

Love? "That's possible man" I am utterly in love with a certain curvy beauty!!! He is BLAKE CROSBY, the most wanted bachelor in NEW YORK CITY Mouthwatering, powerful, Influential, very rich and have I mentioned Irresistible! Well he is literally every ladies crush! Blake had always believed love wasn't meant for him Not until HER!!! His Sexy PA

feeesah · Urban
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83 Chs

Chapter 23

Blake's POV

I stared at the damn magazine disbelievingly, how the fuck did they get a shot at us!

I knew something was weird when Paisley suddenly informed me of a dinner meeting I had no idea about. But then the client Mr. Liu who she claimed I had to meet was an old man who I couldn't disrespect by not going.

Back together? They wish.

I was still thinking of how to resolve this joke of the century of a magazine when my mom rang me up

"Why is she back in your life? Well no Hello's then

"We are friends mom" Jasmine has been a friend of mine since kindergarten way before we got involved during our college days. Yes we ended things in a messed up way but she came back as a friend. And I couldn't ignore her hand of friendship

"Friends! How much more hurt do you want her inflicting in your life before you see her for the snake she is!" I rolled my eyes at that, mom never did like her. She always thought of her as conniving and manipulative