
Celestial Mother

It is 2154 and a game called "Primal Roots" was about to end it's server. In the game a woman waiting for its final moment to be forcefully logged out waited, but at its final second instead of being kicked out of the game she was transported in an another world. (If you like this and want more please read it at wattpad because I'm going to post there 1 day earlier, that's all.)

0_Jazmin · Fantasy
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1 Chs

Chapter 1: Just Minutes Away (refined v.1)


A lovely Motherly hum was being sang in a bright giant room.

The humming continued to echo throughout the room. A quick glance at its source showed a expression that didn't match it's lovely tone, A pained heart is more noticeable than one might think.

She continued to hum as she looked at her left wrist, she tapped it and a blue semi transparent screen showed it self.

What showed was a model at the left side of the screen was a beauty, Its beauty was enough to rival the pinnacles of the world.

Her pain masked by a warm smile can be felt by a gaze. A quick glance at her body shows why her beauty is out of this world and like that of a Goddess, She was not Human.

She had Red Orb inside her stomach

with what seems to be in root like black ink, though it looked solid outside its insides seems to be moving, burst of golden glares came from its inner core until hitting it's red transparent shell as it glowed crimson red.

Then Red Orb was placed between her chest part and waist, yes her stomach was non-existent, The Orb was just hovering in between nothing more nothing less, as she was sitting.

A look at her head, her beauty shined but what seems to catch the eye a second time was her long golden hair was it made in gold? Dyed maybe?

No more need for proof that he appearance wasn't naturally made, she looked artificial and seem as though by someone. Added to that fact was that all joints was replaced with orbs.

She wore an open shoulder top midriff, though shoulders was red due to being orbs, her midriff was pure white and looked as though it might fall due to being loose, but

surprisingly secured at the same time.

A very noticeable floating white cloth from her back not touching the skin covers her.

It was shaped like a half diamond with its tip covering her necks back, while at the bottom part covers her orb and covers her sides if viewed in a distance. At the front view the tip of both ends extended and covered her front waist also not touching the skin.

What covers her front waists cloth looked like a intertwined snakes end, and buttoned by a blue orbit with its over piece reached her knee.

The woman described name was Serabelle Eden, that was her game name though her real name is Yu Min

a 3d modeler to a company that sells their models per customer request. Many of said buyers use these models to other games that gives them a lot of customization freedom like her game, and no they were not using pc's or other consoles like that of the 20th century era.

They were using what they call "Dive" it uses something like a helmet that can put them into a game. While they were playing games using Dive they look as though they were asleep though it might be better to say they are as sleep. The science behind it is open knowledge for the public to reduce consumer concern.

They connect the users using the chip at the back of their heads that was connected to their brain, there were many uses of said chip but it was mostly used in work and games.

Back to Sera.

Sera after opening the floating transparent screen she then looked at the top middle of the screen it said, "00:19:55,54,53…" and so on. It seemed as though it was counting down to an event or so, but a clear look at Sera's face it wasn't something to look forward for.

"19 minutes huh, seems like it's almost time"

Time for what? One could ask as she said it in a pained but lovely voice.

"well I want to craft a Godly Tier item before it permanently shut down—hyhs…" she then proceeded to stood up.

Sera stood up.

She was sitting at a solid white marble base, with golden intrecate designs plated at its arm, arm supports and top rail.  At the back of the solid throne, golden ray spikes like poked out it's back, it was as though trying to make a sun like design. And at the center top most part of the throne was a banner.

A banner who bore the crest of the Celestial Realm.

Celestial Realm is a place where Sera aka the Celestial Mother's home was, well it is what she calls home but it's more like a miniature country than anything actually, because this place is big enough to have a small working city though only run by NPC's, A Hell like portal to the underworld—Ravine, A floating Oasis home to angels, An Actually sea filled with undead though it's water was cut short by the world's edge, An Industrial age like factories who's smoke was like that it came from a children's art work producing rainbow like glitter smoke, and lastly a gigantic grand palace at the very center, still though there's more to this jammed pack place in what seems to be a fantasy like country picked up straight from the earth and tossed to space, for if you look at the edge bellow there's nothing but the far away stars and black space.

Though it's still in a game but this particular place was Sera's private domain not accessible to the public as to how it was created? Well that's a question for an another day.

