
CEO beautiful twins kids

notice!!!!!! this is actually my first book that I am writing #matured contents +18 Marvelous was betrayed by boyfriend in her past live and was destroyed because she never knew who the father of her children were after the truth was exposed.she woke the night she had sex with the father of her twins and she planned to take care of her children responsibly in this life. Ethan the richest man in the whole of country M had a one night with marvelous and has been looking for her since that night and found her when she was still pregnant what lies in the relationship with what started with just a contract and read what obstacles they are about to face in the story!!!!!!!!!!!!

Omotayo_Marvelous · Fantasy
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Chapter 1:New life

Marvelous was in shambles because her boyfriend of eight years who she thought loved her soo much was actually lying to her."why are you doing this to me. I thought you loved me . Even if you hate me please consider your children please" . She said

"Who the hell will accept those bastards as my children only you knows who you slept with and gave birth to those trash for" he said.

" It is a lie . Noo you are the father of my children. You know I won't sleep with any other person but you"she cried ." You this trash leave my place now" he said kicking her out.

She received a phone call which told her her children encountered an accident while looking for her and she said "I am coming please" while crying. As she was running to the hospital she did not listen to anything because her mind was on her children.

Suddenly a fast driving vehicle was coming at a speed that was unexpected because of a failed brake and kept horning but she could not hear . Before she could comprehend what was happening she saw herself flying high up in the sky and when she landed she coughed out blood. " So this is my end. I never treated my children well because I was chasing after him . I regretted it a lot . If am given another chance I will treasure them and take care of my children and get revenge for what happened " she thought while closing her eyes with tears.

please this is my first book am actually writing. please any errors you have to bear with me. I will try to update my book daily thanks ..Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!I tagged this book, come and support me with a thumbs up!

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