
Celestial Chronicles (Eternals)

Join me and let's create the next (1) Anime series together. Let's make create the best story ever , full of mind blowing Adventures, unpredictable plot twists and best storyline ever. Every reader is part of a network of coeditors of this upcoming anime. Inspiration can come from anyone, no one is ignored, let's turn ideas into Anime together. Social media links will be left in the authors thought section of every chapter. Send your thoughts, I would love to hear them.

Humble_Angel · Anime & Comics
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1 Chs

The tale of the beginning.

There is a tale of ancient roots told among the sons of angels. 


Before the beginning , before the existence of creation, there was a Supreme Force, that existed beyond time, beyond dimensions, beyond The Infinity.

This Force like a perfect Yin and Yang flowed, as two energies in one.

The first (YANG) being a life giving force, flowing with infinite possibilities and infinitely full of the highest form of life (The light).

The second (Yin) an infinite pool of death an anti life that take everything away (The darkness).

Theses two energies being the opposite of each other ,flowed in perfect unison creating TAO , the Heart of all existence and non existence. And in this there is the perfection of unity, Tao creates the Yin and Yang , and the yin and yang flow into the centre of their union, to create the TAO.

Legend has it that , that the force of Tao is a living force, so full of life, it is as though it was alive, no it was alive!.

Within the Yang existed all possibilities of life, and all infinite multiverses of existence and possibilities, hence the Tao Had the power to create life.

Within the Yin existed anti life and destruction , giving the Tao the power to take life.

But in all this , the Tao being both everything and nothing all in one , was void and empty. He desired company , he desired family, he knew he was alone.

Deep within the realms of all possibilities and multi verses, in the heart of the Yang , the Tao summoned the Light of life, and with this Light he calibrated the perfect amount of energy and matter required to form the universe.

Just like a star , the explosion of this Light , ushered the birthing of the Universe. During the birthing of the Universe, the Spirit of the Tao flowed through the light , and like a master craftsman , The Tao formed and design an ecstasy of stars beyond numbering, each with planets teeming with evolving lifeforms. The Tao also formed multiple dimensions and planes of the heavens fulls of Angel in orderly ranks and divisions, and all the many wonders of the Universe, and all creation.

The universe was created to flow like Tao,( full of life, yet ever decaying. To keep an eternal flow of life and existence , the Tao made The Light , the very life force of all existence and creation. He creation called this light God , because of the power it wielded, and Father because it was the Tao , that flowed through the universe and gave life to everything.

Yes the Light and the Tao are both one and the same, flowing in perfect unity, the light is the extension of Tao, capable of existing within the Universe.

Thus the heavens and universe was completed

[The story Begins]

New chapters will be released next week Monday, and so will the social media links , for chats and announcements.

By the way manga will be starting by ending of july.

Have a great day everyone .

Humble_Angelcreators' thoughts