Back to Sera's grim reality that all of these was coming to an end.

She then gazed at the right side of the throne where a  woman stood as if she were waiting for someone.

The woman wore a large robe that was white as milk, it was soft but but not hagged as it is too big for her tall and sexy frame. Upon closer look she looked liked an elf with long pointy ears just like Sera.

Just like Sera their face was alike, Both their eyes had golden irises, both their brow, eye lash, and hair shined gold,  but the girl's hair was that of a fantasy princess as she had long braided hair on the back and a part of her left eye was covered by her silk like hair, as to Sera's hair was like of that of "sif's the goddess of hair" hers was long and that it almost reaches the ground.

(Note: google "goddess of hair")

Her name was Vessia Eden, the titles of her was at of the following:


[2nd Child]

[Grand Marshal]

2nd Child? What does that mean you might ask, well at this game it gives you a lot of freedom as to how to play it and including at said freedom was the freedom to make and edit NPC's, It allowed players to add their custom Design, Background, Skills and other stuff, though given freedom still had its limits but that was to be explained at some point later on.

Though she looked alive, though she seems to be breathing and blinks, she's by no means sentient, she was no better than a manikin or a robot whom only respond to certain commands by players who's permitted by its creator do so.

Sera stared at her.

She stared at her eyes with an heart aching warm smile, as she then proceed to turn around gently and commanded her.

"[Vessia: Follow]"

As soon as Vessia's program identified and processed her command she proceed to follow her as per said.

Walking down a set of stairs over a red carpet with golden side thread whiles Vessia follower her behind her back.

They were walking towards the hall at the far end or opposite side of the throne towards a Gigantic hall door made with the same color as the golden chandeliers above which were placed in a rhythmic order along the red path.

A question may be asked to why were they walking in a game with magic and stuff can't they just teleport or something? Well the answer to that is yes, yes they can and also can't at the same time, why? You may ask again, that is because a system implanted by Sera to prevent intruders whom in some miracle successfully intrude, an Anti Teleportation System aka "Pop And Bop Sky Laser" who's which targets any Hostile,Non registered, and even allies to automatically shoot them with a Over Stacked Super Tier Spell, that rendered any Resistance futile as it can kill in a shot a Lv.130 pure max built user unless said user has a invurnerability item or skills and passive, as to why is it named after such a moronic name? mine either I just came up with it so roll with it.

After Sera and Vessia walked towards the gigantic hall door, as soon as they were near enough they got detected by the doors Automatic Opening System they were welcomed by a long hall it's was as tall as the throne room but narrower.

Walking pass some statues and other items etcetera, on display at the hall they were meet with another door though this door isn't gigantic as the previous it was still grand.

They continue to walk passing other majestic halls, going to exquisite doors and grand stair ways, they then reach their destination in about 10 minutes, though it would've took longer for a mear human to walk through, Sera has long legs as she was 4 meters tall and Vesi—Vessia but Im going to call her Vesi now in narration, tried to follow her pace as she now was speed walking.

Soon after they passed a lot of guards some who wore a full plate red, black and gold armour, bore a tower shield on the left with white feathers like things at its sides and on the right were gigantic halberds, half of the guards though wore a different  colored armour theirs was white and gold, those colors compliments the guards bleach white wings, wings? Like that of an angel? Yes, like an angel.

They both walked and reach the door at the farthest end of the hall filled with guards, as the guards guarded empty rooms that to remain unused for the game's end is just a minutes away.

After walking through a door who's was 8 meters tall, the tallest of the rooms doors around this part of the palace, a detailed sign filled with intrecate's design said "Serabelle Eden's Room".

What welcomed them was a place that didn't look like a bedroom, it more akin to a workshop more than anything, though there's a bed big even for Sera to lay down upon, the other stuff inside the room was strange and it looked as though it came from a sci-fi movie or something, it looked like what you might see in a car workshop, many robot arm with different tools at their hands, a lot of polygon like stuff and other things, this machines were used to create, enchance, modify, etcetera.

This was a machine set named "Phanes Tools" it was a World Tier item though a set it can be compact to a single briefcase that looked like a slab of solid quarts with a blue orb as a button like thing at the middle, which identify as a single item.

The machines color set was white as it's base, gold plating ,and orbs of blue and red, gave each of them different but heavenly aura.

