
Lavanya Isvara Kaneishia

"I want to be like you Lavanya. Beautiful, rich and everyone likes you."

"Your life is so perfect huh."

"You must be very happy."

Such words had become routine for Lavanya to hear. Every day someone praised or said envious of her. Everyone admits that Lavanya's life is perfect. But for Lavanya, her life was just barely perfect. It's just looking, it's not perfect. Lavanya's life isn't as perfect as others out there say. Being the only daughter of a CEO of a well-known company in one of the countries does not make her proud and feel that she has the most perfect life.

Maybe if Lavanya's family is complete, then you could say Lavanya's life is perfect. But not. In fact, no human being has perfection in her life. Including Lava. And now Lavanya's life is no longer nearly perfect, but imperfect.

How come? Since Lavanya was 10 years old, Lavanya's Father and Mother decided to separate because it was suspected that Lavanya's Mother could not be a good wife and Mother to their children. So that since then Lavanya only lived with her Father and one older Brother named Esha Kanchana Aditya. When her Father and her Brother are busy with their work, Lavanya is usually taken care of and looked after by her nanny.

Lavanya's life journey has made Lavanya grown up by circumstances. Lack of love from a Mother makes Lavanya only dream of being able to have a simple and peaceful life with the man she loves and loves her. What happened to her parents, as much as possible Lavanya will not experience it. Lavanya didn't want her son to feel the same sadness as her.

And the lucky man was named Arzan. The boy that Lavanya met by accident.

"Oops, my car tire is leaking again. How are you doing? There isn't a repair shop around here. I can't change tires either," said Lavanya alone.

Lavanya just finished a meeting with some of her clients. The meeting took a long time. So Lavanya has to go home tonight. In the middle of the trip, suddenly Lavanya's car tire burst. There were no workshops around and it was raining heavily. Lavanya tries to call someone to help her. But unfortunately it turns out the cellphone battery runs out.

"My cell phone battery ran out again."

Not long after, a man came to Lavanya's car. Lavanya gets scared. Lavanya is afraid to be harmed by the boy. Especially now that Lavanya is alone.

"Excuse me Mrs. What's wrong with the car?" asked the man named Arzan.

"What do you want?"

"Do you have a punctured car tire? Do you have a spare tire? Let me help you put it on."

The Lavanya doesn't move. She remained silent in her car, wondering whether the person who was going to help her was really a good person or had some other evil intent.

"Hello? Do you want me to help? If not, I'm leaving," asked Arzan again.

Because Lavanya had no other choice, Lavanya finally accepted Arzan's offer.

"I... Yes, Sir. Just a moment."

Lavanya comes out of her car carrying an umbrella. Lavanya joins in watching Arzan change the tires of her car. It only takes a few minutes the spare tire is already installed very well.

"It's over, I hope it won't happen again on the road," said Arzan.

"Thank you very much. Just a moment."

Lavanya gets back in the car. Lavanya took her very thick wallet with money and some of her credit and debit cards.

"This is Sir. Once again, thank you very much."

Lavanya gives some of her money to Arzan. But Arzan immediately refused. Because Arzan is sincere to help Lavanya.

"No need. Thank you. I will help you sincerely. You better save the money."

"But Sir, Sir, you have helped me. It's okay to take it, Sir."

"No need. I will go first. You be careful on the road. Excuse me."

Arzan immediately left using his motorbike which had been raining for a long time as long as he put the spare tire on Lavanya's car. Lavanya pondered for a moment. Because she couldn't understand that there were still good people who were truly sincere to help others.

Without realizing it, Lavanya smiled alone while watching Arzan leave.

"Why am I smiling to myself like this. I'd better go home now. Surely Daddy and Brother Esha will be waiting for me at home."

Lavanya got into the car and continued on her way to the house.


At home.

"Where's the Lavanya? You don't know where your own Sister is now?" Father asked her Brother, Esha.

"I don't know, Dad. I just got home, too."

"Ouch, what if your Sister comes to you? What's wrong with her? She's a girl, so bring your own car again."

"The lava is big, Dad. Maybe she's playing out there with her friends."

"But still she's a girl. How come you can't take care of your Sister. Even though she's your only Sister."

Father really likes to scold and violate Esha's Brother when Lavanya does something wrong. Because what I want is that Esha can take good care of Lavanya like Father who has taken care of Lavanya very well all this time. However, Esha's busy schedule makes his unable to take care of Lavanya 24 hours anywhere and anytime.

Father tries to call Lavanya back. It just so happened that Lavanya arrived home slightly wet. Lavanya was hit by a little rain while accompanying Arzan to install the spare tire of her car.

"Daddy, Bro Esha," said Lavanya.

"Lavanya. You're finally home. Where have you been, kid?" her Father asked.

"Where have you been, dear? Brother has been blaming Daddy for a long time."

"That's it, that's it. Daddy and Brother Esha don't need to fight. The lava is fine. The Lavanya is fine."

This time Lavanya looked completely different. You can clearly see the beautiful smile on her lips. Created very easily and perfectly.

"Then why are you smiling to yourself? What's wrong?" her Father asked again.

"No. I don't know why. Isn't it okay if I smile?"

"But your smile is different this time. What's the matter? Tell me about your Father."

"No, Dad. There's nothing wrong with the Lavanya. Oh well, I'm going to my room first. I want to change. My clothes are a little wet. Bye Dad, bye Brother. Good night."

Lavanya went straight to her room without answering her Father's question. Because actually Lavanya herself didn't know why she was like that today. And her Father couldn't help but smile because he saw his favorite daughter look very happy today.

-To be Continued-

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