
CEO He : Please Don't Love Me

"Heart wants to love but fears the fate of being left alone." ------- He Jian I loved you more than anything in my whole life. To the point that it became poison for me. Now in this life, I loved myself. I sealed my heart for you. Then why are you not leaving me alone? Why are you constantly pulling me into your life.? Why do your eyes have something else other than disgust for me? Did you not hate me? What has changed? You or Me? -------- Excerpt A gentle kiss fell on her lips and a shiver ran down her spine. “I love you.” Her heart pounded fiercely inside her chest. These words. Oh, how she wished to hear them in her last life. She might have fainted from happiness if she had heard them at that time. But now, they didn’t bring that happiness to her heart. They only brought fear, confusion and anger, and so many questions. “How can you…” She whispered more to herself. How can he love her? He heard her and stroked her cheek. The touch was so gentle that it made her feel as if she was a precious treasure. It made her feel loved. She raised her head to look at him. The usual ice-cold-blue eyes were filled with smiles as he asked her. “Why can’t I?” She swallowed realizing how those eyes still affected her, realizing how weak she was. Tears surfaced through her eyes and she saw him panicking. He tried to wipe them gently as she whispered. “You can’t……..you just can’t." ~*~*~**~*~*~ Mo Roulan spent her whole life chasing after the man she loved with her whole heart. At the time of her death, when she didn't see even an ounce of sorrow in his eyes, her heart was filled with sorrow. She was reborn. This time she vowed to make different choices and change her destiny. Hiding the past in her heart, this time she chose her family. But what will she do when the same past is back pounding on the doors of her heart, ready to break the walls she had surrounded her heart with. Will she give it a chance or will she continue to hide those feelings inside her heart? Read on to find out what wins. Her fear or His love? ------------------ Warning - The story has side couples who are homosexual and hence has the LGBT tag. The story will also concentrate on those couples as well as the main couple. If you don't like to read BL and GL then please leave it but don't leave disgusting comments about homosexuality. ------------ [This is an original story.] Cover Credit- Anoralily Updates- 1-2 chapters/ day Want to support me? Buy me a Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/ada_5253 My other book on Webnovel - His Rui(Ongoing)

Ada_5253 · Urban
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666 Chs

Can't Wait To See Her Face

The sun was about to set. Mo Roulan had just returned from her part-time job. She stepped out of the elevator and saw some workers moving heavy furniture inside the apartment that was attached to her own one.

'It seems that they were soon going to have neighbors.'

She passed the workers carefully and opened the door of her apartment.

She frowned when she saw Little Mo Chen in front of the TV. Closing the doors, she went towards him and stood in front of the TV.

"Jiejie, don't stand in front of the TV." Mo Chen shouted loudly.

She folded her hands and narrowed her eyes.

"Have you completed your homework?"

Mo Chen didn't answer her question and lowered his head. Mo Roulan shook her head seeing his act and said nonchalantly.

"Go to your room and if you don't complete your homework today then don't even think about watching TV."

Mo Chen pouted and got up from the couch. As he was about to step inside his room, Mo Roulan asked him.

"Where is Youlin?"

"In your room."

With that came the slam of door and her mouth parted in shock seeing her younger brother's bratty behavior.

'Well, I will deal with you soon.'

She walked to her room but found that the door was locked. She knocked on the door.

"Youlin, open the door."

Two minutes passed but no one opened the door. She knocked again


Just then the doorbell rang and Mo Roulan left from there to open the front door. It was her mother. She took the things from her hands and followed her mother inside the kitchen.

"You went to buy groceries?"

Lin Qianru lowered her head as she looked inside the refrigerator and hummed lowly.

"From tomorrow just tell me whatever you want to buy. I will buy it on the way from my job."

Lin Qianru's action of opening the water bottle halted at her daughter's words. She licked her lips lightly and turned to look at her daughter with a smile.

"I got a job."

There was a small frown on Mo Roulan's forehead.

"Why do you need to do a job?"

Mo Roulan was actually worried that her mother will go out to look for a job. She doesn't want her mother to do any job.

"If you are worried about money then leave all this to me."

Lin Qianru knew that her daughter was worried about her health and it warmed her heart seeing how much she cared about her. But she can't leave the entire burden to her daughter who was still studying.

"I want to do this job. You and Mo Chen enter the house only at noon. There is not much to do here and I only get bore by myself. I will go crazy if I spend every day like this so I want to do something to divert my attention."

Mo Roulan couldn't say anything after this but her frown was still there on her forehead as she asked

"What do you have to do in this job?"

Lin Qianru averted her eyes and her eyes were now on the bottle as she opened it.

"Receptionist… I just have to sit at the reception."

She heard a sigh from her behind and then Mo Roulan's words fell in her ears.

"Alright but promise me that you'll leave the job if it makes you much tired."

"Of course."

With this, Mo Roulan exited the kitchen and Lin Qianru put down the water bottle on the table.

She didn't want to lie but she had gotten this job with very difficulty and Roulan will never let her work if she found out that she was going to be a waiter in some restaurant.

It is not like she had any other skill and could look for some other job. So this job was very precious to her. She can't leave it no matter what.


When Mo Roulan came out of the kitchen she saw Shen Youlin coming out of her room. Shen Youlin saw her and smiled

"When did you come?"

"Half an hour ago. What were you doing inside the room? I knocked so many times but you didn't open the door."

Mo Roulan asked Shen Youlin.

"I was sleeping. Must have not heard you, sorry."

Mo Roulan smiled seeing how Shen Youlin was trying to look so pitiful.

"It's alri…. "

She paused in between her sentence when she found something strange.

"Youlin your eyes are looking so red. What happened?"

Shen Youlin looked confused but said

"Is it? I maybe overslept."


Mo Roulan believed her and passed by her side to go inside her room. Standing alone, Youlin held her head and mumbled to herself.

"I'm still feeling dizzy."


After taking shower, Mo Roulan walked to the balcony. While drying her hair, she saw someone on the balcony of the other apartment. But since the person has his back towards her she couldn't see his face. Only the back of the chair he was sitting on was visible to her.

She was quite amazed. After all, the workers were moving the furniture inside the apartment a few hours ago and this person moved in such a short time.

After her hair was almost dried, she left from there not knowing that the person who had been quietly sitting on the chair turned to look at her back. His eyes were were full of a mischievous smile.

'Miss Mo, I can't wait to see your face when you would come to know about this new neighbor.'

Dear Readers, there will be some instances when the drugs and their symptoms will be mentioned in the story. Although I am trying to get to know as much as I can about all this from the internet, I can also be wrong sometimes. So if you find something wrong that I write about drugs, feel free to point it out. As long as the comment does not cross the threshold of politeness, I will always appreciate it if you will point out my mistakes.


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