Sera walks towards the machines as she warmly touch the machines side parts as she go, and she then stopped at a machine that had a floating white table with white solid spider like legs and an blue orb at its middles that gave a small buldge at its otherwise slick frame, that was placed in the four corners of the floating white table, if one looks bellow it a big Red Orb between the table and the ground was placed, at the right side though, a long robot arm like thing with 4 fingers that seemed as though it sprung from the floor had a Red Orb at its palm.

She stood at the table front and proceed to say.

"[Proton Printer:Activate]"

A beat later after the machine recognized her command a golden mist like haze gently surfed around it illuminating the already divine like device a golden glow.

As followed per command the now activated machine produced a screen like hologram the one like the screen from Sera's wrist when she taps it.

Appearing now at Sera's front, it was filled with words and what seem to be 3d models of stuff like swords, spears, guns, and other stuff, she then touched the top right side corner of the screen and showed a search bar,

After which she typed the words "Swords", what appeared at the screen was a vast amount of different modeled swords as it contain different types of it, one of which is what Sera picked, after touching it information too long that she had to scroll down for it to be read, showed it was named "Nordic Broad Sword v.2" it looked as it was named after, a broad Sword, it was long at about 45 inches and the handle has a relatively normal dragon design.

After Sera edited some parts like the design and other stuff, given the creative freedom given by the game to the players, she then commanded the machine to "[Print]" though now the sword looked longer and now looked as though it belonged in a art museum than for practical use, though everything she did comes with a price that came in the form of Data Essence, that's to be explained later on.

After Sera picked her favoured sword design and edited it to her preference, she then pressed the screen that said print.

The machine began printing the said weapon, making a weapon was generally done by a User or NPC with a Blacksmith Class or similar one, but Sera's Machine allowed her to make it without having said class, though to use this machine it needs a lot of Data Essence.

Data Essence? Well Data Essence are the basics of basics when doing almost any edit, customization, modification, Creation and many more. Data Essence is obtained by Killing monsters, after they die Data Essence is part of said loot even lower level monster drop so but the higher the monster the higher quantity of Data Essence obtained, Same goes for completing quests higher difficulty higher quantity.

As it was making the weapon, at the screen showed that numbers of what seem to be materials began to drop most noticeably the Data Essence one.

Sera looked at the screen and she stared at a number exponentially lower than any material present, it was name "Primal Ingot" and the value at the screen said 6, it was 7 before.

Primal Ingot was a material with only 1 out of 14,000,000 of appearing in a high level mine, it was so rare infact only 233 was circulating the in game market and Sera has 6 of those now.

(note: numbers may be changed in the future Refine and Compiled version, yeah imma fix the errors after finishing book 1)

"Well it's the last day no point in not using this stuff" she said as she continued to watch the weapon in the making.

"Well it's the last day no point in not using this stuff" she said as she continued to watch the weapon in the making.

After it was finished though she picked it up and looked at it and using her skill "[Perfect Inspection]" it showed a stat screen different colored and sized as the bluish hologram.

The one that popped up was yellow and has a side design of what seems to be leaves.

What showed was at of the following:

Name: Finality





Data Essence Cap.:40000—100,000





Skills and Passive:


(note:There are more information, I wanted to write it but it would be too long and I don't want to trouble you with that but I will write it in a extra chapter after this)


She was surprised of how well it went because some stats when making stuff are permanent like the traits and rarity.

"Not only did it got Godly Tier it even got a Primal Trait Haha! Yeah go m—… oh right."

The happy feeling she got suddenly turned grim as she remembers her beloved game's fate.

"Ehem—back to work"

She then moved to an another machine while carrying the sword, though her mood was now

Serious a faint smile is seen at her godly face.

Vesi whos still lifelessly following her a few steps behind was showing her static smile.

Sera then stood in front of a sci-fi druid stone like thing, it was white with sharp edges as it formed a mountain top shape but it's center was hallow and produced a blue mist and glowed, there were glass like lines about 3 inches wide from top to bottom, it also radiated a faint blue glow.

This Sci-fi like machine was name "Proton Ability Implanter" it allows it's user's to add Skills and Passive to what ever one puts at it, though there are some restrictions but that would be explained later.

Sera putted the sword at its glowing center and the sword floated as it rotates in a calm manner, she then said "[Proton Ability Implanter:Activate]" and just like that a screen similar to the Proton Printer appeared.

