

Mary and Amy's cousins bombarded her phone with messages as soon as they saw her profile picture the night before.

The girls were curious and thrilled about who is the man in the picture. It was not just an ordinary picture but an intimate one. The picture was focused on the man's hand and on the blurry background was a woman kissing a guy.

The man was not quite visible because of the aperture and the guy's hand covering some part of their faces but the figure of the woman is obviously Amy for those who know her.

Amy read through the conversation in their group chat.

Sandra: [What the heck @Amy! Who is that in your picture?]

Maya: [Even though it's a little blurred, we know it's you, don't you ever deny it!]

Mary: [Whoa, what picture?]

Maya: [Check her profile picture]

Mary: [OMG! Hey @Amy! You owe me, you said you were going to tell me last Saturday, it's Monday already and I am still waiting for your explanation girl!]

Sandra: [What explanation? How about us?]

Mary: [Oh, so you didn't know too? Your beloved cousin is no longer a child, she's got a man now.]

Sandra: [What?]

Maya: [Since when?]

Sandra: [Who is the guy?]

Maya: [How come you knew and we don't?]

Mary: [Relax girls, I don't know anything too, I am still waiting for her answer.]

Amy doesn't know what she should say to her best friend and cousins. Things between her and Henry went too fast and until now she hasn't decided if she will tell them the truth or not, so she decided to not reply to them yet.

After checking everything that Jayson needed before his flight for the operation Amy went home after having lunch with her family.

Upon arriving at Henry's house, Charles the butler, and Demi the head maid gave her a tour of the house as per Henry's instruction. She was introduced to the workers in the mansion and was informed of their role, in case she needed to instruct them on specific tasks.

Then the afternoon came and Amy started her physical training with Ava, Mitch, and Dave.

"Tell me boss what are the skills that you already have so we can skip that? Let me also know if you want to learn any specific moves," Ava told Amy.

"Call me Amy, I am not comfortable with all of you calling me 'boss', plus you need to blend in remember? I don't want you to look like my bodyguards. And please let us be friends," she replied.

"If that will make you relax around us then I think Boss Henry will be ok with that." Ava was really glad that Amy was not an arrogant boss like their previous clients.

"Good, so let's start. I mostly know defensive moves since I focused on that when I was young and also some attack moves that will let me escape if ever someone tried to kidnap me or something like that. So I think I want to focus now on offense," Amy explains excitedly.

Amy spent her whole afternoon training with her security team. She was so dead tired afterward that she decided to eat her dinner in her room while doing some writing.

Amy was really making progress on her book and the revisions she submitted to her editor got easily approved.

She was in the middle of eating her dinner when she received a message from Ash asking for a meet-up with her, to which she agreed.

It was nine in the evening when she received a call from Henry. [Hi love, I just arrived at the hotel. How are you?]

"How am I? What did you just do to my profile picture?" Amy retorted.

Henry chortled, amused by Amy's tone of voice. She sounded angry but cute to his ears, [What? I am your man so it is just right to show it to everyone. Are you ashamed of me?]

"You didn't inform me before you did it. I haven't told my cousins yet about us, I don't even know how to tell them about us. They will not agree to our setup. They will kill me for sure," Amy sighed, just thinking about how mad Mary and her cousins would be once they got to know her contract with Henry.

[No need to tell them then, I told you I am serious with you. Tell them I am your fiancé. I want everybody to know that you are taken and everybody should back off.] Henry said with a serious tone.

"I'll deal with them. Uhm… I will meet Ash tomorrow after Jayson's flight, I already said yes. I hope it's ok with you," Amy was nervous since she knew that Henry didn't like her seeing Ash.

Henry heavily sighs, he knows that he cannot stop Amy from seeing Ash since they are childhood friends and he doesn't want to choke Amy with his over-possessiveness.

[Okay, but remember, Ava and Mitch must be with you at all times.]

Amy was delighted to hear Henry's approval. They talked for a few more minutes before saying goodnight to each other.

Henry sent strict instructions to Amy's security team after that call. Henry was not comfortable with Amy seeing Ash. He is extremely jealous of the man and the time they spend together.

He thought what if his parents did not die; perhaps he and Amy often see each other too in the past. Just thinking of Amy and Ash together makes his blood boil.

He sees how Ash looks at Amy, and as a man himself, he knows that Ash will take this opportunity to woo Amy and take her away from him.

He must do something or else, he might lose the chance to capture Amy's heart.

"Rei, expedite everything, cancel the meetings that can be done online. I want to go back as soon as possible." Rei shook his head in disbelief. The Henry whom he used to know would not cancel any meeting and would want to personally talk to the parties involved in the transaction.

Henry was tired from the twelve-hour flight but he decided to still unpack his things and prepare everything he needed for the next days to speed up everything.

A wide smile formed on his face as soon as he opened his suitcase. There he saw a rectangular box with Amy's note 'Enjoy your trip'. Inside the box are the different pastries that Amy baked for him.

Some of it was the one he used to order from Amy's cafe. The smell of it was nostalgic; he remembered how he used to sneak into the cafe's kitchen where Amy was to watch her, who was trying to help her mom in baking which always results in a mess.

'Why did she put it here? Is she falling for me?' He thought to himself. He wanted her, he was not aware of how much she meant to him until they saw each other again.

After his parents died, he became rebellious and went through counseling after getting into lots of fights. His uncle wanted him to overcome his anger and made a deal with him.

He cannot get his parent's share in the company from his uncle unless he behaves and stop getting into fights.

He wanted to be strong and powerful, he wanted to punish the people who kidnapped him that caused his father's death.

His uncle loved him so much and helped him overcome that stage in his life. He did stop getting into trouble as soon as his doctor advised him to enroll in any martial arts of his choice.

After learning different kinds of fighting sports, he got bored and felt stuck in his life and felt lost again. That's the time when he decided to visit his parent's favorite cafe. He was seventeen at that time.

There he saw Amy in her school uniform doing her homework at one of the tables. He was smitten by her, and she marked Henry's mind, heart, and soul ever since that day.

Henry saw how happy Amy was with her family. He thought he was worthless, he was an orphan and he didn't deserve Amy.

He turned his longing for Amy in a different direction. As soon as he turned 18, and started earning money from the company, he started contracting women to satisfy his lustful desire.

This became an addiction for him. He never felt anything for those women. He never respected them and just wanted them to tire him in bed. He wanted to release all the energy and yearning he had for Amy through sex with other women.

His feelings for her were so strong that he would have sexual activity with those women until they passed out. But still, he can't get enough.

Amy never left his mind, every time he beds those women, he sees Amy. He never once thought that he deserved to have her. Until the day he offered herself to him.

As soon as he found out what happened to Amy, he wanted to protect and take care of her. Now that Amy is also an orphan and in this deep debt, he wants to make sure to get back what she lost and give her more.

Now that he has her, he will never let her go and will do everything to make sure of that. Six months is short, he must act fast in making her fall in love with him to make her completely his, to marry her and be with her forever.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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Shiroi_Namicreators' thoughts
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