

Community discord: discord.gg/TSvY9zJaWz Fair warning this is an EXTREMELY lewd story. Centaur and various humanoid girls. -Big titty futa Centaur adventurer accidentally absorbs an entire civilizations worth of Virility and goes on a journey of Self Discovery, Epic Cumflation, and Growth.-

StratothraxAD · Fantasy
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330 Chs

19.5 p͏a͏t͏r͏e͏o͏n͏.c͏o͏m͏/S͏t͏r͏a͏t͏o͏t͏h͏r͏a͏x͏A͏f͏t͏e͏r͏D͏a͏r͏k͏

"Th-thank you Wummy," said Vivi as she passed. She gave Fey a terribly guilty look and hurried after Tami and the others.

Fey watched her go. Could it be? No, no that wasn't possible, they would have noticed that right? Right?

Fey trotted after, wondering if she should push the matter.

As she was pondering, Tami came to halt outside a large door. She pulled the lollipop from her mouth once more and yawned, every iota of her body language suggesting that she was bored just by being in the band's presence. She was truly the embodiment of an annoying teenager.

"Here, a bedroom. Go on, pick one of you to take it."

"I- I may as well," said Fey stepping forward.

Tami abruptly held up a hand, "A-apart f-from you, uhm, this bedroom isn't big enough! Or something!"

"Er, really? Well I suppose I am kinda big."

"Right! Exactly! So you get the special bedroom, the one for lamias."

"Fine." said Ellaria. "Vivi you take this one, you look like you need to get off your feet as soon as possible anyway, all that weight must be dragging on you."

"I do? Uh, I mean of course, yeah!"

The tigerkin girl took them through various hallways splitting off Ellaria and Flora into separate rooms, the casualness of which she did so saying something about just how large and expansive this mansion was and how many spare rooms it had.

Fey, Tami, and the otterkin twins came to a stop. Tami looked up at Fey and then her gaze couldn't help but roll down the centaur's body, it took Fey clearing her throat for her to get her attention.

"Uh yeah, h-here, this room here," said the tigerkin distractedly.

She gestured to a door that appeared even amongst the grand mansion to be particularly impressive, a pair of solid gold leaf doors. Tami pushed at them and they practically floated open, clearly magically enchanted, and the room inside was revealed to Fey. It was a huge room with a massive bed in the center, a row of large windows running down one side. What was most eye catching though was the giant painting of a lamia above the bed, a pink haired and pink scaled lamia.

Fey furrowed her brow.

"Hey, is this Rina's bedroom you've put me in?"

Not receiving a reply she turned to see the doors closing behind her, the tigerkin nowhere in sight, apparently having already moved on to find rooms for the otterkins.

With a sigh Fey began to get undressed. She had not only fucked the man of this house's wife but she apparently was about to sleep in what was probably their marital bed. Well it hopefully wouldn't matter, and besides, it was not like she had actually fucked Rina, more like fucked Flora and Rina just happened to be there, that made it not count... Probably.

Tossing her clothing aside she climbed atop the lamia sized bed and was soon asleep.


Fey was dreaming. She was floating in the darkness, the vast endless darkness, bodiless, just an awareness in the void.

It was there again, that impossibly large mass, something so mind bogglingly vast that it outsized entire planets, a vastness that filled her sight from side to side. A thing of trillions, a thing that had gained an animalistic awareness simply by sheer dint of numbers being compressed together in one spot. The mindless impulse of the many joining together to make a mind of many, a monster, a beast of sheer quantity.

There was something common to all life, the greatest desire of all life forms, the purpose of their existance: to reproduce, to breed and fuck and create spawn, this thing was that desire multipled by an infiinity. For most life forms that desire was one aspect, for this raw virile masculine beast it was it's singular overriding goal, to fuck as many children into as many fertile wombs as it possibly could, and the dominating implacable will behind that was beyond anything anyone had ever seen before.

It hungered. It wanted MORE.

Fey jerked awake with a gasp, moving her arms and legs frantically, panicyness filling her, what the hell was that? Wait why were her arms restricted? And her legs?

She blinked, clearing the fuzziness from her mind. She was in Rina's bedroom, it was dark, hard to see, but she could tell she had been tied on her back, tied to the bed with an impressive amount of rope. Slowly becoming more oriented she realised that there was a weight on her. Looking down her body as her eyes adjusted to the darkness she realised that Tami was atop her and she was completely and entirely naked apart from her cat stockings, her pale skin just visible in the dark, her fluffy tiger tail lashing the air. She was letting out little whimpering sounds as she worked her bare pussy against the tip of Fey's dick, smearing Fey's precum over her snatch and ass, the fluid rolling down her thighs in little rivulets to darket the fabric of her stockings.

What on earth was the teenager doing? Fey moved to try and sit up but found she couldn't even do that. Now she could see a little better she could see lines of rope criss crossing her body and the bed in knotted patterns in a way that was almost hard to believe that this girl had managed it alone. There was just so much rope!

"O-oh, y-you're awake?" Said Tami. She bit her lip and looked up at Fey. "I knew you would wake, at some point, that's why I had to tie you down, I didn't want you stopping me, the chance to end this itchy burning heat and lose my virginity on the largest best smelling most masculine dick I've ever heard of? I couldn't pass up the chance, my friends are going to be so insanely jealous, if only I could just get this thing to fit in me!"

Fey swallowed as she felt the girl's lower lips smear apart on her broad head, her dripping pink labia quelching and sucking against the surface, her folds slipping and sliding across the surface, her boiling hot insides touching up against her tip for a moment before becoming hidden by her muff once more. Her pussy was so petite that Fey could feel the girl's tiny hard little clit dragging over her tip at the same time, the little nub being excessively stimulated by Fey's roughness causing the tigerkin to whimper with every motion.

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