
Celestial sword god

The Legend continues..... The one who slayed countless dragons,defeated thousands of armies, destroyed the powerful Demi gods. The one who slayed the thunder god Zeus and fought the Void emperor and wounded him . The sword Emperor Arion Netherheart has returned to destroy his opressers. "In this life I would be known as the Celestial Sword god"!!!!! he shouted The Legend continues.......

Deku_Kotoyami · Fantasy
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1 Chs

Sword Emperor

A lone figure stood in the midst of a barren land.His entire figure was drenched in blood.His upper body was covered in ancient runes that seemed to glow as they moved around his body giving his entire figure an ethereal look.

Although his sliver hair was drenched in blood it still shined beautifully in the light as it danced softly with the wind.His contrasting eyes of crimson and azure coupled with his sharp jawline gave his face a majestic look.

His gaze was currently focused on a young brown-haired man kneeling beforth him.His hands were torn off and there was huge gaping hole on his chest but , he still glared at the sliver-haired man with hate even in his bloded state.

"Your brothers and sisters were pathetically weak but you herucles...." the sliver-haired man paused as he let out a deep sigh and continued "you were just as pathetic." he said as he raised his fist and punched through Hercules' skull completely obliterating it.

The sliver-haired man sighed as he lifted his gaze from the now headless body and checked his surroundings.Thousands of bodies lay scattered everywhere some were headless and some lay with limbs torn off.

It looked as if they were all killed by a wild senseless beast. The wild man smirked devilishly as he sat down in a lotus position and slowly closed his eyes.