1 The Creation of Hoshi

The gods prepare a universe in order to see whose properties are the best. Amateratsu, Susanoo, Thor, Odin, Anubis, Shiva, all intend to give their properties a body but like a human. Even though they'll be many versions of their properties giving birth to many beings. For the most part, this is to see who is the strongest without actually having to fight each other. If they were to actually fight directly it would be the end of all things. Even the properties belonging to the same God were to fight to see which property is the strongest within that God. It is a natural trait for these entities. The gods do not manipulate them in the slightest, only giving birth to them. 

The main focus is a being that was given birth within an area alone. Not even within millions of miles would there be an astronomical object. They were deep within the cosmos not knowing where or what they are. Even though this might seem depressing it looks like they did not have the knowledge to care. The only thing that you really had would be the knowledge of what they could do. In short this being was the embodiment of a star rather it be a neutron star, a white dwarf, or even a blue giant. The gods could only make one of each similar to this being. For now, the entity would wander the cosmos. 

They travel hundreds of miles within an instant. Little did they know that another celestial entity was on their way. Would they care? Not really. They're too preoccupied with wandering the cosmos. Something like a sixth sense spike out, alarming the entity. They're movements are put to a halt. A radiance brighter than Stars shine before them. The light transforms into a figure imitating that of a young curvaceous woman.

"My child, what might you be up to in the midst of this darkness." She hovered over him in such a gracious manner illuminating her surroundings effortlessly. A gorgeous sight to see, one couldn't miss this beautiful entity even if they were blind. "...." He didn't know what she was saying but understood. Mentally, her words were being picked apart and rearranged. "This confusion you are facing is only temporary. You have a mission." Curiosity would form into his mindset. What would she be talking about? "A war has erupted amongst this realm. For the sake of this plane's future, become the one who stops this." War? He didn't know of such until she said something. It was as if the information entered him to help himself  understand things under a brighter light. 

"Understood." He finally spoke to her. "I will not fail you, mother." The god like figure fades into the darkness of the cosmos alike an illusion. As this occurs, a light flashes from afar. His eyes sparkle when the light hits but a force was behind it. Something with explosive power was on the edge of hitting this stellar entity. An explosion goes off, clearing the area with smoke. "Just like the first Nine Stars, one more is extinguished." A floating being held a bow in the direction of the stellar entity. "This war is a piece of cake!." It was Xi, the destructive light property of the Chinese Goddess, Xihe who governs over the Ten stars to preserve Earth. 

The smoke covering Hoshi's position inverts itself as the size decreases more. "Hm? So he survived. Good, I can have more fun now." The smoke dissipates and all that is seem would be Hoshi standing there with an arrow in his right hand.

"He caught my light arrow." Xi gripped the grip of the bow while two fingers pulled the string back. "Let's see if he can catch three! X-Ray Arrow!" Hoshi's lips shift into an O shape. Energy thrust out as a beam, speeding toward Xi as they were on the verge of letting the string loose. The beam was concentrated magnetized/pressurized elements that were broken down into lesser yet lighter elements like helium -4. The energy emitted from this process is focused toward pushing photon particles. They are merged together in a singular position. As they push along each other, a magnetic field is forged from the spinning of electrons. This magnetic field magnetised the energy further by helping compress it.

Xi's head was apart of a shooting range and Hoshi was the gunner. Footholds of light form as she moved when the light closed in on her. "Using light against me is a mistake!" Her fingers left the horse string bow. "Damn, he's gone? He must've used the light as a distraction." Those arrows were used in vein. An alarm sparked in her mind. Xi shoved her elbow in an upward 60° angle. It would drastically rise before extending her forearm out with her bow. Following this movement was a 90° spin to the right. These movements we're put to a halt by a single hand to Xi's wrist.

Hoshi's mass increase at a fast rate, before being focused into a singular points, his knuckles. The weight of Earth placed onto his left hand. His shoulder rocks back as he winds up just fist for a world breaking punch. The celestial bone centered in the back of Xi's shattered, muscles were ruptured, and veins were popped.

The living properties of the Gods and goddesses are constructed out of existing energy between the planes. That energy was indirectly accessed by the gods and goddesses in order to create beings like Hoshi.

Miles passed by after Xi was struck by Hoshi. Consciousness faded for under a second which was enough for Xi to recover. Her spinal cord reforms in the center of her back whilst the other injured parts of her body regenerate.

"Oh, you're awake? That wa-" Xi groaned before exerting a flash around herself. She appeared at a far range from where Hoshi was holding her. "So you can travel using light? Okay." He said floating right beside her.
