

"Good morning!"

Freyja rushed to the mess hall with a bright, cheerful smile. Alaric and Kirin were both relieved to see her back to her usual self. And like any normal day, it started with Kirin and Alaric's usual exchange of sarcasms over breakfast. While eating, Freyja caught sight of the crowd outside, as if in a festive mood.

"What are they doing?" She looked at the commotion from the inn's window. There are banners and flowers given to this big buff man sitting in the middle of the crowd.

"I see. It's their representative to the world combat tournament." Kirin briefly explained.

"He looks like a celebrity to me." Freyja commented, still in wonder.

"It's a very prestigious tournament where the best fighters around the world gather. Whether you are a Rune Master, a soldier or just someone who wants a challenge, as long as you have the guts to fight you are welcome to join." Alaric joined in.

"I see. What will happen if you win?"

"Well, it's the prestige. And they also have big monetary prizes." Alaric replied. "But I heard that a lot of contestants die. You can go as far as killing your opponent, I heard."

Freyja felt her heart thump in excitement. With pleading puppy dog eyes, she faced Kirin, rubbing her palms against each other. "Kirin?"


"But you said I..."

Kirin sighed before flicking her forehead hard. "Didn't you hear him? Do you want to die!? You can't even spar against me properly!" He flicked her forehead another time.


"I hate to agree with him, but he's right." Alaric added. "I don't think that I have the guts to join either."

"But I want to get stronger." Freyja argued, looking serious. "If I can't defeat warriors from here, or at least level myself up to them, what more can I do to save an entire kingdom?"

The two were speechless. Kirin and Freyja exchanged glares for some time, a battle of resolve. Soon enough, Kirin gave up. "Alright. But let's make a deal." Freyja cleared her throat before nodding.

"The tournament will be held in the country of Djin, far south-west of this continent. We will travel to Djin while we continue training. If, by half a year, you can spar against me with all the four weight-bracelets on, then, I'll let you fight. If not, you give up for this year. Is that alright with you?" Kirin didn't want her to enter the tournament, however, he can understand Freyja's feelings as well as her point. This is the most logical compromise he can think of. Freyja herself will back out should she realize that she's still not prepared. In case she succeeds, then it means that she is at least strong enough not to die in battle. A good bargain.

Freyja is well aware that Kirin's condition far from easy. However, she is glad to have the chance to try. In fact, that's all she needed. "ALRIGHT!" She agreed.

"It's a deal then."

"WAIT! If that's the case then..." Alaric interrupted, "...then I will fight too."

Alaric chuckled, feeling a bit pathetic for being scared while an inexperienced Freyja is willing to try. He's been a rune master ever since he was nine years old and yet he never even tried to test his skills in real battle—except for the one in Tristiss. Moreover, he didn't have a goal in his life. "Let's both enter then, Freyja." Freyja's face lit even more. "Really?"

"Yup. We can even turn out to be enemies, don't you know?" He winked.

"I won't lose to you, Alaric!" She grinned.

Now that the next step is settled, Alaric decided he should tell them his decision too. Since the fight with the monster in Tristiss cave and with Ahrin, he has been feeling extremely lacking and pathetic. "Freyja, Kirin, see you in half a year." Freyja's smile disappeared. "You're leaving?" Alaric nodded.

Alaric was exiled from the guild, but he's sure that the bigger reason is that his father wanted him to learn more about the world. But after the search for Astrid in Mount Tristiss, he encountered Ahrin, the serpent monster, Astrid himself, and learned about Celestia. All of a sudden, his world has gotten so big he's feeling overwhelmed. He used to think that he's one of the world's most powerful runemasters, but clearly, he isn't. Not even close. And it frustrated him. It hurts being with Freyja and Kirin at his current state. With this, Alaric decided to search for his own path in life.

"I've decided. I will go to the deep forests of Riyada, west of Lunchian continent. It is very well known for its people's extraordinary elemental manipulation. It will be hard, but I will plead their rune masters to train me. And after six months, let's meet at the tournament. So make sure you pass Kirin's test."

Alaric's encouraging words touched her. Freyja grinned and made a 'thumbs-up.' "It's a promise Alaric." She held her hand out to him, and he grabbed hers and squeezed it tightly. "Yeah. Promise."

Early morning the next day, Alaric left for Lunchian on an airship while Kirin and Freyja headed south by foot. From the moment they stepped out of the city, Freyja's rigorous combat training began. Freyja cut her hair so short, so it won't get in the way of her movements.

Kirin prohibited her from using Astrid until her body becomes strong enough to fully control his power. As she is right now, summoning Astrid strains her body so much, it could be fatal if this goes on. Freyja began with basic aura manipulation drills, wrapping her aura around her hands, her feet, materializing small balls of aura, and the like.

Everytime Kirin instructs her to wrap her hand with aura for five minutes, she always ends up weak and exhausted. Her aura still leaks too much when doing simple tasks its draining her strength way faster than it should. That's why for the first step, Freyja has to control the amount of aura that she releases, and control it as accurately as she could.

There was never a day she didn't have a bruise. Nevertheless, Freyja faced each day with a wide smile on her face.

"This time," She would say to herself whenever she finds a task too difficult, "I will not run."

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