
CEO'S Sick Wife Is An Assassin?

Just when the CEO of Ven Corps needed a fake wife for a secret mission, Katie Su crashed in front of his car miraculously. Her bloody face and injured body stirred something within him he couldn't point it. He felt.. nostalgia. So, to get rid of this discomfort, he married her while she was unconscious! Against her will! "You little pervert! How dare you marry me without my consent?" Despite losing her memories, she didn't lose her temper. When will her memories return? Or did she lose them in the first place? He was the king of underworld, the famous and ruthless Vincent Han. The man who became twisted to avenge his parents who was murdered by a secret power. Since then he has been looking for that man. She was the figure hidden in shadows. The one who disappeared quicker than the drop of of blood falling from her target's wound, earning her the name, "Scarlet Katana". No one knew who she was, but only her blood red hair and the name that stirred fear among people. "I don't want to be your woman! I'll definitely not be yours. Dream on Vincent Han, you can never hold me down." "I'll be your man then. The most I can do is polish the stairs you climb and bury the bodies you leave behind while climbing. Slaughter anyone who gets in your way. You can push me away, but I'll always step closer and be right behind you, protecting you." This was the first time Vincent spoke this much and this created a storm in Katie's heart. Protect me? How many years has it been since she last heard that? This man is definitely not giving up, and she.. she is definitely blushing.

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6 Chs

Flashbacks (2)

Whilst her childish interaction with Vincent, she realized that she was extremely hungry.


Katie cleared her throat embarrassingly as her eyes trailed to the window and said, "This mountain has a lot of bears and lions." trying to cut her way through this situation. How could her stomach betray her at a moment like this? The man in front of her Vincent Han! The man no one dared to keep on their hit list. Let alone the man, even his subordinates were way too dangerous to be messed with. This Vincent Han had the ability of drawing women close to him no matter how dangerous he was. All the ladies of the town wanted to talk to him, be seen with him and most importantly, bear his child.

"Right. A skilled, unruly bear with red fur. Dinner's ready. Come down." Vincent chuckled.

Did this man just call her a bear? Outrageous! She was Katie Su! The Scarlet Katana who made people feel like needles were being pierced in their pores when she targeted them, and this man dared to call her a bear?

At the table there was rice, soup, chicken and fried vegetables. The food was not too extravagant considering Katie's health. As Katie sat down at one end of the table, Vincent only then lifted up his chopsticks and started eating.

"You must be wondering about why I chose you." Vincent calmly asked as he kept his eyes at his rice bowl.

"I am guessing it is because of my identity. As the mission requires a fake wife, I am pretty sure that I will have to infiltrate a place, and with my skills and identity, who else is a better pick?" Katie nonchalantly answered as she poured a bit of soup for herself.

"Exactly. I do not require a dumb person who keeps on messing things. I need someone skilled, intelligent and precisely someone whose hands will not shake while taking a life." Vincent the continued, "Although I do not want your hands to get dirty and I will not let any kind of danger befall you, but if it is for protecting yourself, send them to hell and I will hold the door open."

Katie was momentarily dazed. Hold the doors open? Did it not mean that she can kill and he will clean the mess after her and take responsibility? As an assassin, her life has been one of hiding. Whenever she was hired to kill someone, they made her swear on confidentiality. No one wanted the danger on themselves. But this man who saved her a few days ago was offering her security?

Even that man.. he never said such moving words.

"Vincent Han, although I am staying here, I never agreed to your mission on my own accord. I have my reasons for not leaving yet. Please do not think that I will do anything that will not benefit me."

"Oh? Your reasons? How about this.. if you successfully complete the mission, I will give you security and freed you." Vincent raised his eyebrows.

Give me security and freed me? What does he know? This matter is known my only Damien, I and that monster. What is he talking about? Katie was startled. However, she didn't let that change her expression the slightest. This was professionalism.

"What do you mean?" Katie asked, wanting to be sure if he knows anything.

"You know quite better than me what I mean. No one offer you better protection here in other than me. No one can imprison you here, chase you, make you do his bidding. H City is my territory and no one can touch you here!" Vincent said with a resolute tone.

No one can touch you here.. His voice trailed in her mind. With her extraordinary skills in reading people she knew that he wasn't lying. For the first time, anyone other than Damien was willing to protect her. Although for his own convenience, he was willing to to against that inhumane bastard.

Yes, by now Katie already understood that Vincent knew him. But if he knew him why would he go against him?

She still couldn't figure out the true extent of Vincent's power. And mostly because he actually saved her life and then was willing to protect her, she didn't want him to suffer.

If that man got to know that she spent nights in another man's home, only heavens knew how he would torture her.

Katie's eyes without her knowledge lingered from Vincent to the interior of the dining room. The thought of if that monster got to know that she was having dinner with another man in his home sent shivers down her spine. She was afraid of him. Scared.

She remembered the last time she was on a mission to kill a prominent rich guy from the Gu family. She had to interact with him in a bar first to lure him out. Just because she drank with him and he cast a few flirtatious glances at her, he dragged her out of there to the roof and while the guy followed them up there, he mercilessly killed him by only inserting less than an inch of the knife all over his body. That boy from the Gu family couldn't even die because the injuries were minor. But the monster didn't leave a single spot. Even the eyeballs...

Having killed a lot of people, Katie already had an idea of how much what hurt and she could tell the boy was in agonizing pain. Katie's heart was beating like crazy but she tried to keep her cool and said, "This was my job. Why are you trying to steal my livelihood?" She tried to look really composed but when that monster came closer, she felt as if a thousand needles were being pierced underneath her nails and toes.

That monster never hurt her physically. He never touched her. He didn't even lock her up, but the way he scarred her mentally was enough to send a sane person to insanity. He was a master manipulator.

Having noticed the fleeting fear in her eyes, Vincent understood what she was thinking. After all, he was Vincent Han, it wasn't hard for him to dig up information. He found out everything about her with these days. And honestly, he was patiently waiting for the opportunity to destroy that scum. The time was not ripe yet.

"I will help you and your brother get rid of him. By now your instincts should be aware that I really do possess the ability to do so. However, in return our marriage contract will last for a whole year. You'll lawfully be my wife and you can choose whether you want to continue being a hit-man or want a change in profession. As your man, I'll protect you with my life." Vincent said sternly.

As your man.. as your man.. I'll protect you with my life.. my life. The words continued to swirl around Katie's mind. It was also because she was so unfamiliar to this type of warmth that she was so easily moved by Vincent's words. He.. wasn't lying either.

"I shall give you an answer tomorrow. I need to think about it." Katie pretended to take some time. What was there to think? She could hide for a whole year and even if Vincent backed out, she along with Damien could find a new hiding place by then. It was a win-win.

Katie put down her chopsticks and got up. Leaving with Vincent alone in the space. As Katie brushed past him, he could faintly smell her mild fragrance. The fragrance was hers. And a warm subtle smiled appeared on his alluring demon like features.

As soon as the sound of closing the door was heard from upstairs, his face darkened. He calmly took out his phone.

"Peyton, find out every little information about the Turtle." He didn't think that he would have to cross paths with that mysterious devil anytime soon. But since fate was calling out to him, he would naturally respond.

"Let's see how long you can hold on to that youth." a deadly and cold smirk on Vincent's face.