villa sitting inside her car. She let out an irritated sigh.

She would not have been here if Mo Roulan had not seen her mother's message on her phone asking her to come to Shen Villa today.

She insisted that it was something important but Roulan didn't listen to her and strictly told her.

'Family is more important than spending time with friends.'

Shen Youlin rolled her eyes at this.

With the kind of family she has, she would spend her whole life in Mo Roulan's house if she could do so.

Still, she went to her house in which she lived alone only to receive a threatening message from her mother.

'If you didn't reach here until four o'clock, you should not think about getting a single penny from Shen family now.'

Getting out of her car she slammed the door loudly and muttered.

'Fuck… Why is not everyone like her Roulan? Sweet and Cute.'

With a pout on her lips, she walked inside the Shen Villa. She felt a little satisfaction on seeing that she was five minutes late.

Continuing her forwarding steps, she changed the time on her phone with a bright smile.

'Well it is not my fault that I was late since my phone showed me the wrong time.'

Since her whole attention was on the phone she didn't notice the figure walking towards herself. The force because of the bumping threw her on the ground on her back with an extra person on her body.


Shen Youlin screamed in pain feeling the heavy weight on her breasts. Her hands reflexively went ahead to grab whatever it was but what came in her hand was…


She raised her head saw that there was a hairy head buried in her chest. A girl was lying on top of her. For Shen Youlin, this was no different than assault.

"What are you doing burying your head there? Don't you have a pa..?"

She couldn't complete her words as the girl lying on top of her suddenly raised her head.

Shen Youlin gulped her saliva seeing the beautiful face in front of her.

"What? Did something get stuck in your throat? What were you saying?"

The words brought Shen Youlin out of her trance.

What was she thinking? How can she be entranced by someone else's beauty? She can only look at her Roulan's beauty and appreciate it. Shen Youlin repeated inside her mind.

Glaring at the smug face in front of her, Shen Youlin pushed the body lying on top of her sideways and got up.

As she looked at the girl lying on the ground who was now looking at her coldly, Shen Youlin felt satisfaction brewing inside her heart.

But the smug look on her face disappeared soon when she heard her mother's shout.

"CEO Song"