
Celestial Connect

A simple video game completionist has been playing a game called Celestial Connect for years and it's the only game he's been playing. As he gets the final character he needs to 100% the game, he gets an error on his screen. All of his data ends up getting deleted, but that's not all that happens. He ends up getting sucked into the game itself! Having no idea why or how this happens, it is clear there is no way out of the game so he is stuck being a Captain in the universe of Celestial Connect. Along the way, he unlocks his Celestias and builds an actual relationship and "Connects" with them along his journey. He has no clear goal other than explore the new universe he's now in. Please enjoy the story of Celestial Connect!

WhiteVoidist · Fantasy
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4 Chs

I Got "Isekai'd" Into My Game!

"Finally! I finally got her! The Celestial Goddess, Cesenta! After hours of trying to beat this stupid mission!" I said with a groan. I sat back in my gaming chair and decided to take a look at her. I looked at her with clear satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment.

As I prepared to level her up, an error showed up on my screen.

「Error Code: 0001DX80001」

"Error Code?! No not now! After all that progress and work I put into the game! You can't give me an Error Code now, game!" I said and began to try to figure out what to do to fix the error.

「Error: Corruption In Data, Returning to Title Screen」

"Bruh...You can not be serious right now." I said in disbelief and slammed my hand on the keyboard. "I spent over $500 on this game don't tell me my data got corrupted!"

I clicked start and looked at my save files and all of my data was gone. I didn't even get angry, I just got up and went straight to bed. I wasn't going to waste my energy raging at my monitor like I do when I play Call of Duty and Fighting Games. I got into bed and turned my lamp off then went straight to sleep, keeping all of my internal anger inside.

Hours pass and something felt off to me. It was more cold than usual. I mean, yeah I had on the fan and the air conditioner, but this type of cold felt different. It was almost like a chilling freeze. I grunted and opened my eyes and noticed I was floating in a white void. I panicked and noticed a mirror in front of me.

"Whoa! Why am I naked?!" I asked and covered my genitals.

「Welcome, Captain0982. Please enter your name.」

An interface appeared in front of me with a holographic keyboard that appeared in front of me.

"What kind of fever dream shit is this..?" I asked myself and looked at the Holographic Keyboard.

I began to type in my name, not understanding a single thing that was going on.

「Got it. Hello, Axel. Now onto-」

"Hold on! What the hell is going on?! Where am I?" I asked.

「You are going through the character creation process. Now please, customize your character.」

I decided to make myself into my old character. I gave myself, white hair, blue eyes, and a beauty mole under my left eye. I was still naked, but went along with it.

「Good. Now onto your class. Please decide what class you wish to start out as.」

There were five different classes to choose from to start off.

Soldier: This class is very proficient with Spear and Axe weapons.

Knight: This class is very proficient with Sword weapons

Ranger: This class is very proficient with Bow and Gun weapons

Cleric: This class is very proficient in White Magic and Staff weapons

Mage: This class is very proficient in Black Magic and Wand weapons

I chose the knight class since that's the class I started off as. After choosing the class, clothing magically appeared on my body. I looked at myself in the mirror. I wore a white shirt, black pants, brown boots and gloves, and a white scarf. Basic iron armor appeared around my body and a basic iron sword appeared inside of a scabbard with a strap around my waist.

「Thank you for completing the character customization process, Captain Axel. You will now be transported to your home, Erstonia Town. May you have safe travels in the Celestia Universe.」

"Wait! I still have-" I noticed the reality around me shattering and I began falling from the sky. I yelled and held my hand out. I crashed onto a stand and groaned. The townfolk noticed me and looked surprised.

"My apples!" The owner of the apple stand cried out.

I held my head and groaned softly. I slowly got up from the damaged stand then looked around. I was in the starting town of Celestial Connect. "What the hell..?"

The townfolk looked at me in awe and were confused. I had just fallen from the sky and already made an interesting entrance by falling from the sky onto some guy's apple stand.

"Uh...hey?" I said nervously.

They all just looked at each other then looked back at me. I decided to walk off and get away from the massive confusion I caused. I looked around and noticed all of the townfolk going about their daily lives. There were armory shops, weapon shops, general item shops, and even clothing and cosmetic shops.

「Welcome to the Universe of Celestial Connect! I will be your tutorial guide on how to get around and operate around the areas. First, please accept this Beginner's Gift Pack.」

An interface appeared in front of me and I pressed it then magic sparkles appeared around me.

「Received 10,000 Stars, 10,000 Zil, and Star Guide, Pastel!」

Pastel flew around me in the form of a Pixie and stopped in front of me. She smiled at me and floated in the air. She had long pink and blue gradient hair, sparkling blue eyes, and wore a white and gold dress with white boots that went up to her thighs. Her wings were blue and she had aura butterflies fluttering around her.

"Hello!~ I'm Pastel and I'm gonna be your guide for your adventure!~" Pastel said with excitement.

"Were you the system talking in my head earlier?" I asked.

"Huh? No that was the Celestial Goddess, Cerenta or whatever her name was. I was sent here by her as a welcome gift to our universe." Pastel said as she flew around me.

"Ahh so you can tell me exactly what the fuck is going on here right?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" Pastel asked and crossed her arms with a confused face.

"First my game data was deleted and all of a sudden I'm sucked into this universe with no way home. I was Isekai'd without dying!" I said.

