
Caveman Detective (DELETE PLEASE)

"Hey brother, the author wants us to do a summary." "How lazy, brother. We solve mysteries day in and day out, and now we have to do this too." "I know, right? And what is the deal with that title?" "Talk about misleading. I'm not a caveman, I just spent 10 years in prehistoric times." "And you are my assistant anyway. I'm the only registered PI in the family." "Yeah, but the name is catchy... certainly better than Hipster Detective Agency." "Well if you like it so much, then you pay for a new sign!" "Wait brother, why are you walking away in a huff?" "Why do you think!?!"

evilantoniowriting · Sci-fi
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4 Chs

Case 002: So magic is a thing...

Police interrogation rooms are the worst. No, not for any of the reasons you're thinking of. It's because they purposefully pick the most uncomfortable chairs possible when doing the interior design that I hate these places so much. Well, at least now I'm not the one in the hot seat.

"So, you claim time travel as the reason for your disappearance," the interrogator asked my brother. He was too busy eating the food provided to respond immediately, so the interrogator had to firmly tap the table to get his attention.

"Sorry, I haven't had such tasty food in 10 years. Its like a dream. Now what was your question again? Oh right, the time travel... To tell the truth, I'm not entirely sure either. Like, the stars were all in the same position, but there were also dinosaurs and lizard people running around. You guys probably know more than I do, as I opened the door 10 years ago only to enter a jungle. And, yesterday, I fell into a canyon after a fierce battle with the sun mammoth tribe, only to find a door that led me back to the same bar that transported me there initially."

"And do you have any proof of these claims?"

"Everything on me is proof, isn't it? Just ask an archaeologist."

"You mean an anthropologist."

"Sure, whatever."

"And you also claim to have learned magic on your excursion to the past?"

"Well, again the answer to that is tricky. I can cast spells, yes, but they are granted to me through the Moon Tiger. There were rival shamans that could do the same thing without a god's help, which is probably closer to your idea of that word."

"Mhm. Can can you give an example of one of these spells?"

"Sure," Billy said before chanting a few words of that primitive language he brought back while waving his hands.

"Yup, north is that way," he said while pointing north.

"That's it?" the interrogator asked.

"Hey, don't knock the direction spell. This is a must have for when you wander the savage jungle."

"Surely, you don't need him for anything else?" I asked the officer with me on the other side of the one-way glass.

"I'll have you know that faking one's death is a serious offense."

"And who were the ones who declared him dead, huh?"

"... Fine, but neither of you leave Cinderville for the time being."

"Roger that Officer Polanski," I said before walking my brother out of the station. It took us several minutes to get to my car on account of all the reporters looking to get an interview with 'the mysteriously reappeared man' as they called him. We ignored them and pushed forward.

While driving us to my house, Billy remarked "man, if only they had air conditioning back then, I wouldn't have needed the coolness spell."

Unable to bare it any longer, I pulled over the car and asked "You know, you don't have to lie to me brother. Do you know how long I looked for you? At least tell me the truth..."

He looked at me and frowned, "believe me, I would take it all back if I could. You haven't mentioned dad since I came back. I take it he passed while I was gone."

I nodded in silence while failing to hold back tears.

"Let's go visit him sometime brother. But before that, how about I show you a flashier spell? I can't very well have you doubting me, can I?"

"Ugh, enough! If you don't want to be honest with me just... keep it to yourself..."

While talking, I was rudely interrupted by his chanting and hand waving again. But this time there was a visible effect, as the interior of the car became shrouded in darkness once he finished.

"This and dark vision were my go to combo as a shaman of the Moon Tiger. That way, while you're still floundering around, I have already approached and run a dagger across your neck."

I couldn't tell what he was doing in the darkness, but I did feel a sharp prick on my neck after he said that.

"Those must have been violent times."

"You wouldn't believe it."

"Did you kill people?"

"... I don't want to talk about it."