

Community discord: discord.gg/TSvY9zJaWz Fair warning this is an EXTREMELY lewd story. Centaur and various humanoid girls. -Big titty futa Centaur adventurer accidentally absorbs an entire civilizations worth of Virility and goes on a journey of Self Discovery, Epic Cumflation, and Growth.-

StratothraxAD · Fantasy
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330 Chs

6.5 p͏a͏t͏r͏e͏o͏n͏.c͏o͏m͏/S͏t͏r͏a͏t͏o͏t͏h͏r͏a͏x͏A͏f͏t͏e͏r͏D͏a͏r͏k͏

The fox girl trembled, her paws fluttering and clutching at the air as a line of drool slipped from her mouth.

"I don't think she's okay."

"Dryad, what the hell do you think you are doing? I asked you to help one of my bandmates, not make things worse!" said Ellaria.

The dryad tilted her head to the side.

"That is… a strong effect. Well, the result is still the same, no matter."

"You remember what she was like at the hot spring? She's going to need to be rutted into the ground to sate this heat," said the gnome.

Vivi's jaw moved with her breath which was getting heavier and heavier, the air practically steaming with the heat of it. The fox girl slowly, stiffly, turned to Fey, her muscles occasionally spasming.

"Feeeey, I'm so hot inside, it's like there's a volcano in my womb constantly exploding, screaming to be filled and bred, oh goddds, F-Fey If I don't get you inside of me right now I'm going to fucking DIE!"

The fox girl lunged at Fey wild eyed, her legs driving her body at the centaur with the full strength of a warrior, the wooden floor fractured beneath her feet as she exploded forward. Fey was taken completely by surprise and the white-furred missile slammed into her side in a full bore tackle. The centaur was flung off her feet and landed heavily on the sofa, The sofa nearly tipping over before rocking back and crashing down.

The fox girl was on all fours on Fey's barrel, the mass of Fey's dick below her. It bucked up against her belly and chest excitedly, sending her breasts jiggling beneath her crop top.

Vivi whined, her claws digging into the horse body below her. A thick creamy rope of fem-cum hung between her thighs, it drooled down onto the top side of the massive throbbing horse cock. The fox girl trembled. After taking a moment to collect herself she crawled forward toward Fey's upper body. Feys horse cock jerked upward eager to pierce the fox girl and bashing against her short shorts. Vivi fell forward onto her elbows, gritting her teeth as she orgasmed once more, her thighs shaking.

Vivi looked up at Fey with wild hungry eyes, her breath coming in huffs.

"Fey, I need you more than anything else I've needed in my life, I need you deep deep inside of me, until I'm permanently molded to fit you, until my womb is your personal cum dump, until you're my alpha and I'm your little cock sleeve!"

Her paw reached down and she grabbed frantically at her shorts, trying to pull them from her hips.

Fey's cock bucked into the air and spurted a cup of precum, it splashed against the fox girls rear and soaked her thighs through. She let out a whine and her arm jerked, her strength causing her to rip her shorts from her body in one motion.

She threw the cloth aside along with her top and aligned her rear.

"I can't wait anymoooore!"

The fox girl heaved herself backwards and her swollen muff crashed up against Fey's broad cock head. Her puffy labia squashed flat against the unforgiving tip, her clit pushing free from its hood hard and erect.


Her sloppy cunt drooled fluid as she ground herself down on top of the centaur, clear lubricant sputtering from around the pressed together flesh, wetting down the horsecock and slicking its surface. The fox girl pawed at Fey's lower chest desperately, her hips squirming and rolling against the tip and then when she thought she could push no more her lower lips suddenly slipped over the horizon, stretching into a lewd O and engulfed the head of Fey's dick.

Vivi Came.

She slapped her paws to her muzzle trying to stop her voice from coming out but her paws could not hold back the howling scream that forced its way free. Fem cum high pressure sprayed from her stretched labia instantly soaking Fey's barrel, darkening it with wet. The fox girls thighs shook out of control, her flesh jiggling back and forth.

"Oh! oh g-gods! Why didn't I do this sooner!"

She frantically moved her body even as she came, shifting and pushing her hips, using her arms to leverage her torso backwards, pushing more of the massive horse cock inside of herself. She dipped her head down and looked in excited awe as the small bulge in her belly that was Fey's dick became larger and larger, inching up her abdomen, a hump of short white fur wrapped around the massive intruder inside of her.

"Deeeperrrr!" she whined humping her hips and pushing herself further down the shaft, impaling herself. She let out a little gasp as she felt the blunt head press up against the entrance to her womb. Her trembling limbs pushed her body against the horse, the large cock head butting up against her deepest part, frustrated that she couldn't get it inside to sate the burning heat. She set her legs and then with shaking jiggling thighs managed to lift herself up until the cock was going into her pussy at an angle. Her breath hitched as she put her paws on her belly bulge, feeling the heat of Fey's cock through her short fur.

She swallowed then heaved backwards, using gravity and her own strength to shove herself down onto the dick. The entrance to her womb strained and then with a Pop! It yawned wide and wrapped tight over the cock head, Fey's dick pushing into her most sacred place. Her burning hot core.

The vulpines head went back and she screamed, her eyes rolling up as high-pressure squirt exploded from her crotch. Her legs shook so hard that she lost her footing and her feet went up into the air. Unfortunately, this meant she was prey to gravity and could do nothing but wail as she suddenly slipped a full foot down the cock, her stomach bulging outward, stretched over the thick mass.

She squirted again, fluid gushing from between her thighs, and her paws slapped down on the bulge sticking from her abdomen, her eyes wild, a broodmare getting what she hungered for.

"Ghha! Hhaa!! Y-yeees!"

Community discord if you want to hang and see lewd art I make of this story ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (I'm pretty good at art)


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