"Oooohhhh!~ I dunno. All I know is that I'm here to help you on your adventure as a Captain for all these beautiful Celestias who will have the luxury of joining you in your adventure." Pastel giggled and smiled.

There really was no explanation. It just...happened. Usually one has to die to be transported into a new world, but this is different. Knowing there was no way out, I decided to just deal with the situation and go along with whatever was going on. For some reason, although I beat the game, I could not remember anything about the game. It was like my memories of the game was erased as well.

"Follow me!~" Pastel flew ahead.

I followed her. "Where are we going?"

"We are going to the training field!~ We are starting our tutorial!" Pastel said.

I continued to follow Pastel to the training field without any complaints. We entered the training area and Pastel placed her hands on her hips.

「Area Discovered: Training Field (Fast Travel Possible)」

I looked at the notification that popped up in front of me then scratched my head. "That's gonna take some getting used to."

"Alright!~ First Tutorial: Menu!" Pastel said.

"Alright. How do I open the menu?" I asked.

"Swipe your finger down in front of you." Pastel answered.

I swiped my finger down and an interface appeared in front of me. I noticed there were five options: Settings, My Character, Friends, Chat, and Map.

"Good now select the My Character option!" Pastel said.

I selected the My Character option and subcategories appeared in front of me. The subcategories were Stats, Equipment, Upgrade, Skills, and Items.

"Pick the stats option." Pastel said.

I clicked on the stats option.

「Obtaining Status....」

An interface with my status appeared in front of me.

Captain Name: Axel

Class: Knight

Ability: N/A

Level: 1

Rank: F

Attack: 10

Defense: 8

M.Attack: 4

M.Defense: 6

Speed: 7

Luck: 5

"I'll go over each stat and make sure you understand the concept. Attack is obviously how hard you can hit physically with bare hands or with a weapon equipped. Defense is how much damage you can take physically, your equipment plays a factor in this. Magic Attack is how much damage you can deal on the magic side and if you're a support class the higher your Magic Attack, the better the effect of your support magic. Magic Defense is how much damage you can resist on the magic side, equipment also plays a role in this. Speed is how fast you can move, attack, and react in battle. Heavier equipment often lowers your speed, and lighter equipment often raises your speed or doesn't change the stat at all. Speed also plays a role in retreating from battle as having a higher speed stat means you'll get out of battles easier. Luck plays a role in Critical Hits and resisting Debuffs as well as playing a role in your fortune on luck based events. Luck also plays a role in Gambling Games." Pastel said.

"What about HP and MP?" I asked.

"HP isn't calculated by numbers but your bodily conditions and stamina. MP basically depends on your stamina. You can essentially have unlimited uses of your magic skills if you keep an eye out on stamina which will regenerate normally when not in battle." Pastel smiled and placed her hands on her hips.

"This is different from the base game...I guess some mechanics changed since this is now real life for me. Even Pastel, seems more human than an AI...I mean she just answered my questions like a human would.." I said to myself.

"Tutorial Two! Combat!" Pastel said then summoned a slime blob.

The slime blob hopped up and down, making squishing noises as it moved.

Name: Slime

Level: 1

Attack: 4

Defense: 2

M.Attack: 2

M.Defense: 3

Speed: 3

Luck: 2

"Draw your weapon and strike the slime!" Pastel said.

I unsheathed my sword then dashed to the slime and slashed at it, defeating it in one hit. I gained some EXP after defeating the Slime.

"That's how you do it!" Pastel giggled.

"The combat system is different. I can move however I want. This allows for innovative combos and the ability to create any skill I want it seems within the correct conditions." I said.

"Alright let's try a tougher enemy now!~" Pastel said then summoned a Kobold.

Name: Kobold

Level: 1

Attack: 9

Defense: 5

M.Attack: 4

M.Defense: 4

Speed: 8

Luck: 4

"Tutorial Three: Combos!~ Combos are essential for combat! Not only are they super flashy when done correctly, but with each successful consecutive hit, your attacks will begin to become stronger and stronger but not by much. The longer your string without interruption by the enemy via dodging, parrying, or blocking, the stronger your attacks become! Try it out!" Pastel said.

I nodded then got into my battle stance then ran to the Kobold and slashed to the left then to the right and finished the Kobold with an upward slash. I earned more EXP from defeating the Kobold.

「Level UP!」

Captain Name: Axel

Class: Knight

Ability: N/A

Level: 1 -> 2

Rank: F

Attack: 10 -> 13

Defense: 8 -> 10

M.Attack: 4 -> 6

M.Defense: 6 -> 8

Speed: 7 -> 10

Luck: 5 -> 8

「Skill(s) Learned: Psych Up, Dual Slash, Splitter Slash!」

"Nice! You've leveled up and earned yourself a couple of skills! You can equip as many skills as you want on you and even use them in your combos as combo extenders or combo finishers! You have full control over your combat!" Pastel smiled at me.

I looked at my sword and closed my eyes. As wonderful as this felt, it also felt really strange at the same time. I wondered how the other areas were going to play out.

"Let's go! I think you got the basics and if you need any help on what we just learned, you can review the tutorials in the Help Option in the Settings Menu." Pastel smiled.

I opened my eyes and nodded then followed Pastel out of the training field.