

Community discord: discord.gg/TSvY9zJaWz Fair warning this is an EXTREMELY lewd story. Centaur and various humanoid girls. -Big titty futa Centaur adventurer accidentally absorbs an entire civilizations worth of Virility and goes on a journey of Self Discovery, Epic Cumflation, and Growth.-

StratothraxAD · Fantasy
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330 Chs

4.3 p͏a͏t͏r͏e͏o͏n͏.c͏o͏m͏/S͏t͏r͏a͏t͏o͏t͏h͏r͏a͏x͏A͏f͏t͏e͏r͏D͏a͏r͏k͏

"Things don't have to turn out too bad for you knife ears, just give me the bag and you can leave, simples, nothing easier, come on, give it here."

The man held out his hand as he closed on Ellaria.

"Did you think we were an all mage band? Hah!"

Vivi whipped her longsword from her side and confidently jumped down off Fey's back. The effect was spoiled a bit by her stumbling under the weight of her stomach, though she quickly righted herself. She pointed the sword at the man.

"You chose the wrong band to waylay bandit boy. I could take all of you alone and then some."

The man stared at the vulpine a frown on his face.

"Bitch, you're pregnant, you ain't taking shit. Sit down and shut up."

Vivi's mouth dropped open in shock.

"Wha- Fuck you! I'm not pregnant!"

"No, you quite clearly are."

"This is cum! I'm full of cum!"

The man blinked and then as though deciding this crazy person wasn't worth talking to he turned back to Ellaria.

"Look elfy, half your band has lost their magic and the only one who looks like they can fight worth a damn is too pregnant to do so. Give it up alright?"

Ellaria stared the man down and then spat in his face. The man's expression crossed into annoyance as a line of drool ran down his cheek.

"You're not a very nice elf."

He suddenly lunged forward, a hand reaching for Ellaria's neck, arm outstretched, his sleeve rolling back with the motion, his fingers about to grasp-

A hand came down on his bare forearm and the man froze. He looked from the hand gripping his arm like iron up to the centaur who towered above him.

Fey stared back at him.


"If you don't take your hand of me horsey I'm going to lop off that arm of yours."

"You don't have to do this, don't make us fight you."

"You sound like you expect to win. How naive."

The anti-mage set his feet and pulled back on his arm and to Fey's shock she was dragged forward. The man's strength was unreal and she could do little but hang on as her hooves were dragged through the mud.

He grinned up at her shocked face. "Somebody doesn't know very much about anti-mages. Listen girl, I'm going to count to three, if I don't see that dimensional bag in my hand by then me and my compatriots are going to kill you all and leave your corpses in the street for the dogs."

Fey's eyes went round. "W-wait, you can't be serious."


"Oh fuck this," said Vivi. She flipped her sword in a circle and prepared to charge.

Ellaria held up a hand however and let out a sigh.

"If it's what gets us out of this situation. Very well."

"Two. I don't see that bag in my hand yet elfy."

Ellaria scowled at him and began untying the bag at her hip.

"Excellent, see, no need for blood if-"

Everything suddenly went completely black for Fey as though someone had doused the lights or as though she had been blinded.

She panicked looking around trying to see, but there was nothing, only pitch black darkness and absolute pin-drop silence.

She looked down at her hands but found she couldn't see them, in fact as she observed herself she realised that she no longer had a body, she was bodiless, a floating consciousness in the abyss.

If she had lungs to breathe with she suspected she would be hyperventilating.

Instead, she simply floated and did the only thing she could do, exist and watch.

After a little while of just existing something caught her eye. It was a mote of light, tiny, the size of a speck of dust. She willed herself closer and to her surprise she moved, her point of view shifting closer to the mote.

The mote seemed to be caught in some kind of invisible current and no matter how it struggled it was drawn in one direction. Fey watching the thing with curiosity, it seemed like the mote was in a losing battle, whatever was drawing it in was irresistible.

She looked around trying to spot what it was that had the mote so trapped. Nothing, just an empty void, that is until she saw a curve, a black curve, black on black, and as she looked from left to right and up and down she realised she was looking at a mind bogglingly vast planet sized lightless sphere.

Instinctually she understood several things at once.

First that the mote of light belonged to the anti-mage. She didn't know how she knew but she did.

Second, the terrifyingly huge planet was hers. A mass so great and so heavy and so dense that it was generating its own gravity well unlike anything else in this void and its proximity to the mote was drawing it in, sucking it up as surely as a stone falls to earth.

Third, the mote was rapidly accelerating.

She watched uncertainly, unsure if she should or could do anything to stop it as the desperately struggling mote fell down and down toward the planet and was instantly absorbed as it landed. The little light winked out and Fey was alone in the dark again with only that intimidatingly vast mass to keep her company.

She could feel herself drifting back to reality, the darkness seeping away. But as she went she got a sense of dominating will from the planet sized mass, a hunger, a dark insatiable need to breed, to reproduce, to fuck. Then it was gone and she was back in her own normal physical body.

"-no need for blood if we are all reasonable people."

She looked down at the anti-mage who's arm she still grasped.

He looked back at her and after a moment a puzzled expression crossed his face.

"Hey... are you getting bigger?"

Community discord if you want to hang and see art I make of this story ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


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