
Chapter 130 Ethan, Your Kindness Is Better Than Any Medicine!

Just as Annetta was feeling uneasy, the man gently eased her clutched fingers away from the blanket and laced his fingers through hers. 

She heard his deep voice saying, "Don't worry, you can do anything you want."

It was nothing like what she had anticipated. Annetta was momentarily taken aback. "I thought you didn't like me doing these types of things," she asked, bewildered.

"I was afraid that you would be in danger," he said, "Now I know you can take care of yourself." 

Had she misunderstood him? He didn't want her to be a pet canary by his side. Her unruly behaviour had led him to believe she was a liar. The nature of these jobs entailed risks, which was why he wanted to keep a close eye on her at all times. It was another form of protection.

Annetta recalled her past life. She had hated this form of 'surveillance'. She had always called him a pervert to his face because he wanted to know everything she was doing.