
STAGE TWO: That Voice I Heard

"Lenfiare Freyja."

Freyja knew she's dreaming. There's this voice again, without a face, calling her a name she has never heard before. In the very familiar darkness, she looked around, searching for whoever that voice belonged to. "Who exactly are you!? Where am I? What's happening to me!?'" There's nothing.

"It's me. Have you forgotten?"

"I don't think I've forgotten anything."

"Help me, Lenfiare."

"Where are you then?"

"Help me."

"How am I supposed to do that?"

"Lenfiare, help me. You're the only one who can find me."

Now, things became even more confusing for Freyja. Even for a dream, the conversation was so disturbingly vivid. "Wa-Wait! You've got to be kidding me! Anyway, can't you tell me anything more useful? I really don't get you!" She took a deep breath. "This is a joke! I am just an anti-social student! I know I can be weird but I don't think I'm THAT weird. When I wake up, I'll be back in my room!"

"Thank you for calling me."

"I don't rememb---" Freyja was suddenly rendered speechless, recalling the dream she's been having for many nights. What the voice said was true after all. She DID wish to become stronger. She wished for the running to stop. She wanted to get out of that dark oblivion. "Alright." She sighed. "At least tell me, who are you?"

"It's me, Astrid."

Slowly, the voice started to fade away. "Wait! Astrid!" She called out to him, but he wouldn't answer anymore.


Freyja woke up in a panic. She found herself lying on a soft bed. It was certainly not her room, the walls were made of wood, there was no fluorescent light and there's a strange crystal-like lamp on the table beside her bed. Freyja was so fascinated to see a lamp that isn't powered by electricity or gas. Examining it further, she found out that a crystal is illuminating the bulb of the lamp. "This is no time to be amazed! I have to find that Astrid person!" She slapped herself, to regain her focus.

"Finally..." The door slammed open. It was the silver haired young man. He sat beside the bed and gently held her forehead. "Your fever's gone."

"Where is this place?"

"A city in Rein." He replied while Freyja covered her ears. "Argh! Sounds like a different world alright!" She exclaimed.

"Now tell me, what exactly did you do that they want you dead?" Freyja shook her head. "I don't know. They suddenly attacked me when I asked them for help." She explained.

He stared at her in disbelief. He said nothing, but is obviously thinking of something serious. "Maybe," he thought, suppressing a smirk, "I can USE her against him."

"What's wrong?" She asked, noticing that he wasn't paying attention to what she was saying. "Don't tell me you don't believe me..." The young sighed, shook his head, and turned back. "Don't appear in front of me ever again!" His words were suddenly blunt and cold. For a moment, he considered taking her with him but, he changed his mind in an instant.

"Wait! I have to find someone named... Astrid. Yes! That's it!" Freyja's words shocked the young man even more. "Astrid? Is she talking about the celestial dragon Astrid!?" He thought with his fists clenched. He felt a chill run through his spine, as he glanced at the obviously clueless girl. "I may be superstitious by saying this but I had a creepy dream. Someone called Astrid said I need to find him. But I'm already in this weird world so I have no choice now, do I? I bet he's also the one who sent me to this world, that's why if I find him, then maybe I can go hom---"

"SHUT UP!" He slammed the wall hard. He glared at her, with ice cold eyes. "Don't ever mention that for as long as you live, do you understand!?" Freyja felt shivers. He's terrifying. She felt his blood lust for a moment that she couldn't even dare ask why. She nodded.

The young man turned his back and headed for the exit. But before turning the door knob, Freyja called. "Wait! I...Thank you!" It was the least he's ever expected. "Huh?"

"Thank you, for saving me. But, I won't give up. I will go home soon, I know." Though a bit scared, she smiled at him. Someone who saved her life, can't be that horrible of a person, she thought. "May I know your name, at least?"

He hesitated. Normally, he won't say anything. But he isn't acting normal at all, that he is well aware of.


And he left. Now convinced that leaving her alone is what he should do. "That's right. If you want to live, don't get involved with me." He whispered to himself, walking away.

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