

That's what we were trapped in: a web. Experiments, money, power, connections that were made because that's what we were to them. Expensive weapons and tools for them to use and marvel at when we were destroyed, blown to bits, killed multiple times over and over again. Some of us went quickly others slowly when the failure fascinated them. When their concoctions turned us into giant masses of pus, bones, and flesh...we were just entertainment to the scientists and observers. The pencil pushing mad geniuses who saw us less then human that when we broke they just tossed us aside and recycled us. We didn't have parents, love, or freedom but we did have hate. It's what freed that group of us, well some of us.....I need to slow down-hmmm-let me start with the day I was "born."









"It's finally finished, huh." A green haired woman says. She's leaning over a small console with three different colored buttons, five different switches, and a heart monitor. She looks at the figure floating in the blue gelled human test tube. "You're a papa Trent." She teasingly says to her colleague, with raven colored hair, who is sitting behind her a bit farther back on an office chair. He looks at her emotionless and in a low monotone voice says, "Our work isn't something to joke about, Magdalene." She rolls her eyes saying, "Oh come on, we've been at it for months with the big boss breathing down our necks telling us to hurry up cause of our last two failures we deserve to unwind a bit. I even came up with a cute nickname cause the date of the deadline is today on Halloween and how much of a nightmare this vassal has been." She exasperatedly says. Trent looks at her unimpressed. "I don't think the word "nightmare" is considered "cute" by many or anyone at all." Magdalene pouts and sits back down on her office chair wheeling it next to Trent. "I wonder what level of intelligence it'll have. The most one of the other vassals had was that of a 10 year old." Magdalene says thinking out loud. "Yes I've read the reports and as long as we keep it contained it should pose no problem. Last thing we want is this thing understanding its process of creation and scheming." Trent says without looking up. "Well alright let's let it "firm up" and get right to it tomorrow." Magdalene responds raising her arms to stretch. Both scientists get up from their chairs and check around the lab. They lock vials of multi-colored liquids in metallic cabinets with reinforced glass and sanitize themselves as they exit to secure the giant sliding door. But they failed notice that the vassal had woken up. They had administered plentiful sedatives into the gel of the human test tube and yet during the process of its creation it managed to develop a resistance. The vassal known as Nightmare had realized something: it wasn't exactly human yet it was sentient. It wanted to leave but it could barely move its arms or legs. Eventually figuring out its movement it let itself float down letting the appendages know as "feet" touch something that it recognized as "ground". It knew it was "young." Something called "newborn." So it let itself jump, it let itself think, see, and discover. Eventually tiring itself out it dozed off with one word in its mind: free.