Sera scrolled to many abilities it was long so she then tapped it's top right corner, a search bar appeared then she typed "Unholy", Unholy?

Unholy is a magic subtype and the opposite of holy.

Unholy gives skills gives extra Dmg. To Good Karma and Divine Magic Users though there were other abilities to counter said subtype some of which was a popular Passive among the Divine Class users [Unholy Immunity], [Evil Protection, [Holy aura] and an a very unpopular one [Celestial Aura], this ability is soon to be explained.

Sera picked the following abilities:

Active Skills:

[Grievous Unholy Strike] X

[Fall of the fallen angel] X

[12 Glutanious simultaneous Strike] X


Passive skills:

[Fallen's Hope] X

[Fallen Dragons Final Breath] X

[Saga of the fallen] X


(note: I can give the details of the actives and Passive but it would be too long.)

"Damn that was a lot of  Data Essence used huh, I always get carried away when enchanting" she said to her self.

She then took the floating sword.

"Now for the finale, the Enchancement part."

Sera showed a worry some face as she then walked towards an another machine.

The machine was big not the biggest one but big nonetheless, it was shaped like a throne but instead of arm supports it has an arachna like legs that twist like a fern bud but it wasn't all the way turned, it has the same color scheme as the [Proton Ability Implanter], its side had glowing blue lines that was much darker than the [Proton Printer].

She stood there an stared at it for a second before saying.

"Nothing to lose now" as she proceeds to put the sword with its handle down and blade up.

"fwuup—fwooo…" her breathing was loud enough that even at a distance as Vesi behind her can hear.

"[Proton Enchancer: Activate]"

The already dark blue glow began to have gotten darker as soon as she said that command, and a blood red screen unlike the previous bluish ones, and unlike the previous countless models like before, this however had only the swords model and information.

The Blood red screen to its right side had a very ominously looking button that said "enchance" Sera stared at it for a second before saying.

"please don't break"

She clenched her left fist and bit her lower lip, as her right point finger slowly approached the button.

Tap, is what she did and not a even a beat later, the dark blue colors of the machine turned blood red and.

Shhhssss…— is what it sounded as golden gas poured out of its side and the blood red screen turned gold for a bit, as the Data Essence counter began to lower again.

After that Sera closed her eyes and let out a sigh of relief forgetting the now very limited time.

What happen you ask? Why is she acting that way? Well first of all the Enchancing part is a very very risky type of improving ones stuff for

The punishment for failing will result in the item being destroyed and turn into nothing but ash, the probability of which is at the following:

★— many items of the items starts with this

★★—30% failure rate

★★★—50% failure rate

★★★★—70% failure rate

★★★★★—85% failure rate

★★★★★★—99% failure rate

★★★★★★★—99.5% failure rate

Though enchancing items gives a very large amount of stat upgrade, upgrading items to more than 4 stars is considered madness in the game.

Sera's spine was tingling from fear and excitement as she continues to enchance it.

2nd time success.

3rd time success.

4th time though she hesitated for a bit she later pressed it and succeed.

Now for the greatest gamble of all the final two stars.

Sera stared at the button again hesitating to press it, it was not long but her time now until the game fully close is only a minute or so away and every time she press it, it takes exactly 15 seconds of animation.

For the 6 stars she pressed it, her eyes so wide open that it seemed like it was about to burst out of her eyes sockets, she was sitting her lip hard and clenching her fist harder than ever before, then.


It succeeded, it was a gamble only few ever dare to do with a Godly Tier item, if she could shed a tear she would've but she was in a game so on her relived expression showed, then she remembered the time.

"oh fuck there no more time"

She then pressed the button again for the final l gamble of having 0.5% chance of succeeding, she knows that it will fail, but does she had anything to lose? No it's the last day so she stared at the sword not the screen but the sword and then.

Gold…Golden confetti blowed from its back as she shouted.

"YESSSS!!!!!!" she shouted at the top of her lungs as.

"Congratulations Mother" and folowed by heavy claps.

"YEAH! Thanks" she was smiling from ear to ear "I think I'm the only one who succeed in doing this with a Goldy Tier" she replied while her eyes

was staring at the sword then.

"wait what?"

(note: see you next chapter ✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧)