
Celestial Dawn : Melda's apocalypse

It came as a violent, unimaginable crisis to Melda and her friends, when the proud daughters of the Daskan lords and officials were taken captive by the Samalkans, whom they regarded as weak and degenerate. The descendants of the Red Dask cower in fear and confusion as a new sun rises in the east. Thus begins Melda's quest of unsettling discovery of her roots and her final redemption.

Roaming_Discerner · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 5 : The Clerk's plan

Today however was a day they never saw coming. Most of them were rudely awakened by shouts of Daskans gathered before their villas and after getting the dire news, they collected all their money and slaves and marched to the district headquarters. They did not lead the commoners, they simply went where the commoners went.

-"Gentlemen of repute, please get inside the meeting hall. I will meet you shortly. The governor said."

After they sat in the council hall, one of the Tei, Remmak stood up facing the governor. After a cursory look at the other notables, he asked –

"Governor, what are we going to do now?"

-Depends on what has happened Senior Tei. We do not know everything about the current situation.

-Oh! What is there left to know? Kyle Gnoss has fallen to the eastern Tamos. AThe country is going to be ruined!

-I have heard that. But we do not have any instructions from the army. The civil government has not contacted us. Frankly, we don't know what to do.

At this, a very old man from the Tei rose. He spoke in a thundering voice, "You haven't received any orders from higher ups, because they were busy protecting their own skin. Everyone is running away to be safe from the enemy. Respected Daks Berram came here without an arm. This should be enough of a message for an intelligent man like you."

Kulsef took the insult to his intelligence lying down. He was trained to catch corrupt officials who kept the revenue from the central govt. This was something nobody prepared him for. Because nobody dreamed of such a situation, at least in Dask. He discussed with his deputy in hushed voices. Finally he spoke with a trembling voice –

"This is a very dangerous time for all of us. I mean the entire Daskan race. We need to do something before the enemy comes here. The army's messanger did not come here. But most of you are telling me that the army wants every Daskan to go beyond the Ghiber mountains, to the lowlands of Chettems. We need to go early. Gather your families and belongings. We would tomorrow before daybreak. In three days we can reach the old mountain fastness, our ancestors fought from. After that we should be safe."

-Tomorrow! But we have lots of stuff to move.- This was from a town official.

-We have the slaves for that Sir-interjected an old Tei.

-"I doubt they will listen to us now Sir." The old Tei thundered again. Their brethren are coming to liberate them. Also in this part of the country, They are more numerous. Its unfortunate. But I would advise you all to take enough food, water and weapons and run for your lives. I am leaving now. Its time to hurry."

The old man's words did produce an impression. The Daskan notables were silent for some time. Finally, a young clerk in the committee of order and morality spoke. He was present in the meeting as an assistant who writes down the proceedings. Normally he would have lost the job for speaking here. But this was not a normal situation.

-"You people are giving the filthy Tamos too much credit. Listen, they are a race of slaves, and will always remain slaves. Have Daskans lost all courage? Only one whip is enough for fifty hard Tamos buttocks, and two hundred of their soft and sweet buttocks."

Taking a brief pause to smile at his own wit, the lad spoke again -

We need to carry our wealth with us. Else we would be refugees who will be spat on by our own countrymen. That happened before, as you know. Also, when we reach the Chettems marshes, we would need slaves to work for us. The governor has two hundred armed constables. He has enough weapons to give to all Daskan young men. I know, a lot of weapons came six weeks ago. Dare I say, six hundred armed Daskan men are enough to keep at least three thousand slaves in line. Also there will be others. Everyone should be wary and not give the slaves any chance."

-"I do not have two hundred men Chedshen. But yes, we should have enough men to make at least two thousand slaves go with us. But the trouble is, they won't want to go. And what about those we will leave behind? They are sure to tell the invaders about us. And they might simply pursue us with whatever weapons the can get."

-"I have a plan sir. If you all allow me to explain, we would still be able to live comfortably beyond the Ghiber mountains." A grin appeared on the young clerk's face.

Chedshen's eyes were increasingly looking very unsettling to Kulsef. And he saw the same look in the eyes of most men, young or old, notables or servants. Kulsef has never liked this look. All his life he thought he can do without following the Daskan way of life. He had secured a position, partly by merit and partly by connections. He never desired more. He didn't like what men of the Daskan nobility become as they work for the government. The governor had a liking for music and alchemy. With an old moralistic father, wife and two exquisite slave girls he was very proud of, he thought he would age in elegant futility. But now a storm has come to his doorstep. He did not want to know Chedshen's plan of action. But he knew that it would be carried out in his name.