

"Amazing.." I whispered as I roomed my eyes in the surroundings. My fingers are not enough to count how many times my mouth spill the word 'amazing' ever since I came out to my hide out—Oh! did I say the word hide out? I really mean is from the castle.

I feel so amazed on what I am seeing right now. The world outside the castle is very beautiful than I expected. As well as the beauty of the castle from this angle of my view.

If just incase garden of Eden is still existing—I'll probably thought that this is the way to go there, due to different kinds of flowers planted in both sides of the road where our car is taking its way through the academy. By the way, meet my twin brother—Calvin—sitting beside me like a statue. He doesn't even bother to speak even just a word.

Calvin was relaxed on his spot in this car unlike me—the one who can't just relaxed on my spot. I'm nervous and excited at the same time because for heaven sake!—this is my first time to step outside the castle unlike this same face guy beside me.

"Celes get off the car now, look that car outside that's yours," auntie Leona command me while she's pointing her finger to the red car outside. It's obviously expensive even at your first glance on it.

My sweetest smile begun to plastered in my lips as I realized that it's my favorite color. Due to overwhelming surprised to me by auntie Leona I didn't waste any saliva and just do what auntie told me to do. She also get off the car and guide me to my way through my first ever car.

"My, dear I know you're happy right now. Because your dream finally came true." she said using her sweet voice. If you will look at her, she looks like she's in her middle 20's but the truth is she's in her 40's.

"Yes auntie this is what I am waiting for, After 17 years or existence finally," I replied while my lips curved into a sweet smile.

"Your things are already inside your car. Enjoy your adventure my dearest niece. Keep safe, I'll visit you there soon." she muttered and left me in front of my car. I watch her as she get in the previous car where we are riding before we arrived here.

A young woman caught my attention wearing the same clothes that Ara wears. She opened the car's door for me. I plastered a sweet smile to her and she did the same thing. She closed the car's door as I enter. "Good morning Ms. Ferrer! are you ready to your journey in Southern Victoria Academy?" a warm greeting applause me.

It's from a young looking men who's sitting on the driver seat. His eyes where on me as he looks on the car's mirror. My smile get wider, "Yes, I'm ready." I answered. A question came to my mind why a young looking men is driving for me?

I can say that Victoria Island is rich when it comes to environment, all the sides of roads are tall and strong trees while colorful flowers where scattered everywhere. It's almost an hour since our car start to take its way to my school.

I pressed the little button here and my window start to open. Fresh and col air start to kiss my skin. The speed of our car begins to decreased its speed I wonder that this is already our destination.

I peeked and saw a huge tall gate made of strong metal. Some metals are curved and designed like a flower. There are also diamonds scattered to the gate where it shines whenever sunlight touch them.

But there is one thing that was really eye catching, the three big diamonds placed on the top of the gate are remarkable. A black diamond in the center, white diamond in the left and red in right side. There is also an engraved words in the middle of the gate made of precious stones.

Southern Victoria Academy

'This is it Celes'

In a snap the gate opened as our car entered the academy. A garden with a fountain in the middle of road welcomed us. My eyes get attached to the school building.

Wait? It does look like a castle? Yeah it does.

'Is this the academy?'

'An academy that looks like a castle?'

Our car stopped in front of the entrance door of the academy. A young servant opened the car's door for me and offered his hands. I take his hands and get off the car. A women with snow white's skin tone and shoulder length hair wearing a formal suite of a principal on pictures that I see on books welcomed me as the entrance door opened.

'I look like I'm from a cave'

'Who doesn't know anything'

'Really Celes? you're living in an island not in a cave remember?'

The women smile genuinely as she laid her eyes on me. "Welcome, Tina Ferrer," I smiled as I heard her sweet voice welcoming me.

"Good day rankers! Welcome to Southern Victoria Academy," welcomed by the voice echoed in the hall. It's from the woman earlier, she was standing in the stage holding a wireless microphone.

We are currently listening to the announcements and rules of the academy while we are sitting in our chairs made of silver. They say we are here in what they call Hall of Speech where all important things where announced and discussed. "And because we are now complete, we will proceed in the ability room," students began to whisper things.

'Ability room?'

'What was that for?'

Even I'm confused on what's happening right now I still managed to follow what other students do. I stand and line up with other students out of the hall. I can't help myself to praised the beauty of the interior of this academy.

The white painted and clean walls, crystal chandeliers hanging in the ceiling, and the diamonds and precious stones design in the walls.

Moment later we entered a huge door, different weapons surprised us. It was arranged in the walls and covered by a glass. This room looks like a room of weapons museum. "Rankers choose on of the items and bring it with you," announced by the woman earlier who doesn't introduced her name until now.

I walked inside the room and look for an item that I can used. There's a lot of weapons here, I don't know what to choose.

'What weapon?'

I stopped in front of a wall full of different types of guns. They long range guns and the small ones even the colorful one's. This academy was amazing, unbelievable. I thought academies are organizations that teach academics but this one, it's different from others.

"Having a hard time to pick?" I heard a cold voice from my back. I turned my gaze to the person who where currently walked closer to the guns. The the person pick a gun and scanned it. "This gun was beautiful, isn't?"

I was stiffened in my feet and my heart was trembling in fear when the gun was pointed in me.

'What the!?'

'This is my first day!'

'I don't want to die this early'

The feeling of being dead is waving at you is creepier than I thought. My eyes widened when the gun was ready to fire.

"Step aside!" we both put our gaze to the person who shouted.

"Step aside now!" I was shocked when I saw an arrow approaching our direction.

'Wait? Its on it way to us!?'


'I don't want to die!' T.T

'Help me!'

'I think I'll be double dead'

In a snap the gun that was holding by the person in front of me fell in the floor. It was hit by the arrow causing it to fell due to its speed.

Because of that the person in front of me frowned. You thought its a boy? you're wrong. She had a small eyes that gives her the look of Chinese, Korean and Japanese. Her lips are thin and small. Her hair is short and she has a bangs. She also have a porcelain and white skin tone but mine is more whiter than hers.

'Hey I'm sorry, do you guys get hurt?" asked by a woman who suddenly appeared. May she was gasping to breath due to running. "I'm fine no worries," I answered.

"Really? Thanks God I feel relieved, I thought you two get hurt. The direction of the arrow changed because of the force I produced when I make a shot using this wea—" she was about to finish her statement but this poker faced girl cut her.

"Its okay, don't worry," the girl with cold voice said while she's facing this shy type girl. I was amazed on her attitude, she never smiled and show any emotions. She's somewhat creepy, she is the best living example of creepy.

"I'm Leejian Calixtro, how about the two of you?" the girl who shoot us the arrow cheerfully introduced herself. "Tina Ferrer, nice meeting you," We shake our hands as I introduced myself and smile to her.

"Oh! nice name by the way can we be friends?" "Yeah! sure," I just answered yes, for them not to suspected me for being unordinary. Leejian is so cute and adorable, Her curly hair that looks like a curl from braided hair suits to her. She has a chubby cheeks and hazel brown eyes.

Her smile always plastered in her face. I lover her angelic and famine aura and vibes.

'She lessen the pressure and nervous that I feel'

We stopped talking when we realized that we still have someone to talk too. We put our gazed on her. She still on her poker face.

We fixed our gaze to her to send her a message that we want to know her more. She began to stared at us and I feel chill down to my spine. But then, she rolled her eyes and gasp.

She opened her small mouth and then I heard again her cold voice.

"Naomi Fuentes,"